To add your installation, command or organization on the Army A-Z locator, please register at
Armywide Content Armywide Content
0-9 0-9
- 1st Armored Division, Fort Bliss, Texas
- 1st Battalion, 10th Special Forces Group
- 1st Battalion, 1st Air Defense Artillery
- 1st Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division
- 1st Cavalry Division, Fort Cavazos, Texas
- 1st Theater Personnel Operations Center
- 1st Infantry Division, Fort Riley, Kan.
- 1st Information Operations Command Land
- 1st Signal Brigade
- 1st Theater Sustainment Command
- 24 Hour SHARP Hot Line - DoD Safe Helpline
- 24 Hour Crisis Hot Line - Veterans Crisis Line
- 2nd Cavalry Regiment
- 2nd Infantry Division
- 2nd Signal Brigade
- 3rd Battlefield Coordination Detachment-Korea
- 3rd Infantry Division, Fort Stewart, Ga.
- 3rd U.S. Infantry Regiment (The Old Guard)
- 4th Infantry Division, Fort Carson, Colo.
- 5th Battlefield Coordination Detachment
- 6th Medical Logistic Management Center
- 7th Army Training Command
- 7th Army Training Command NCO Academy
- 7th Infantry Division
- 7th Signal Command (Theater)
- 8th Theater Sustainment Command, Fort Shafter, Hawaii
- 9th Mission Support Command
- 10th Army Air & Missile Defense Command
- 10th Mountain Division, Fort Drum, N.Y.
- 11th Air Defense Artillery Brigade
- 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment (ACR)
- 12th Combat Aviation Brigade
- 16th Sustainment Brigade
- 18th Field Artillery Brigade
- 18th Medical Command
- 18th Military Police Brigade
- 19th Battlefield Coordination Detachment
- 19th Expeditionary Sustainment Command
- 20th CBRNE Command
- 21st Signal Brigade
- 21st Theater Sustainment Command
- 21st Theater Sustainment Command Special Troops Battalion
- 25th Infantry Division, Schofield Barracks, Hawaii
- 27th Infantry Brigade, Syracuse, N.Y.
- 30th Medical Brigade
- 30th Signal Battalion, Schofield Barracks, Hawaii
- 31st Air Defense Artillery Brigade, Fort Sill, Okla.
- 35th Air Defense Artillery Brigade, Korea
- 38th Air Defense Artillery Brigade
- 38th Infantry Division, Indianapolis, Ind.
- 39th Signal Battalion
- 39th Transportation Battalion
- 41st Field Artillery Brigade
- 42nd Infantry Division, Troy, N.Y.
- 44th Expeditionary Signal Battalion
- 48th Chemical Brigade
- 52nd Signal Battalion
- 56th Signal Battalion
- 66th Military Intelligence Brigade
- 68th Theater Medical Command
- 69th Air Defense Artillery
- 71st Ordnance Group
- 75th Field Artillery Brigade
- 76th Operational Response Command
- 79th Theater Sustainment Command
- 81st Stryker BCT
- 81st Readiness Division
- 82nd Airborne Division, Fort Liberty, N.C.
- 84th Training Command
- 85th Support Command, Arlington Heights, Ill.
- 88th Regional Support Command
- 94th Army Air and Missile Defense Command, Fort Shafter, Hawaii
- 99th Regional Support Command
- 101st Airborne Division, Fort Campbell, Ky.
- 102nd Signal Battalion
- 108th Training Command
- 116th Cavalry Brigade, Boise, Idaho
- 128th Aviation Brigade
- 173rd Airborne Brigade (SkySoldiers)
- 200th Military Police Command
- 207th Military Intelligence Brigade (Theater)
- 249th Engineer Battalion
- 266th Financial Management Support Center
- 278th Armored Cavalry Regiment, Knoxville, Tenn.
- 302d Signal Battalion
- 405th Army Field Support Brigade
- 409th Contracting Support Brigade
- 412th Theater Engineer Command
- 416th Theater Engineer Command
- 428th Field Artillery Brigade, Fort Sill, Okla.
- 434th Field Artillery Brigade, Fort Sill, Okla.
- 451st Sustainment Command (Expeditionary)
- 501st Military Intelligence Brigade
- 509th Signal Battalion
- 593rd Sustainment Command (Expeditionary)
- 6981st Civilian Support Group
- 780th Military Intelligence Brigade (Cyber)
- Aberdeen Proving Ground (APG)
- Aberdeen Test Center (ATC)
- Accession Medical Standards Analysis & Research Activity (AMSARA)
- Adjutant General School, Fort Jackson, S.C.
- AFRICOM (U.S. Africa Command)
- Air Traffic Services Command (ATSCOM)
- Alabama National Guard
- Alaska National Guard
- Anniston Army Depot, Ala.
- Architectural Barriers Act of 1968 (ABA) - Facility Accessibility Notice (PDF)
- Arizona National Guard
- Arkansas National Guard
- Arlington National Cemetery
- Armed Forces Retirement Home
- Armor School, Fort Moore, Ga.
- Army Acquisition Corps
- Army Audit Agency (AAA)
- Army Aviation and Missile Command (AMCOM) - Redstone Arsenal, Ala.
- Army Bands
- Army Benefits Center - Civilian
- Army Cadet Command
- Army Civilian Personnel
- Army Command Structure
- Army Community Hospital Weed-Irwin, Fort Irwin, Calif.
- Army Contracting Command
- Army Correspondence Course Program
- Army Cyber Command
- Army Echoes
- Army Emergency Relief
- Army Enterprise Marketing Office
- Army Entertainment
- Army Environmental Command
- Army Family Action Plan
- Army Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation Command
- Army Family Readiness Groups
- Army Field Support Battalion - Lewis McChord
- Army Futures Command
- Army General Officer Assignments and Biographies (GOMO)
- Army Geospatial Center (AGC)
- Army Gift Program
- Army Housing
- Army Human Resources Command
- Army Ideas for Innovation (AI2)
- Army Joint Support Team (AJST)
- Army Leadership
- Army Legal Services Agency
- Army Lodging
- Army Management Staff College (AMSC)
- Army Materiel Command (AMC)
- Army Medicine
- Army Modeling and Simulation Office
- Army Morale, Welfare and Recreation (MWR)
- Army Mountain Warfare School, Fort Moore, Ga.
- Army National Guard
- Army Network Enterprise Technology Command (NETCOM)
- Army Office of Small Business Programs
- Army Officer Candidate School, Fort Moore, Ga.
- Army Operations Research Symposium
- Army Public Affairs
- Army Public Health Center
- Army Regulations
- Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences
- Army Research Laboratory
- Army Research Office
- Army Reserve - Recruiting
- Army Reserve Aviation Command
- Army Resilience Directorate
- Army Retirement Services
- Army Review Boards Agency
- Army Safety (Combat Readiness Center)
- Army Sexual Harassment/Assault Response & Prevention (SHARP)
- Army Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program
- Army Substance Abuse Program
- Army Substance Abuse Program (ASAP)
- Army Sustainment Command
- Army Sustainment University
- Army Test and Evaluation Command
- Army Training Help Desk
- Army Training Information System
- Army Training Requirements and Resources System (ATRRS)
- Army Training Support Center (ATSC)
- Army University Press
- Army War College, Pa.
- ARNews
- Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisitions, Logistics, and Technology (ASA(ALT))
- Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works (ASACW)
- Assistant Secretary of the Army for Financial Management and Comptroller (ASA(FM&C))
- Assistant Secretary of the Army for Installations, Energy and Environment (ASAIE)
- Assistant Secretary of the Army for Manpower and Reserve Affairs (ASAMRA)
- Association for Death Education and Counseling
- Asymmetric Warfare Group (AWG)
- Auditor General (SAAG)
- Aviation Center of Excellence, Fort Novosel, Ala.
- C5ISR Center
- Cadet Command
- California National Guard
- Cameron University ROTC
- Carlisle Barracks, Pa.
- CBRN School
- Center for Army Analysis (CAA)
- Center for Army Leadership (CAL)
- Center for Army Lessons Learned (CALL)
- Center for the Army Profession and Leadership (CAPL)
- Center of Military History (CMH)
- Central Army Registry
- Chaplains, Office of the Chief of Chaplains (OCCH)
- Chemical Materials Agency (CMA)
- Chief Information Officer (CIO)
- Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL)
- Cold Regions Test Center (CRTC)
- Colorado National Guard
- Combat Casualty Care Research Program (CCC)
- Combat Readiness Center (Safety)
- Combat Related Special Compensation (CRSC)
- Combat Trafficking In Persons
- Combat Training Center Directorate (CTCD)
- Combined Arms Center (CAC) - Fort Leavenworth, Kan.
- Combined Arms Center - Training
- Combined Arms Doctrine Directorate (CADD)
- Combined Arms Support Command, Ft. Gregg-Adams, Va.
- Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa
- Command and General Staff College (CGSC)
- Command and General Staff College, Directorate of Educational Technology (CGSC-DOET)
- Commissaries
- Communications-Electronics Command (CECOM)
- Computer Hardware, Enterprise Software and Solutions (CHESS)
- Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP)
- Connecticut National Guard
- Construction Engineering Research Laboratory
- Contracting Command (ACC)
- Corpus Christi Army Depot (CCAD), Texas
- Correspondence Course Program (ACCP)
- Cost and Economics
- Counseling - Military One Source
- Crane Army Ammunition Activity
- Credentialing Opportunities Online (COOL)
- Criminal Investigation Division (CID)
- Defense Ammunition Center
- Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS)
- Defense Forensics and Biometrics Agency
- Defense Information School
- Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA)
- Defense Language Institute English Language Center, Lackland AFB, Texas
- Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center, Monterey, Calif.
- Defense Media Activity (DMA)
- Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA)
- Defense Threat Reduction Agency
- Defense Video & Imagery Distribution System (DVIDS)
- Delaware National Guard
- Department of Defense
- Department of Defense Education Activity
- Deployment Health Assessment Program
- Deployment Well-Being
- Deputy Chief of Staff, G-6
- Deputy Chief of Staff, G-9
- Devens Reserve Forces Training Area, Devens, Mass.
- Digital Training Management System (DTMS)
- DiLorenzo TRICARE Health Clinic, Washington, D.C.
- Directorate of Environmental Integration
- Directorate of Training and Doctrine
- District of Columbia National Guard
- DoD Blast Injury Research Program
- Drill Sergeant School
- Dugway Proving Ground, Utah
- Dwight D. Eisenhower Army Medical Center, Fort Eisenhower, Ga.
- Echoes
- Eighth U.S. Army Noncommissioned Officer Academy
- Eighth U.S. Army, Korea
- Electronic Proving Ground, Ariz.
- Emergency Relief
- Engineer Research and Development Center
- Engineer School, Fort Leonard Wood, Mo.
- Enlisted Records and Evaluation Center
- Enterprise Cloud Management Agency
- Enterprise Multimedia Center
- Environmental Command (USAEC)
- Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)
- European Command
- Evans Army Hospital, Fort Carson, Colo.
- Families
- Families (Reserve)
- Field Artillery School, Fort Sill, Okla.
- Fifth U.S. Army
- Finance and Comptroller School
- Financial Management Command
- First U.S. Army
- Fiscal Law Website, JAG
- Florida National Guard
- Forms, Department of the Army
- FORSCOM (U.S. Army Forces Command)
- FORSCOM 916th Support Brigade Fort Irwin, CA
- Fort Belvoir, Va.
- Fort Bliss, Texas
- Fort Campbell, Ky.
- Fort Carson, Colo.
- Fort Cavazos, Texas
- Fort Detrick, Md.
- Fort Dix, N.J.
- Fort Drum, N.Y.
- Fort Eisenhower, Ga.
- Fort Eustis, Va.
- Fort Gregg-Adams, Va.
- Fort Huachuca, Ariz.
- Fort Hunter Liggett, Calif.
- Fort Irwin, Calif.
- Fort Jackson, S.C.
- Fort Johnson, La.
- Fort Knox, Ky.
- Fort Leavenworth, Kan.
- Fort Leonard Wood, Mo.
- Fort Liberty, N.C.
- Fort McClellan, Ala.
- Fort McCoy, Wis.
- Fort Meade, Md.
- Fort Moore, Ga.
- Fort Novosel, Ala.
- Fort Richardson, Alaska
- Fort Riley, Kan.
- Fort Sam Houston, Texas
- Fort Shafter, Hawaii
- Fort Sill, Okla.
- Fort Stewart, Ga.
- Fort Wainwright, Alaska
- Fort Walker, Va.
- Fox Army Health Center, Redstone Arsenal, Ala.
- Freedom of Information Act Office (FOIA)
- G-1 - Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel (ODCSPER)
- G-2 - Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence (ODCSINT)
- G-4 - Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics (ODCSLOG)
- G-6 - Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Command, Control, Communications, Cyber Operations and Networks
- G-8 - Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Programs
- G-9 - Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Installations
- General Leonard Wood Army Community Hospital, Fort Leonard Wood, Mo.
- General Officer Management Office (GOMO)
- Georgia National Guard
- GI Bill
- Gold Star Families
- Government Jobs
- Guam National Guard
- I Corps, Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Wash.
- Idaho National Guard
- III Armored Corps
- III Corps, Fort Cavazos, Texas
- Illinois National Guard
- Indiana National Guard
- Infantry School, Fort Moore, Ga.
- Information Systems Engineering Command (USAISEC)
- Inspector General (OTIG)
- Installation Management Command (IMCOM)
- Installation Management Command - Europe
- Installation Management Command - Pacific Region
- Institute for National Strategic Studies
- Institute of Heraldry (TIOH)
- Institute of Surgical Research - U.S. Army, Fort Sam Houston, Texas
- Integrated Personnel and Pay System-Army (IPPS-A)
- Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM)
- Intelligence School, Fort Huachuca, Ariz.
- Intelligence, Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence (ODCSINT) - G-2
- Iowa National Guard
- Ireland Army Health Clinic, Fort Knox, Ky.
- Irwin Army Community Hospital, Fort Riley, Kan.
- Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Wash.
- Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall
- Joint Chemical Biological Defense Research Program (JCBDRP), Md.
- Joint Chiefs of Staff
- Joint Multinational Readiness Center, Germany
- Joint Multinational Simulation Center
- Joint Munitions Command (JMC)
- Joint Personal Property Shipping Office, Joint Base Lewis-McChord
- Joint Program Committee-8/Clinical and Rehabilitative Medicine Research Program (JPC-8/CRMRP)
- Joint Readiness Training Center (JRTC), La.
- Joint Systems Manufacturing Center - Lima Army Tank Plant
- Joint Trauma System - The Department of Defense Center of Excellence for Trauma
- Judge Advocate General, Office of The Judge Advocate General (OTJAG)
- Madigan Army Medical Center, Tacoma, Wash.
- Maine National Guard
- Maneuver Support Center of Excellence
- Marine Artillery Detachment, Fort Sill, Okla.
- Martin Army Community Hospital, Fort Moore, Ga.
- Maryland National Guard
- Massachusetts National Guard
- McAlester Army Ammunition Plant
- McDonald Army Health Center, Fort Eustis, Va.
- Media Releases
- Medical Command (MEDCOM) Office of Equal Employment Opportunity Programs
- Medical Communications for Combat Casualty Care (MC4)
- Medical Department - Fort Drum
- Medical Department-Alaska (MEDDAC-Alaska)
- Michigan National Guard
- Military Academy, USMA, West Point, N.Y.
- Military District of Washington (MDW), Washington, D.C.
- Military Equal Opportunity (MEO)
- Military Funerals
- Military Health Care (TRICARE)
- Military Health System Europe
- Military Health System Research Symposium (MHSRS)
- Military Impacted Schools Association (MISA)
- Military Infectious Diseases Research Program (MIDRP)
- Military Intelligence Readiness Command
- Military One Source
- Military Operational Medicine Research Program (MOMRP)
- Military Police School, Fort Leonard Wood, Mo.
- Military Postal Service Agency (MPSA)
- Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command (SDDC)
- Minnesota National Guard
- Mission and Installation Contracting Command
- Mission Command Training Program (MCTP)
- Mississippi National Guard
- Missouri National Guard
- Moncrief Army Health Clinic, Fort Jackson, S.C.
- Montana National Guard
- Morale, Welfare, and Recreation (MWR or FMWRC)
- Mountain Warfare School, Jericho, Vt.
- Multi-User ECP Automated Review System (MEARS)
- Munson Army Health Center, Fort Leavenworth, Kan.
- My Training Tab
- MyPay - DFAS
- National Guard Bureau (NGB)
- National Guard Bureau International Affairs
- National Interagency Confederation for Biological Research (NICBR)
- National Military Family Association
- National Museum of Health and Medicine (NMHM)
- National Simulation Center (NSC)
- National Training Center (NTC), Calif.
- NATO, U.S. Army
- NCO Journal
- Nebraska National Guard
- Network Enterprise Technology Command
- Nevada National Guard
- New Hampshire National Guard
- New Jersey National Guard
- New Mexico National Guard
- New York National Guard
- North Carolina National Guard
- North Dakota National Guard
- Northern Warfare Training Center (NWTC)
- Office of Business Transformation
- Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation
- Office of the Administrative Assistant to the Secretary of the Army (OAA)
- Office of the Army G-1
- Office of the Army G-3
- Office of the Army G-4
- Office of the Army General Counsel (OGC)
- Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works (ASACW)
- Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Financial Management and Comptroller (ASA(FM&C))
- Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Installations and Environment (ASAIE)
- Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Manpower and Reserve Affairs (ASAMRA)
- Office of the Auditor General (SAAG)
- Office of the Chief Legislative Liaison (OCLL)
- Office of the Chief of Chaplains (OCCH)
- Office of the Chief of Engineers (OCE)
- Office of the Chief of Public Affairs (OCPA)
- Office of the Chief of Staff of the Army (CSA)
- Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence (ODCSINT) - G-2, Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance (ISR) Task Force
- Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics (ODCSLOG) - G-4
- Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations & Plans (ODCSOPS) - G-3/5/7
- Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel (ODCSPER) - G-1
- Office of the Inspector General (OTIG)
- Office of The Judge Advocate General (OTJAG)
- Office of the Program Manager - Saudi Arabian National Guard (OPM-SANG)
- Office of the Provost Marshal General (OPMG)
- Office of the Secretary of the Army (SECARMY)
- Office of the Under Secretary of the Army (U/SECARMY)
- Office of the Vice Chief of Staff of the Army (VCSA)
- Officer Candidate School
- Officers
- Official Army Publications and Forms
- Ohio National Guard
- Oklahoma National Guard
- Operational Support Airlift Agency (OSAA), Fort Belvoir, Va.
- Ordnance School, Fort Gregg-Adams, Va.
- Oregon National Guard
- Outdoor Recreation
- Peacekeeping & Stability Operations Institute
- Pennsylvania National Guard
- PEO Aviation
- People First Task Force (PFTF)
- Personnel (MILPER) Messages
- Picatinny Arsenal, N.J.
- Pine Bluff Arsenal, Ark.
- Pittsburg State University ROTC Gorilla Battalion
- Post-Deployment Health Reassessment
- Posture Statement
- Privacy Act
- Product Director Test, Measurement, and Diagnostic Equipment
- Product Manager - Sets, Kits, Outfits & Tools
- Program Executive Office for Ammunition (PEO Ammo), Picatinny Arsenal
- Program Executive Office for Combat Support and Combat Service Support (CS&CSS)
- Program Executive Office for Command, Control and Communications-Tactical (PEO 3CT)
- Program Executive Office for Enterprise Information Systems (PEO EIS)
- Program Executive Office for Enterprise Information Systems: HR Solutions
- Program Executive Office for Ground Combat Systems (PEO GCS)
- Program Executive Office for Intelligence, Electronic Warfare & Sensors
- Program Executive Office for Simulation, Training and Instrumentation
- Program Executive Office Soldier
- Public Affairs, Office of the Chief of Public Affairs (OCPA)
- Public Health Command, East
- Publications, Administrative
- Pueblo Chemical Depot, Colo.
- PX - Army Air Force Exchange Service (AAFES)
- Rank
- Raymond W. Bliss Army Health Center, Fort Huachuca, Ariz.
- Ready Army
- Records Information Management System
- Records Management and Declassification Agency (RMDA)
- Recruiting Command
- Red River Army Depot (RRAD), Texas
- Redstone Arsenal, Ala.
- Redstone Test Center (RTC)
- Reimer Digital Library
- Reserve, Office of the Chief of the Army Reserve (OCAR)
- Retirement Services
- Reynolds Army Health Clinic, Fort Sill, Okla.
- Rhode Island National Guard
- RMDA, Records Management Training and Program Management
- Rock Island Arsenal (RIA), Ill.
- Rock Island Arsenal - Joint Manufacturing and Technology Center
- Rodriguez Army Health Clinic, Fort Buchanan, Puerto Rico
- Safety (Combat Readiness Center)
- Schofield Barracks, Hawaii
- Secretary of the Army
- Sergeant Major of the Army
- Sergeants Major Academy
- Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention (SHARP) program
- Sierra Army Depot, Calif.
- Social Media
- Software Engineering Center - Ft. Monmouth, N.J.
- Soldier for Life
- Soldier Support Institute, Fort Jackson, S.C.
- Soldier Systems Center, Natick, Mass.
- Soldier's Creed
- South Carolina National Guard
- South Dakota National Guard
- Strategic Studies Institute & USAWC Press
- Stuttgart, U.S. Army Garrison
- Suicide Prevention Program
- Survivor Benefit Plan
- Talent Management
- Tank-automotive and Armaments Command (TACOM)
- Tank-automotive and Armaments Command Integrated Logistics Support Command
- TCM Virtual & Gaming
- Telehealth & Technology Website and Resource Locator
- Tennessee National Guard
- Test and Evaluation Command
- Texas Army National Guard
- The Andrew Rader U.S. Army Health Clinic, Fort Myer, Va.
- The Army Distributed Learning Program
- The Borden Institute
- Third U.S. Army
- Thrift Savings Plan
- Tobyhanna Army Depot, Pa.
- Tooele Army Depot
- TRADOC Analysis Center
- TRADOC Application Gateway
- Training - Help Desk
- Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC)
- Transportation Command
- Transportation School, Fort Eustis, Va.
- Traumatic Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance (TSGLI)
- Tricare Management Activity (TMA)
- Tripler Army Medical Center, Honolulu, Hawaii
- Twilight Tattoo
- U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM)
- U.S. Army Aberdeen Test Center (ATC)
- U.S. Army Acquisition Support Center (USAASC)
- U.S. Army Aeromedical Research Laboratory (USAARL)
- U.S. Army Alaska
- U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command (AMCOM) - Redstone Arsenal, Ala.
- U.S. Army Aviation Battalion Japan (USAABJ)
- U.S. Army Center for Initial Military Training (USACIMT)
- U.S. Army Central (USARCENT)
- U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command (DEVCOM)
- U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command Aviation & Missile Center
- U.S. Army Combined Arms Support Command (CASCOM)
- U.S. Army Community Resource Guides
- U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)
- U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District
- U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District
- U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Division (USACID)
- U.S. Army Cyber Center of Excellence
- U.S. Army Cyber Command
- U.S. Army Cyber School
- U.S. Army Electronic Proving Ground
- U.S. Army Environmental Command
- U.S. Army eSports Team
- U.S. Army Europe (USAREUR), Germany
- U.S. Army Europe NATO Brigade
- U.S. Army Financial Management Command (USAFMCOM)
- U.S. Army Forces Command (FORSCOM)
- U.S. Army Futures Command (AFC)
- U.S. Army Garrison - Ansbach
- U.S. Army Garrison - Bavaria
- U.S. Army Garrison - Benelux
- U.S. Army Garrison - Camp Parks
- U.S. Army Garrison - Daegu
- U.S. Army Garrison - Detroit Arsenal, Warren, Mich.
- U.S. Army Garrison - Fort Hamilton
- U.S. Army Garrison - Fort Walker
- U.S. Army Garrison - Garmisch
- U.S. Army Garrison - Hawaii
- U.S. Army Garrison - Humphereys
- U.S. Army Garrison - Italy
- U.S. Army Garrison - Japan
- U.S. Army Garrison - Kwajalein-Atoll
- U.S. Army Garrison - Livorno
- U.S. Army Garrison - Okinawa
- U.S. Army Garrison - Presidio of Monterey
- U.S. Army Garrison - Red Cloud Camp Casey
- U.S. Army Garrison - Rheinland-Pfalz
- U.S. Army Garrison - Stuttgart
- U.S. Army Garrison - Yongsan
- U.S. Army Health Contracting Activity
- U.S. Army Human Resource Service Center
- U.S. Army Installation Management Command
- U.S. Army Institute of Surgical Research (USAISR)
- U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM)
- U.S. Army Intelligence Knowledge Network
- U.S. Army Japan
- U.S. Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School
- U.S. Army Legal Services Agency
- U.S. Army Materiel Command (AMC)
- U.S. Army Medical Center of Excellence (MEDCOE)
- U.S. Army Medical Command (MEDCOM)
- U.S. Army Medical Materiel Agency (USAMMA)
- U.S. Army Medical Materiel Center Europe
- U.S. Army Medical Materiel Development Activity (USAMMDA)
- U.S. Army Medical Readiness Command, Europe
- U.S. Army Medical Readiness Command, Pacific
- U.S. Army Medical Research Acquisition Activity (USAMRAA)
- U.S. Army Medical Research and Development Command (USAMRDC)
- U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense
- U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID)
- U.S. Army Military District of Washington (MDW)
- U.S. Army Museum System
- U.S. Army Network Enterprise Technology Command (NETCOM)
- U.S. Army North (USARNORTH)
- U.S. Army Operational Test Command (OTC)
- U.S. Army Pacific (USARPAC)
- U.S. Army Publishing Directorate (APD)
- U.S. Army Records Management and Declassification Agency (RMDA)
- U.S. Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine (USARIEM)
- U.S. Army Reserve Command (USARC)
- U.S. Army Reserve Legal Command (USARLC)
- U.S. Army Security Assistance Command (USASAC)
- U.S. Army South
- U.S. Army Southern European Task Force, Africa (setaf-af)
- U.S. Army Southern European Task Force, Africa (www)
- U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command (SMDC)
- U.S. Army Special Operations Command (USASOC)
- U.S. Army Test and Evaluation Center
- U.S. Army Test and Evaluation Command (ATEC)
- U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC)
- U.S. Army Weapon Systems Handbook Archive
- U.S. Army Women's Museum
- U.S. Army, NATO
- U.S. Military Academy at West Point, N.Y. (USMA / West Point)
- U.S. Office of Special Counsel
- U.S. Office of the Army G-4
- Under Secretary of the Army
- United Service Organizations (USO)
- United States Army Medical Materiel Center - Korea (USAMMC-K)
- United States Central Command
- United States European Command (USEUCOM)
- United States Indo-Pacific Command
- United States Northern Command (USNORTHCOM)
- United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM)
- United States Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM)
- United States Transportation Command (USTRANSCOM)
- University of Arkansas ROTC
- University of Colorado - Boulder Army ROTC
- University of Colorado - Colorado Springs ROTC
- University of Hawaii, ROTC Warrior Battalion
- University of Illinois at Chicago ROTC
- University of New Mexico Army ROTC
- USAMRDC Chemical Biological Defense Partnership Support Directorate (PSD)
- USAMRDC New Products and Idea (NPI)
- USAMRDC Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Outreach
- USAMRDC Telemedicine & Advanced Technology Research Center (TATRC)
- Utah National Guard
- Walter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR)
- Walter Reed Army Institute of Research Clinical Trials Center (WRAIR-CTC)
- Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, Human Subjects Protection Branch (HSPB)
- Walter Reed Medical Center
- Warrant Officer Recruiting
- Warrant Officers
- Washington Headquarters Services (WHS)
- Washington National Guard
- Watervliet Arsenal, N.Y.
- Weed Army Community Hospital, Fort Irwin
- West Point, USMA
- West Virginia National Guard
- Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (WHINSEC)
- Wheeler Army Airfield, HI
- White House Communications Agency (WHCA)
- White Sands Missile Range (WSMR)
- Wiesbaden, U.S. Army Garrison
- Wisconsin National Guard
- Womack Army Medical Center, Fort Liberty, N.C.
- World Class Athlete Program (WCAP)
- Wyoming National Guard