This webpage is not intended to solicit donations.
The United States Army consists of Soldiers, their families, and civilians that epitomize what is great about the United States. Their willingness to sacrifice and preserve our way of life and build a better future for others is the foundation of our nation’s strength and character.
Due to the overwhelming generosity and support of the American public wanting to know “How Can I Help the Army?” the Army Gift web site was developed to provide a centralized source of information describing contribution options for those who have expressed a desire to support the Army, its Soldiers, and their Families.
The Army Gift Program manages and prescribes Army policy for the acceptance and disposition of gifts of real property, personal property, or money offered to the Army for the benefit of its organizations and personnel. The program provides oversight and structure to enable citizens, organizations, and corporations to contribute cash, goods, or real property to benefit the Army, its Soldiers, and their Families. Gifts are processed in accordance with Army Regulation 1–100, and Department of Defense 7000.14 (Financial Management Regulation) Volume 12, Chapter 30 (Gifts under Title 10, U.S. Code, section 2601) and Volume 12, Chapter 3 (Gifts under Title 10, U.S. Code, section 2608).
The Army Gift Program goals are as follows:
Gifts from prohibited sources, which consists of donors doing business or seeking to do business with the Department of the Army (DA) (such as defense contractors), will not be accepted unless acceptance will not cause embarrassment to DA or give the appearance of donor influence over official DA decisions or actions. Gifts donated to the Army are categorized as real property, personal property, monetary, or services.
The Army requires donors to submit a written offer explaining the contribution, its value, any cost to the Army, and the complete details of any conditions associated with the contribution. This offer is submitted to the installation or organization that will receive or manage the contribution. Once processed by the Gift Program Coordinator, the gift will be accepted or declined, on behalf of the Army and, the donor will be informed via a letter from the approval authority with instructions on where to deliver or send the gift.
Donor Checklist
The gift offer presented to the Army Organization benefiting from the gift must include the following:
Below is a proffer letter template for donor's use.
Template_General Gift Proffer Letter.docx [DOCX - 13.8 KB]
Why did the Army put up this Web site?
This Web site was developed to provide the public an online resource to answer the question: “How can I help?” The Army Gift Program Web site centralizes the many venues and paths for public assistance that are part of the Army’s overall Gift Program. Contribution options addressed in the Web site include support for the Army, Soldiers and Families, Wounded Warriors, Army installations, Soldier Employment and more in the form of money, goods or services.
Is the Army just looking for money?
This Web site is not intended to solicit contributions from the American public. It was developed to provide a single resource that describes contribution options for those who express a desire to contribute to Soldiers and Families. The Army Gift Program has existed for many years; however, the law allowing the Army to accept gifts was recently amended allowing the Army to accept gifts to assist Wounded Soldiers, Wounded Civilian Employees and their Families.
Are contributions tax deductible?
A contribution to the United States or the Department of the Army is tax deductible if your contribution is made solely for public purposes and is not set aside for use by a specific person. Please consult your tax advisor for details.
How long does it take for my gift/contribution to be accepted?
The approval process will depend on the type of gift, cost, and how the gift was donated. For an estimated acceptance timeline, please contact the Army Gift Coordinator at
Can I make an online credit card contribution to the Army?
The Army program that can accept online, credit card contributions, up to $10,000, is the Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation Programs. To contribute or receive additional information, click here.
Review the Highlight articles for additional Army programs that allow donations online.
How will I receive confirmation that my contribution has been applied to the area/program I specified?
By law, gifts accepted by the Army for a particular purpose must be used for that specific purpose. One hundred percent of monetary contributions are used according to a donor’s conditions. No part of a contribution is used to offset administrative expenses. For online monetary contributions, each donor will receive a receipt that acknowledges the contribution and identifies the program area of choice. The Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation Command will then transfer the funds to the appropriate Army installation and ensure that the installation’s Financial Management Division has received the contribution. For gifts of real property or personal property to the Army, the donor will receive an acceptance letter from the gift acceptance authority acknowledging the acceptance or denial of the gift.
How can I make a contribution to a specific Army Installation?
Visit the Military Installations website and find the specific installation. If assistant is needed, use the contact information listed on this site.
How can I make a contribution to Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation programs?
There are a variety of Army programs that support Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation programs.
Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation Programs processes general unsolicited contributions in the form of goods, services or money for use in Army Morale, Welfare and Recreation programs that support Soldiers and their Families. For more information, please contact the Army Morale, Welfare, Recreation Web site.
Does the Army recommend any organizations, programs, or such that support our Solders?
The Department of Defense Military Support Organizations Web site provides a list of organizations that support service members and their families by providing assistance with education, finances, health care, employment and overall well-being.
Who can I contact about making a contribution to the Army?
Questions regarding gift assistance can be emailed to the Army Gift Coordinator at
Do You Need Assistance?
The Army's Gift Program is managed by the Office of the Administrative Assistant to the Secretary of the Army and can provide assistance with channeling specific gifts to the Army.
For more information or assistance with processing gifts accordingly, please e-mail the Army Gift Program Coordinator at