20th CBRNE

20th Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, Explosives Command


MISSION: The 20th Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, Explosives (CBRNE) Command exercises mission command over assigned U.S. Army Forces Command (FORSCOM) CBRN and explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) forces; on order, provides CBRN and EOD forces to Army and Joint, Interorganizational, Multinational (JIM) headquarters; on order deploys Joint Task Force headquarters in support of COCOM requirements.

VISION: Provide highly trained CBRNE forces that are 'Ready Now' to enable the Army to conduct Unified Land Operations and the Joint Forces to execute Unified Action.


  • Department of the Army unit comprising 75% of the Active Army's Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) and Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear (CBRN) units.
  • Routinely operates in support of joint, special operations, Interagency and International CBRNE organizations and entities.
  • Maintains a 24-7 focus on countering the range of CBRNE hazards at home and abroad.
  • Highly-technical, special purpose formation of approximately 3,800 soldiers and civilians posted across 16 states and 19 different installations.

20th CBRNE Command Leadership

  • Brig. Gen. W Bochat
    20th CBRNE Commanding General
    Brig. Gen. W Bochat
  • Command Sgt. Maj. Dave Silva
    20th CBRNE Command Sergeant Major
    Command Sgt. Maj. Dave Silva
  • Col. Phillip P. Murrell
    20th CBRNE Deputy Commanding Officer
    Col. Phillip P. Murrell
  • Charles Hughes
    20th CBRNE Command Deputy to the Commanding General
    Charles Hughes
  • Col. Scott J. Smith
    20th CBRNE Command Chief of Staff
    Col. Scott J. Smith
  • Chief Warrant Officer 3 Victoria RamageGarcia
    20th CBRNE Command Chief Warrant Officer
    Chief Warrant Officer 3 Victoria RamageGarcia


The Army is conducting a change of mission to focus on combating the COVID-19 pandemic. With this new mission, the Army will protect the force, posture the force to maintain global operational readiness, and support the national effort to fight against COVID-19. The Army continually assesses how we will best protect Soldiers, Civilians and their families, maintain force readiness to meet global challenges, and provide support to the FEMA-led national COVID-19 response.

Find out more about the Army's response here.

20th CBRNE Helping to Fight COVID-19 Across the World

  • 1st Area Medical Laboratory Soldiers have deployed all around the world to assist in testing for COVID-19, enhancing testing procedures and providing guidance to healthcare workers. See photos from these efforts here.

How the 20th CBRNE Workforce is Helping Their Communities

  • Soldiers of the 20th CBRNE Command have joined other volunteers in the Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland area to volunteer their free time and personal 3D printing capabilities to print and create face shields for donation to hospitals and health care workers across the Nation combating COVID-19. Read more here.

  • Children of a 20th CBRNE Command Soldier found a way to 3D print and create face shields to assist frontline healthcare workers of COVID-19. Read more here.

  • 20th CBRNE Soldiers chose to spend their Memorial Day weekend honoring their fallen comrade in a unique way, by spending their time giving back to their local community members impacted by COVID-19. Read more here.

Soldiers Display Hidden Talents During COVID-19 Social Distancing

  • SPC Meagan Burke, a 20th CBRNE satellite communications systems operator-maintainer, from Jacksonville, Georgia, is an enigmatologist otherwise known as a puzzle master. Read more here.

  • SPC Wheeler is much more than just a CBRN Specialist. Outside of his uniform, Wheeler’s passions for writing, singing and dancing have allowed him to enhance his life and begin his military career. Read more here.