SAGAMIHARA, Japan – Since the 38th Air Defense Artillery Brigade’s historic reactivation on Oct. 16, 2018, at Sagami General Depot, Pacific Guardians have hit the ground running to establish seamless operations and training to enhance air and missile defense readiness in the Indo-Pacific region.
Col. Joseph C. Scott, commander of the 38th Air Defense Artillery Brigade, maintains mission command of U.S. Army air missile defense (AMD) forces in Japan and Guam and supports U.S. Indo-Pacific Command, 94th Army Air and Missile Defense Command, and U.S. Forces Japan by providing integrated air and missile defense (IAMD) oversight.
The Pacific Guardian Brigade strengthens IAMD capabilities throughout the region by participating in multiple bilateral and joint training exercises, including Shodan Watch, Orient Shield, Yama Sakura, Keen Sword, Balikatan, Talisman Sabre, Resolute Dragon, Valiant Shield, and many more.
Soldiers with 1st Battalion, 1st Air Defense Artillery; Task Force Talon, Echo Battery, 3rd Air Defense Artillery; 10th Missile Defense Battery; 14th Missile Defense Battery; and Headquarters and Headquarters Battery continue to support and strengthen bi-lateral relationships with JSDF allies and the Guam community through training and community functions. Many actively and regularly foster positive relationships with the local community, educate the Japanese people about the unit’s mission, participate in the various year-round festivals, and devote countless hours to English language literacy initiatives, local community clean-ups, and a myriad of other activities.
Today, the brigade enters 2025 with more modernization ahead. The forward-stationed missile defense units in Japan and Guam continue to participate in regional and theater-level exercises, building partnership capacity with allies to protect against an ever-increasing ballistic missile threat in the region. Pacific Guardians are proud to be a part of the premier Army Air and Missile Defense Command, capable of quickly transitioning to war while remaining ready and able to execute their combat mission at any time.
On Oct. 16, 2018, the 38th Air Defense Artillery Brigade reactivated after nearly 37 years. The unit holds a rich history in the United States Army and took part in major conflicts spanning across three Army branches.
The 38th Brigade originally formed as a Coastal Artillery Brigade in August of 1918 as the command unit of three artillery regiments; 48th, 49th, and 50th Coastal Artillery Corps. The brigade served during World War I, supporting three subordinate units from Brest, France. The unit demobilized Feb. 28, 1919 when its Soldiers returned home and was recognized for its service with the World War I streamer with inscription.
The brigade reconstituted from an "Artillery Brigade, Coastal Artillery Corps," to the moniker "Coast Artillery Brigade." The 1930s were referred to as, "a period of retrenchment,” as many of the coast artillery units were wholly or partially, deactivated. The unit did not officially reactivate until Feb. 10, 1941 as the 38th Antiaircraft Artillery Brigade. The brigade deployed in support of Third Army at Avranches. It was responsible for defensive actions while awaiting the full operational capacity of Third Army and received participation credit in five of the seven campaigns in the European Theater of Operations. The unit received recognition with the Normandy 1944, Northern France 1944, Rhineland 1944 to 1945, Ardennes-Alsace 1944 to 1945, and Central Europe 1945 campaign streamers with inscriptions. The 38th remained in Germany following the end of the war until June 30, 1946 when it inactivated.
The unit activated again March 14, 1951 during the Korean War. Though the unit had no participation in the direct activities of the war, the occupants of the unit would transfer to the first guided missile groups of the Army. The personnel and equipment transferred to the 1st Guidance Missile Group (Surface-to-Air) and 2nd Guidance Missile Group (Surface-to-Surface) when the unit inactivated again May 11, 1953.
The brigade re-designated March 20, 1961 as Headquarters and Headquarters Battery, 38th Artillery Brigade. The unit's reactivation occurring five days later in the Republic of Korea. While stationed in Korea, the unit was under the operational control of the U.S. Air Force stationed at Osan Air Base. The brigade re-designated one more time to Headquarters and Headquarters Battery, 38th Air Defense Artillery Brigade March 15, 1972. The unit continued to serve under the Air Force command until its inactivation July 31, 1981. The 38th ADA Brigade was the recipient of the Air Force Outstanding Unit Award ex post facto March 18, 1982.
Headquarters and Headquarters Battery, 38th ADA Brigade, reactivated Oct. 16, 2018 at Sagami General Depot, Japan in support of the joint air and missile defense of 94th Army Air and Missile Defense Command, U.S. Army Japan and U.S. Indo-Pacific Command.
This section is designed to provide basic information on various social situations that reserve participants are likely to encounter and to educate and guide them in relationships with their Japanese counterparts. This is intended as a guide only and its application must be tempered to the circumstances and use of common sense.
Maps of private and Japan Rail (JR) and Tokyo subway lines are available at Army Community Service (ACS) Bldg. 402. These systems are efficient and ACS can help to get you anywhere where you want to go in the Kanto Plain. Stations have sufficient signage in English.
Camp Zama’s military operator can be reached at 046-51-1520. You can also call Camp Zama numbers directly from the U.S., by dialing 011-81-46-407- and then the last four digits. When calling a U.S. toll free number (800, 877, etc.) from a military phone at Camp Zama, just dial the number without the “1.” This works well when using a calling card.
Informal business wear (suits and dresses) is rarely needed in Japan. Casual clothing of conservative taste is acceptable almost everywhere. Dress warmly for winter and coolly for the heat and humidity of summer, but avoid wearing revealing clothing (e.g., shorts or tank tops) off post. Never mix military clothing with casual clothing.
MCGREGOR RANGE COMPLEX, New Mexico -- Soldiers from 1st Battalion, 1st Air Defense Artillery Regiment, 38th Air Defense Artillery Brigade, 94th Army Air and Missile Defense Command, out of Okinawa, Japan participate in a bilateral live-fire exercise with Japan Air Self-Defense Force Western Air Defense Missile Group to enhance integrated joint and bilateral air defense capabilities while also validating Patriot surface-to-air missile systems Nov. 9, 2024. Operation Shining Star is an annual training exercise where U.S. and Japan Air Defense experts execute simultaneous live fires of their own Patriot Air Defense missile systems to enhance mutual understanding of each country's tactics, communication protocols, procedures and interoperability. (U.S. Army video by Capt. Frank Spatt)
Sgt. Nelson, originally from Long Island, New York, shares what he likes about working with his small but dedicated team at Shariki and what he would like to achieve during his time in the Army.
SAGAMIHARA, Japan - 38th Air Defense Artillery Brigade exercises its #IntegratedAirandMissileDefense mission in simulations as part of the #KE24 Command Post Exercise at Sagami General Depot, Feb. 4, 2024.
“The purpose of this exercise is to innovate and experiment with urgency and focus,” said Col. Neal J. Lape, the 38th ADA Brigade Commander. “We conduct routine exercises throughout the year and are constantly working to create, refine, and deploy new capabilities that solve air defense challenges, improving every time.”
The training scenario is designed to test brigade staff and improve the skills necessary to defend Japan and the U.S. from notional threats. Direct coordination with our joint and trilateral partners for Air Defense is done through an Air Defense Artillery Fire Control Officer (ADAFCO) located at Yokota AB.
Keen Edge 24, which will run until Feb. 8, is the latest in a series of joint/multilateral command post exercises designed to increase our integrated joint operational capability, refine command and control procedures, and enhance participants' interoperability.
Keen Edge is part of the annual U.S.-Japan exercise series alternating between field training exercises (Keen Sword) and command post exercises. During Keen Edge 24, Japanese, U.S., and Australian headquarters staffs will employ computer simulations to practice responses in the event of a crisis or contingency.
U.S. Army Video by Maj. Trevor Wild
日本・相模原 – 令和6年2月4日、米陸軍第38防空砲兵旅団は日米豪共同 #キーンエッジ 指揮所演習の一環として、その #統合防空ミサイル防衛 任務をシミュレーション上で演習しました。
(写真: 米陸軍トレヴァー・ワイルド少佐撮影)
#KeenEdge24 #KE24 #IAMD #FreeandOpenIndoPacific #USJapanAlliance #FOIP
OKINAWA, Japan – Seven noncommissioned officers and Soldiers assigned to various units throughout 38th Air Defense Artillery Brigade competed in a grueling test of their physical and mental abilities during an annual contest at Torri Station and Kadena Air Base Oct. 26-28.
In the end, Sgt. Andrew K. Han, Patriot fire control enhanced operator with 10th Missile Defense Battery, won the title of Best Warrior Noncommissioned Officer, and Pfc. Louis M. Wellstood, Army intel analyst with 1st Battalion, 1st Air Defense Artillery Regiment, won the title of Best Warrior Soldier.
#WinningMatters #PeopleFirst #ByValorAndPower
Capt. Riley Campbell, Air Defense Artillery Fire Control Officer with 38th Air Defense Artillery Brigade out of Sagami General Depot, Japan.
The ADAFCO is a brigade or higher position that was created during Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF 2003).
ADAFCOs bring the human element into the decision-making process and can manage multiple battalions of Patriot fire units to protect friendly assets.
We are responsible for integrating air defense engagement operations into the joint and bilateral air defense systems in order to deter all hostile threats.
Spc. Dewey Langston, ADAFCA with 38th ADA
We provide assistance for rapid engagements of air-born targets and platforms; coordinate air defense artillery designated assets; monitor unit information and statuses while controlling air and missile defense engagements.
Chief Warrant Officer 2 Robert Schenk, ADAFCO with 38th ADA
When it comes to how we plan and conduct air defense operations,
we refine these skills through rehearsals and virtual air battles during readiness exercises.
KADENA AIR BASE, Japan – 2nd Lt. Anmol Narang, Roswell, Georgia native and air defense officer with 1st Battalion, 1st Air Defense Artillery Regiment, was awarded the Federally Employed Women’s Meritorious Service Award during the annual FEW virtual leadership conference Aug. 10.
FEW’s Military Meritorious Service Awards recognize outstanding military service members within the Armed Forces who have distinguished themselves with significant contributions to their service and the U.S.
“2nd Lt. Narang constantly engaged with her subordinates and mentored female Soldiers in Delta Battery," said Capt. Daniel Emig, Delta Battery, 1-1 ADA commander. "The future of the battery and the [1-1 ADA] battalion are bright with phenomenal young leaders like 2nd Lt. Narang. She was nominated for the FEW’s Military Meritorious Service Award by one of her mentors, Lt. Col. Rosanna Clemente, former commander of 1-1 ADA, because of her outstanding leadership in Delta."
Narang made history in 2020 by becoming the first observant Sikh to graduate from United States Military Academy at West Point.
“I was hopeful that my efforts to represent my religion and community will encourage Americans to learn more about Sikhism,” said Narang. “The hardest change for me, especially in regard to my religion, was being displaced from my family and anyone else who practiced Sikhism but the academy, and now my unit, are very good ambassadors of diversity.”
Family and sacrifice were pivotal in Narang’s decision to serve.
“My grandfather was in the Indian Army in the 1960s and 70s,” said Narang. “He embedded a culture of service and giving back to your country.”
A visit to Pearl Harbor National Memorial in Hawai’i during Narang’s junior year of high school solidified the desire to follow her grandfather’s example.
“Seeing the sacrifice those service members made and the results of that sacrifice was really impactful,” Narang said.
Her decision to select the Air Defense Branch upon graduation from U.S. Military Academy West Point was based on the concept of deterrence.
“Air defense units play a pivotal role in ensuring a free and open Indo-Pacific region and help ensure that events like the bombing of Pearl Harbor doesn’t happen again,” said Narang. “I’m honored to serve with my teammates and share such an important mission in the pacific.”
Narang serves as the fire control platoon leader for Delta Battery, 1-1 ADA, consisting of a diverse group of Soldiers that operate U.S. Patriot Advanced Capability (PAC-3) systems.
“Diversity is important to our organization,” said Emig. “The Army is making strides to ensure that we get the right mix of talent that will represent the nation we are sworn to defend.”
Narang was honored to receive the FEW Meritorious Service Award and strives to inspire others.
“I want my Soldiers and future Soldiers to know that gender and religion do not hinder a person’s ability to be successful,” said Narang. “That’s the great thing about the United States military: it brings together people from all corners of the world.”
Soldiers with 1st Battalion, 1st Air Defense Artillery Regiment, conduct a MIM-104 Patriot live fire. This marks the first time in history Soldiers have fired the MIM-104 patriot Missile in Australia, July 17, 2021, at Camp Growl in Queensland, Australia, during Exercise Talisman Sabre 2021. TS21 is a large-scale, bilateral military exercise between Australia and the U.S. involving more than 17,000 participants from seven nations. It is a demonstration of our strong alliance underpinned by deep levels of cooperation and trust built over decades operating and training together. TS21 advances the Indo-Pacific Pathways initiative to promote a free and open Indo-Pacific by strengthening relationships and interoperability with allies and partners. TS21 also supports the U.S. National Defense Strategy by enhancing our ability to protect the homeland and address the full range of potential security concerns in the Indo-Pacific. (U.S. Army video by SGT. Tyvel Clement)
Sky News Australia clip on the US Patriot missile being fired for the first time on Australian soil during Talisman Sabre 2021 July 16.
Soldiers with 1st Battalion, 1st Air Defense Artillery Regiment, conduct dry runs on the MIM-104 Patriot. This marks the first time in history Soldiers test the MIM-104 patriot in Australia, July 15, 2021, at Camp Growl in Queensland, Australia, during Exercise Talisman Sabre 2021. TS21 is a large-scale, bilateral military exercise between Australia and the U.S. involving more than 17,000 participants from seven nations. It is a demonstration of our strong alliance underpinned by deep levels of cooperation and trust built over decades operating and training together. TS21 advances the Indo-Pacific Pathways initiative to promote a free and open Indo-Pacific by strengthening relationships and interoperability with allies and partners. TS21 also supports the U.S. National Defense Strategy by enhancing our ability to protect the homeland and address the full range of potential security concerns in the Indo-Pacific. (U.S. Army video by SGT. Tyvel Clement)
Soldiers from 38th Air Defense Artillery Brigade, Marines from the 3rd Marine Division and civilians conducted port operations for Exercise Talisman Sabre 21 on July 9-10, 2021, at the Port of Gladstone located in Queensland, Australia. This is the ninth iteration of Talisman Sabre, a large-scale, bilateral military exercise between Australia and the U.S. involving more than 17,000 participants from seven nations. The month-long multi-domain exercise consists of a series of training events that reinforce the strong U.S./Australian alliance and demonstrate the U.S. Military’s unwavering commitment to a free and open Indo-Pacific. (U.S. Army video by Staff Sgt. Malcolm Cohens-Ashley, 94th AAMDC Public Affairs)
Orient Shield is the largest U.S. Army and 陸上自衛隊 Japan Ground Self-Defense Force bilateral field training exercise being executed in multiple locations throughout Japan to enhance interoperability and test and refine multi-domain and cross-domain operations.
U.S. Navy video by Mass Communications Specialist 3rd Class Donovan Zeanah
#OrientShield | #USJapanAlliance | #FreeandOpenIndoPacific
CAMP ZAMA, Japan – Two members of the U.S. Army Japan Band - 在日米陸軍軍楽隊 won the 2021 U.S. Army Japan Best Warrior Competition here May 14 after proving their mental and physical strength during four days of grueling events.
Sgt. Jamal Walker, a drummer, won the competition’s noncommissioned officer title, while Spc. Brooke Hendricks, a saxophonist, won the title of best Soldier. Both received the Army Commendation Medal and will go on to compete in the U.S. Army Pacific Best Warrior Competition in South Korea the first week of June.
The pair beat out 14 other competitors from mainland Japan and Okinawa during a series of more than 20 challenges that included a combat run, obstacle course, 12-mile ruck march and Army Combat Fitness Test, as well as tests on weapons proficiency, radio operations, medical skills and call-for-fire expertise.
The competition had another highlight as well: Staff Sgt. Hatali Broderick, a cable system installer-maintainer assigned to the 78th Signal Battalion, scored a perfect 600 on the ACFT on May 12 and became the first in the USARJ competition’s history to do so.
Maj. Gen. Viet X. Luong, USARJ commander, said during the awards ceremony that it is important for Soldiers in all military occupational specialties to remain proficient in combat-related skills.
U.S. Army video by Sgt. Raquel Birk
#BestWarriorCompetition | #ArmyStrong
The Patriot Master Gunner course is currently being held in Japan for the first time. Air defenders are gaining an advanced understanding of air defense operations, standards and doctrine during PMG class 701-21 hosted by the 1-1 ADA (Air Defense Artillery) at Kadena Air Base, Okinawa, Japan.
Students with the The 94th Army Air and Missile Defense Command, Hawaii; 38th Air Defense Artillery Brigade, Japan; 35th Air Defense Artillery Brigade, Republic of Korea; 1-1 ADA; 14th Missile Defense Battery, KCS, Kyotango, Japan; and E-3 ADA THAAD, Guam, are participating in the course from April 19 - June 28, 2021 to gain a wealth of knowledge that will assist commanders with training their units and enhancing air defense capabilities throughout the Indo-Pacific region.
PMG instructors are experts from 3rd Battalion, 6th Air Defense Artillery, 30th Air Defense Artillery Brigade at Fort Sill, Oklahoma.
#TrainedAndReady #PMG #AirDefense #ExpertsAndProfessionals
April is designated as the Month of the Military Child, underscoring the important role military children play in the armed forces community. Our children say the darnest things and #PacificGuardian kids are definitely vocal. Enjoy this video where they talk about their parent(s) and experience being stationed in Japan.
#WhyWeServe #MonthOfTheMilitaryChild #FamilyFirst
The 38th Air Defense Artillery Brigade marked the annual Department of Defense observance of Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention month (SAAPM) with a proclamation signing and SHARP situational training exercise lanes that challenged Soldiers both physically and mentally.
Col. Matthew W. Dalton, 38th ADA commander, and Command Sgt. Maj. Kellen C. Rowley, 38th ADA command sergeant major, each placed their signatures to the proclamation showing their committed support to "Building cohesive teams through character, trust and resilience." This theme emphasizes that every service member, regardless of rank, contributes to mission readiness by encouraging behaviors that foster a climate of dignity and respect.
Assisting the #PacificGuardian Brigade command team was Sgt. 1st Class William A. Temple, 38th ADA sexual assault response coordinator.
To Report a Sexual Assault in Japan, please use the 24/7 SHARP Hotline For Mainland Honshu: * Cell: 090-9395-8909
For Okinawa: * Cell: 090-6861-8447 or DSN: 263-2277 Local: Mainland- 046-407-2277.
To Report a Sexual Assault in Guam, please use the 24/7 SAPR Hotline: Cell: 671-366-7272 (SARC).
DoD Safe Helpline offers free, anonymous support to survivors of sexual assault in the DoD community, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Learn more at or 877-995-5247.
#ThisismySquad #PeopleFirst #ArmyTeams #ProtectingMySquadProtectsOurMission
Women have played vital roles in our Army since the Revolutionary War. Today, women are critical members of the Army Team, serving in every career field. Women's History Month stands as a further reminder of strength the Army has gained through having a high quality, diverse all-volunteer force. The 38th Air Defense Artillery Brigade boasts five female commanders; Lt. Col. Rosanna M. Clemente, 1st Battalion, 1st Air Defense Artillery Regiment commander, and Capt. Quinetta N. Forby, Company E, 1-1 ADA, both at Okinawa, Japan; Capt. Ashley Patrick, commander, Headquarters and Headquarters Battery, 38th ADA, at Sagamihara, Japan; Capt. Katrina Muchmore, Echo Battery, 3rd Air Defense Artillery Regiment, and Capt. Farinmalin A. Mondia, Task Force Guatdia, Security Force, Guam Army National Guard, both at Andersen Air Force Base, Guam.
The 38th Air Defense Artillery Brigade has units in three areas of mainland Japan, on the island of Okinawa, and even further south on Guam. Due to COVID-19 travel restrictions, visiting and communicating personally with all the Soldiers, civilians and family members became an even greater challenge than before. The Pacific Guardian Brigade began creating regularly scheduled videos, podcasts, and medical Q&As to reach their team and combat corrosives that may deteriorate resilience and cause confusion and disconnect within their ranks. These platforms which emerged as a bridge of communication throughout the brigade were soon shared and viewed internationally on many other platforms. Hear it from the creators of Chaplain's Neighborhood, SHARP Points, The Influence Podcast, Pacific Guardian Fitness, and Ask the Doc.
Col. Matthew W. Dalton, 38th Air Defense Artillery Brigade commander, and Command Sgt. Maj. Kellen C. Rowley, brigade senior enlisted advisor, wish Soldiers, civilians, and family members a happy and safe holiday season. They encourage you to check on each other and lend a helping hand or ear when needed. For more information on the 24-hour Military Crisis Helpline, please visit
Eight noncommissioned officers and Soldiers assigned to various units throughout 38th Air Defense Artillery Brigade competed in a grueling test of their physical and mental abilities during a quarterly contest at Sagami General Depot, Japan and Andersen Air Force Base, Guam Nov. 16-17. Hear from Pacific Guardian competitors themselves.
SAGAMIHARA, Japan – The 38th Air Defense Artillery Brigade deployed units to various locations throughout Japan to validate its ability to expeditiously reallocate defensive resources and create a first-time regionally integrated, layered Air Defense network with joint and bilateral partners during Keen Sword 2021 from Oct. 26 to Nov. 5.
KS21 is a biennial, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff-directed, U.S. Indo Pacific Command-scheduled, and U.S. Pacific Fleet-sponsored field training exercise involving more than 9,000 U.S. military and Japan Self-Defense Forces personnel in and around the vicinity of Japan.
U.S. Army Japan hosted its 2020 Best Warrior Competition at Camp Zama and Sagami General Depot, Japan to challenge its young leaders and identify the best noncommissioned officer and Soldier across its various units. For the first time, event organizers and participants not only had to overcome the more than 33 obstacles put in their way, but also the challenges set forth by COVID-19.
The winners, Sgt. Zachariah J. Storm, a combat medic with Medical Activity Department Japan, and Spc. H W. Londagin, a military intelligence analyst with 38th Air Defense Artillery Brigade, Best Warrior NCO and Soldier respectively, will move on to the upcoming U.S. Army Pacific Best Warrior Competition.
The 38th Air Defense Artillery Brigade hosted a Patriot Day Memorial Run in compliance with U.S. Army Japan’s General Order number one and COVID-19 prevention measures to honor the thousands of lives lost in the 9/11 attacks. The run consisted of 11 teams of five, each completing one lap and passing the colors to the next team. The event hit home with participants who recalled where they were that fateful day in 2001 and why they serve.
SAGAMIHARA, Japan – In a U.S. unilateral training exercise, air defense, fires, aviation and maritime elements merged proficiencies to enhance readiness in the Indo-Pacific Region.
The 38th Air Defense Artillery Brigade partnered with 17th Field Artillery Brigade, U.S. Army Aviation Battalion-Japan, and U.S. Navy HSM-51 Maritime Strike Squadron, they aligned communication capabilities through the use of the Link 16 cyber domain on Sagami General Depot.
38th Air Defense Artillery Brigade children describe their mothers role in the U.S. Army
KADENA AIR BASE, Japan – 2nd Lt. Anmol Narang, Roswell, Georgia native and air defense officer with 1st Battalion, 1st Air Defense Artillery Regiment, was awarded the Federally Employed Women’s Meritorious Service Award during the annual FEW virtual leadership conference Aug. 10.
FEW’s Military Meritorious Service Awards recognize outstanding military service members within the Armed Forces who have distinguished themselves with significant contributions to their service and the U.S.
“2nd Lt. Narang constantly engaged with her subordinates and mentored female Soldiers in Delta Battery," said Capt. Daniel Emig, Delta Battery, 1-1 ADA commander. "The future of the battery and the [1-1 ADA] battalion are bright with phenomenal young leaders like 2nd Lt. Narang. She was nominated for the FEW’s Military Meritorious Service Award by one of her mentors, Lt. Col. Rosanna Clemente, former commander of 1-1 ADA, because of her outstanding leadership in Delta."
Narang made history in 2020 by becoming the first observant Sikh to graduate from United States Military Academy at West Point.
“I was hopeful that my efforts to represent my religion and community will encourage Americans to learn more about Sikhism,” said Narang. “The hardest change for me, especially in regard to my religion, was being displaced from my family and anyone else who practiced Sikhism but the academy, and now my unit, are very good ambassadors of diversity.”
Family and sacrifice were pivotal in Narang’s decision to serve.
“My grandfather was in the Indian Army in the 1960s and 70s,” said Narang. “He embedded a culture of service and giving back to your country.”
A visit to Pearl Harbor National Memorial in Hawai’i during Narang’s junior year of high school solidified the desire to follow her grandfather’s example.
“Seeing the sacrifice those service members made and the results of that sacrifice was really impactful,” Narang said.
Her decision to select the Air Defense Branch upon graduation from U.S. Military Academy West Point was based on the concept of deterrence.
“Air defense units play a pivotal role in ensuring a free and open Indo-Pacific region and help ensure that events like the bombing of Pearl Harbor doesn’t happen again,” said Narang. “I’m honored to serve with my teammates and share such an important mission in the pacific.”
Narang serves as the fire control platoon leader for Delta Battery, 1-1 ADA, consisting of a diverse group of Soldiers that operate U.S. Patriot Advanced Capability (PAC-3) systems.
“Diversity is important to our organization,” said Emig. “The Army is making strides to ensure that we get the right mix of talent that will represent the nation we are sworn to defend.”
Narang was honored to receive the FEW Meritorious Service Award and strives to inspire others.
“I want my Soldiers and future Soldiers to know that gender and religion do not hinder a person’s ability to be successful,” said Narang. “That’s the great thing about the United States military: it brings together people from all corners of the world.”
Soldiers with 1st Battalion, 1st Air Defense Artillery Regiment, conduct a MIM-104 Patriot live fire. This marks the first time in history Soldiers have fired the MIM-104 patriot Missile in Australia, July 17, 2021, at Camp Growl in Queensland, Australia, during Exercise Talisman Sabre 2021. TS21 is a large-scale, bilateral military exercise between Australia and the U.S. involving more than 17,000 participants from seven nations. It is a demonstration of our strong alliance underpinned by deep levels of cooperation and trust built over decades operating and training together. TS21 advances the Indo-Pacific Pathways initiative to promote a free and open Indo-Pacific by strengthening relationships and interoperability with allies and partners. TS21 also supports the U.S. National Defense Strategy by enhancing our ability to protect the homeland and address the full range of potential security concerns in the Indo-Pacific. (U.S. Army video by SGT. Tyvel Clement)
Sky News Australia clip on the US Patriot missile being fired for the first time on Australian soil during Talisman Sabre 2021 July 16.
Soldiers with 1st Battalion, 1st Air Defense Artillery Regiment, conduct dry runs on the MIM-104 Patriot. This marks the first time in history Soldiers test the MIM-104 patriot in Australia, July 15, 2021, at Camp Growl in Queensland, Australia, during Exercise Talisman Sabre 2021. TS21 is a large-scale, bilateral military exercise between Australia and the U.S. involving more than 17,000 participants from seven nations. It is a demonstration of our strong alliance underpinned by deep levels of cooperation and trust built over decades operating and training together. TS21 advances the Indo-Pacific Pathways initiative to promote a free and open Indo-Pacific by strengthening relationships and interoperability with allies and partners. TS21 also supports the U.S. National Defense Strategy by enhancing our ability to protect the homeland and address the full range of potential security concerns in the Indo-Pacific. (U.S. Army video by SGT. Tyvel Clement)
Orient Shield is the largest U.S. Army and 陸上自衛隊 Japan Ground Self-Defense Force bilateral field training exercise being executed in multiple locations throughout Japan to enhance interoperability and test and refine multi-domain and cross-domain operations.
U.S. Navy video by Mass Communications Specialist 3rd Class Donovan Zeanah
#OrientShield | #USJapanAlliance | #FreeandOpenIndoPacific
Highlights of Soldiers with Headquarters and Headquarters Battery, 38th Air Defense Artillery Brigade, who participated in a fitness friday release running during physical training to enhance unit morale and esprit de corps while motivating each other to keep going at Sagami General Depot, Japan July 9.
Soldiers, and Master Labor Contractors with Headquarters and Headquarters Battery, 38th Air Defense Artillery Brigade, and USAG Japan Army Community Service, competed in a leg tuck challenge to enhance esprit de corps and morale during their organization day at Sagami General Depot, Japan July 2.
#funfitness #IndependenceDay #familyfirst #strikewithfury
SAGAMIHARA, Japan - 1st Sgt. Joey A. Salas relinquished responsibility of Headquarters and Headquarters Battery, 38th Air Defense Artillery Brigade during a relinquishment of responsibility ceremony at Sagami Genera Depot, Japan May 12. Pacific Guardians got one last chance to wish him well as he moves on to the The NCO Leadership Center of Excellence at Fort Bliss, TX to become a sergeant major. Well-deserved and well wishes. We can't wait to continue seeing great things from the #StrikeWithFury leader.
#PeopleFirst #ArmyTeam
Shariki Communication Site (SCS) Soldiers and contractors participated in the annual Scarecrow Festival hosted by the Tsugaru Defense Bureau July 8-9. The 10th MDB, Shariki Communications Site 車力通信所 第10ミサイル防衛中隊 members virtually collaborated with local elementary school students to create and decorate scarecrows in preparation for an upcoming scarecrow design competition in September. This community event occurs annually to strengthen the ongoing US/Japan partnership.
The SCS team looks forward to more community events to continue enhancing relationships.
Please enjoy this bilingual cooking segment brought to you by members of the 14th MDB and Kyotango International Association located in Kyoto Prefecture, Japan. In part one of the two-part instruction, Ms. Kumiko Ashida, director of Kyotango International Association, and Mr. David House of the 14th MDB, dive into preparation of the grill, marinating and grilling steak as done in America. The subsequent episode will go into grilling chicken wings and garlic toast. Members of the 14th MDB care deeply about being part of the community and are grateful for the hospitality and friendship of the Japanese people.
#Allied2Win #USJapanAlliance #Partnership #ByValorAndPower
Please enjoy this bilingual cooking segment brought to you by members of the 14th MDB and Kyotango International Association located in Kyoto Prefecture, Japan. In part one of the two-part instruction, Ms. Kumiko Ashida, director of Kyotango International Association, and Mr. David House of the 14th MDB, dive into preparation of the grill, marinating and grilling steak as done in America. The subsequent episode will go into grilling chicken wings and garlic toast. Members of the 14th MDB care deeply about being part of the community and are grateful for the hospitality and friendship of the Japanese people.
#Allied2Win #USJapanAlliance #Partnership #ByValorAndPower
Japan Ground Self-Defense Force 7th Infantry Regiment and U.S. Army 14th Missile Defense Battery organized a dragnet fishing event for Soldiers and families at Amanohashidate, Miyazu city, Kyoto, Japan to build camaraderie amongst the bilateral partners. This was the first time many U.S. and Japan participants experienced dragnet fishing, further enhancing the partnership between the 14th MDB and 7th IR who recently trained together during Orient Shield 21-2.
#Allied2Win #USJapanAlliance #Partnerships #PeopleFirst
U.S. Army video by Mr. Shintaro Katsura and Sgt. Raquel Birk
Soldiers with the U.S. Army 8th Military Police Brigade along with members of Japan Ground Self-Defense Force's 7th Infantry Regiment arrived to Kyogamisaki Communications Site, operated by the 14th Missile Defense Battery, KCS, 米陸軍経ヶ岬通信所, 第14ミサイル防衛中隊, 38th Air Defense Artillery, for Orient Shield 21-2 June 24.
Following opening remarks and a welcome reception hosted by 14th MDB, Soldiers and JGSDF members exchanged greetings and participated in a series of cultural activities with their counterparts, who they will work with throughout OS 21-2 to improve the ability to bilaterally respond to contingency scenarios at KCS.
Orient Shield is the largest U.S. Army and Japan Ground Self-Defense Force bilateral field training exercise being executed in various locations throughout Japan to enhance interoperability and test and refine multi-domain and cross-domain operations.
#Allied2Win #USJapanAlliance #OS21 #OrientShield21 #ByValorAndPower
U.S. Army video by Mr. Shintaro Katsura and Sgt. Raquel Birk
Members of 14th Missile Defense Battery, Kyogamisaki Communications Site, Japan, took part in the Suisho-hama Beach clean-up project with local citizens Oct. 4. Suisho-hama Beach means "crystal beach". The beach is used to be beautiful but left unclean because vehicles cannot approach there and it's hard to access. The 14th MDB cares deeply about being part of the community and are grateful for the hospitality and friendship of the Japanese people.
U.S. Army Spc. Jenynne Guzman, a culinary specialist (MOS - 92G) with the Guam National Guard, speaks about her experience supporting Forager 21 and as a 92G near Anderson Air Force Base, Guam July 25, 2021. Forager 21 is designed to test and refine the Theater Army and the Corps’ ability to deploy landpower forces to the Indo-Pacific region, execute command and control, and effectively conduct multi-domain operations in the area. (U.S. Army video by Pfc. Karleshia Gater, I Corps)
The 38th Air Defense Artillery Brigade is unique in that its Terminal High Altitude Air Defense unit in Guam, E-3 ADA THAAD, is protected by Security Force 3, Task Force Guatdia of the Guam Army National Guard at Andersen Air Force Base, Guam. E-3 ADA and TF Guatdia host a large array of outstanding Soldiers, including the first female infantry Soldier and officer of the GUARNG.