Chief of Engineers

  • Lieutenant General Scott A. Spellmon
    Chief of Engineers
    Lieutenant General Scott A. Spellmon
  • Major General William H. Graham
    Deputy Chief of Engineers
    Major General William H. Graham
  • Mr. Daniel Visone
    Geospatial Information Officer
    Mr. Daniel Visone
  • CSM Douglas Galick
    Senior Enlisted Advisor
    CSM Douglas Galick
  • Colonel Jesse T. Curry
    Executive Director / Chief of Engineers Executive Officer
    Colonel Jesse T. Curry
  • James D. Shumway
    Deputy Director
    James D. Shumway
  • William R. Arthur
    Executive Officer
    William R. Arthur

Chief of Engineer's Responsibilities

a. The Chief of Engineers is the principal military adviser to the SECARMY and CSA for the development of policy related to and the planning, management, and execution of engineering, construction, geospatial engineering, and real property for Army and other Defense activities. The Chief of Engineers also advises the ASA (CW) on the Civil Works Program, and serves as the Commander, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), executing the Civil Works Program with direction from the ASA (CW).

b. Assigned functions. The Chief of Engineers is responsible for:

(1) Providing technical advice and assistance for combat, general, and geospatial engineering; force structure development; joint and Army doctrine; contingency basing; force modernization; contingency planning; facilities standards; sustainability; and research and development.

(2) Serving as the Topographer of the Army and leading the Army Geospatial Enterprise.

(3) Serving as the design and construction agent for Army construction.

(4) Advising and executing military construction, energy and water security and resilience, facilities system safety sustainability, and environmental management and remediation initiatives and programs.

(5) Acquiring, managing the title, granting of use, and disposing of real property, including Real Estate Relocation Assistance Programs within real estate contract authorities delegated from ASA (IE&E).

OCE Branch Chiefs

  • LTC Brian Tritten
    Program Integration Branch
    LTC Brian Tritten
  • LTC James Belinga
    Plans Branch
    LTC James Belinga
  • Dr. Annie Kammerer
    Nuclear Branch Chief (Acting)
    Dr. Annie Kammerer
  • MAJ Daniel Gusich
    Reserve Integration
    MAJ Daniel Gusich
  • Mr. Johnathan Thoms
    Operations Branch
    Mr. Johnathan Thoms
  • Currently Vacant
    Contingency Construction
    Currently Vacant
  • Joy Pochatila
    Geospatial Governance Board
    Joy Pochatila
  • LTC Kevin H. Lawhon
    Geospatial Branch
    LTC Kevin H. Lawhon


    • Planning Programming Budget Execution process
    • Program Objective Memorandum (POM)
    • President's Budget (OMA/OCO) Development
    • Force Management & Total Army Analysis (TAA) Support
    • Force Design Update (FDU) Development and Implementation
    • Engineer System Portfolio Management & Equip Modernization
    • Interface with HQDA G-3/5/7 OI Team, G8 FD Team, USAES, AFC-FCC, MSCOE CDID, JPEO Ammo, PEO CS/CSS, PM CCS, PM FP, various PdMs, & Industry
    • USACE POM Team & Integration with HQDA PEGs, ABO, G8 PAE, & Tri-Chairs
    • OCE Governance Forums (Regimental Synch Meeting, ATR GOSC, etc.)
    • Participate in Combined Arms Terrain Shaping and Landmine Policy forums
    • Represent Engineer equities in assigned forums such as:
    HQDA Army Synchronization Meetings
    Army Campaign Plan Interface
    Security Cooperation Community of Interest
    • Coordination for the Joint Operational Engineer Board (JOEB), the JOEB Coordination Group (JCG), Working Groups, and other Joint/Service Coord.
    • DA Secretariat, HQDA, JS, OSD policy, doctrine and order reviews
    • USACE Campaign Plan
    • OPLAN Analysis & Synchronization
    • Regimental Lessons Learned Forum, CTC Integration, & Other LL Forums
    • Single HQDA Point of Contact for nuclear reactor engineering and design, reactor construction, and decommissioning design and implementation.
    • Develop deactivated reactor management policy.
    • Develop mobile reactor management policy.
    • Member on the Army Reactor Council (ARC) and operational reviews.
    • Support OSD SCO PELE/MNPP program to develop characteristics, operational requirements, training, organization and doctrine that would set favorable conditions for an Army transition by 2024.
    • Participate in Army Mobile Reactor Advisory Council
    • Support G8, AFC, and all AROC activities relating to reactors
    • Interfaces with HQDA, ASCC, & USACE on RC EAB capabilities ISO shaping and CONOPS.
    • Improve Partnerships & Readiness between the total Engineer force
    • Synchronize Integration of RC Engineers with USACE & ASCC
    • Promote & Advocate for RC Equites at HQDA
    • Synchronize Engineer talent management to set conditions for the future of the Regiment (CTMF)
    • Operationalize Army Reserve Talent Management
    • Promote STEM, Diversity, & Credentialing Objectives
    • Coordinate, Synchronize, and Facilitate Strategic & Senior Leader engagements (HQDA, DoD, etc.)
    • Force Employment & Sourcing
    • CCMD support RFFs/RFAs
    • ARSTAF Meeting Coordination
    • Total Army Readiness Review (TARR)
    • CSA / Focused Readiness Tracking
    • Sustainable Readiness
    • USACE Support to OIR and OSS/ CENTCOM
    • Continuity of Operations (COOP) (Trusted Agents)
    • CSA (AOC) Crisis Action Team Member / COOP
    • Enable Situational Awareness though Timely & Accurate Information Flow
    • Army Facility Components System (AFCS) Program Oversight & AR 415-16 update
    • Joint Construction Management System (JCMS) updates and distribution
    • Inform AFCS Budget/Program within MDEP DFFE; Coordinate with FFE Program Manager.
    • Contingency Basing Working Group Member
    • SME support to Contingency Construction Doctrine and Policy
    • Other Policy Initiatives: WRDA (Warrant Officers in USACE) Hazardous Duty Pay for 12P and 12Q MOS.
    • MILCON Planning, Programing, Procedures and Processes Oversight
    • Support to Arctic & Climate Change WGs plus Nuclear Power Branch as required.
    • Army Geospatial Enterprise Implementation Governance
    • Geospatial Engineering Functional Management and Program Integration support
    • Management Decision Package (MDEP) EMAP (Army Geospatial Support); Geospatial Branch Chief is MDEP Manager
    • Geospatial-Enterprise Governance Board (GGB) staff
    • Geospatial Engineer Doctrine and Policy Development
    • GEOINT Integration
    • Participate in Mission Command, TT-PEG, Army, Joint, and Intel Community (GEOINT) Forums
    • Military Hydrology
    • Army Space Support
    • Army Geospatial Enterprise Implementation Governance
    • Geospatial Engineering Functional Management and Program Integration support
    • Management Decision Package (MDEP) EMAP (Army Geospatial Support); Geospatial Branch Chief is MDEP Manager
    • Geospatial-Enterprise Governance Board (GGB) staff
    • Geospatial Engineer Doctrine and Policy Development
    • GEOINT Integration
    • Participate in Mission Command, TT-PEG, Army, Joint, and Intel Community (GEOINT) Forums
    • Military Hydrology
    • Army Space Support

Message to the Regiment

United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)

United States Army Engineer School (USAES)