a. The Chief of Engineers is the principal military adviser to the SECARMY and CSA for the development of policy related to and the planning, management, and execution of engineering, construction, geospatial engineering, and real property for Army and other Defense activities. The Chief of Engineers also advises the ASA (CW) on the Civil Works Program, and serves as the Commander, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), executing the Civil Works Program with direction from the ASA (CW).
b. Assigned functions. The Chief of Engineers is responsible for:
(1) Providing technical advice and assistance for combat, general, and geospatial engineering; force structure development; joint and Army doctrine; contingency basing; force modernization; contingency planning; facilities standards; sustainability; and research and development.
(2) Serving as the Topographer of the Army and leading the Army Geospatial Enterprise.
(3) Serving as the design and construction agent for Army construction.
(4) Advising and executing military construction, energy and water security and resilience, facilities system safety sustainability, and environmental management and remediation initiatives and programs.
(5) Acquiring, managing the title, granting of use, and disposing of real property, including Real Estate Relocation Assistance Programs within real estate contract authorities delegated from ASA (IE&E).
HQDA Army Synchronization Meetings
Army Campaign Plan Interface
Security Cooperation Community of Interest
Office of the Chief of Engineers
Room 3E634
2600 Army Pentagon
Washington DC 20310-2600
Email contact:
Chief of Engineers-------(703) 693-4404
Deputy Chief of Engrs.-- (703) 695-8540
Geospatial Info Officer--(703) 695-8540
Executive Officer--------(703) 693-4404
Director--------------------(703) 693-4404
Deputy Director----------(703) 693-4409
Nuclear Power Br Ch.----(703) 614-1207
Prog. Int. Br. Chief------- (703) 692-1624
Program Integration-----(703) 693-4406
Plans Branch Chief-------(703) 693-4412
Geospatial Branch Ch.--- (703) 693-6733
Engr Organization Int.--- (703) 693-7968
Operations Br Chief------(703) 693-4425
Operations Branch-------(703) 693-4400
Conting. Constr. Br Ch--- (703) 693-6753
ARNG Integrator Plans-- (703) 695-8565
Reserve Integrator------- (703) 693-6742