Women's History Month

By Sgt. Ashley BellMarch 12, 2013

Women's History Month
U.S. Army Master Sgt. Carmen Baldrich, a transportation officer for the 3rd Infantry Division, is currently on deployment in support of Operation Enduring Freedom at Kandahar Airfield, Kandahar province, Afghanistan, March 12, 2013. (U.S. Army Photo ... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

KANDAHAR AIRFIELD, Afghanistan - Master Sgt. Carmen Baldrich, with the Division Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion, Third Infantry Division, is currently serving a tour of duty at Regional Command-South, Kandahar Airfield, Afghanistan, as the combined transportation office sergeant major and regional command container manager. Baldrich, a Lorain, Ohio native, arrived in theatre, Aug. 26, 2012.

"Working at the division level has definitely opened up my mind as far as seeing the big picture across the full spectrum of operations and our battle space here in Afghanistan," said Baldrich. "It has put a new perspective on how I feel as a Soldier and why we are here."

This is Baldrich's fourth deployment, which includes tours to Kyrgyzstan and Iraq. Her mission during this tour is to provide advisory planning coordination and technical assistance to International Security Assistance Forces in RC-South during tactical, operational and strategic level movements.

"I serve because I love the United States of America. I know it may sound cliche but it is true, ever since I was a teenager I wanted to serve and give back," said Baldrich. "I am prepared to die and give my life for freedom!"

As we begin to celebrate Women's History Month, which highlights the contributions of women to history, society and culture, Baldrich had a few words of encouragement for women currently serving their country or those looking to serve.

"When I joined I was 18 years old right out of high school; young and scared of this new journey that I had chosen, and I must say as I look back now 28 years later and it fills my heart with pride and honor to have served," said Baldrich. "I say to my brave women that are thinking of joining, it is hard work, dedication and most of the time you will be away from your families. Be strong, stand up for what's right, set the example and do the right thing. A lot of women comrades have died, given the ultimate sacrifice and paved the road for us. To them I say thank you and you will never be forgotten."

When Baldrich returns home she said she is looking forward to spending time with her children and enjoying life to the fullest with family and friends.