WASHINGTON -- The Department of the Army announced today the winter 2019 rotation to Afghanistan of the 3rd Security Force Assistance Brigade, stationed at Fort Hood, Texas.
The 3rd Security Force Assistance Brigade will replace the 2nd Security Force Assistance Brigade as part of a regular rotation of forces to support the United States' commitment to Operation Freedom Sentinel.
"Our team continues to advance the advisor profession forward as we prepare for our upcoming deployment to the CENTCOM AOR," said Brig. Gen. Charles J. Masaracchia, 3rd SFAB commander. "We are prepared to advise, support, liaise and assess our partnered foreign security force as they work to bring peace and stability to their country."
For more information, contact the Security Forces Assistance Command public affairs officer, Maj. Jeff Grimes, jefferson.t.grimes.mil@mail.mil, 254-287-6299.
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