Create an article


As a publishing platform, CORE allows you to tell your Army story to the world. You can do this by writing articles and publicly releasing them to Each article has its own dedicated URL, based on the following formats:


Keep reading below to learn about some basic features available in our article editor.

Step 1 - Create a new article

  1. Click Create on the main menu.
  2. Click New Article to open a draft article page.

Step 2 - Add a title

Click in the Title box at the top of your new draft and enter a title for your article. The title must be 100 characters or fewer.

NOTE: The title is what grabs your reader’s attention and draws them into reading your article. For tips on how to make your title more inviting, visit The Importance of a Quality Headline.

Step 3 - Customize the author

The author creates a byline that tell visitors who wrote the article they’re reading — either a person or an organization name. By default, the person who first created the article is automatically set as the author, but you can change the author manually to attribute it to a different person or organization.

The creator’s name appears next to the article wherever it is displayed in CORE, but the author’s name displays below the title of your released article on

To edit the author:

  1. Click on the creator’s name to activate the author field.
  2. Edit your name, or change it to another person’s name altogether.
  3. If you co-wrote an article, click on Add an author... and enter a new name.
  4. Click Enter on your keyboard or simply leave the input field to apply changes.

Step 4 - Write and format

Your new draft includes a basic text box to help you get started. Click Start typing, or copy and paste your article here…

Text formatting options are available in the WYSIWYG Text Toolbar, located just above your article. To apply some basic formatting:

  1. Highlight a word or phrase you want.
  2. Click on Formatting Options in the toolbar.
NOTE: Check out Formatting Text to learn more about all the formatting features.

Step 5 - Add media

You can also visually enhance your article by uploading images and documents, or embedding a video from YouTube. These media elements can be inserted anywhere within your article body using the WYSIWYG Toolbar.

To add an image, document or video:

  1. Go to a new line in your article body and position your cursor where you want to insert your media element.
  2. Click the , , or in the WYSIWYG Toolbar.
  3. A lightbox editor will appear, depending on the type of media that you selected to insert.:
    • For Images or Documents, click the to browse and upload images from your desktop. You can also drag and drop files on top of the Drag & Drop placeholder box.
    • For Videos, click Enter a YouTube link… and paste the YouTube video URL.
  4. Click Insert to close the lightbox and place your image, video embed, or link to a document in the article.
To learn more about adding and editing media in your articles, visit Images, Videos, Documents.

Step 6 - Add Army Priorities and tags

You can organize your article by relevant topics by adding tags and Army Priorities to your Article Settings sidebar.

Tags group your content by keywords, allowing more people to discover it on CORE and They are used in search results, in custom news feeds, as well as on published articles under Related Stories.

To add a tag:

  1. Click Add a tag… in the right sidebar.
  2. Enter a topic or keyword. As you type, CORE will auto-suggest popular tags along with the number of times that each tag has been added to an article.
  3. Continue typing and click Enter on your keyboard to add a new tag, or select a popular tag from the dropdown list to increase the chance that your article is discovered.
  4. You can add more tags, or remove a tag by clicking the X to the right of the tag.

Army Priorities are categories that align your article with the Secretary of the Army’s priorities. This allows Army public affairs professionals to track their organization’s communication efforts. To learn more about these priorities, visit the Public Affairs Portal (CAC access required for login).

To add an Army Priority:

  1. Click Add a strategic priority… in the right sidebar.
  2. Select a priority from the dropdown list. The priority will appear as a tag.
  3. You can add more priorities, or remove a priority by clicking the X to the right of the tag.
NOTE: Although you can add multiple tags and priorities to your article, we recommend only adding 1 or 2 priorities and up to 5 tags per article to streamline your communication efforts.

Step 7 - Finalize your article

CORE offers more customization options to finalize your article in the sidebar menu on the right side of your screen. These Article Settings include editing SEO metadata and connecting to Google Analytics.

Once you have finalized your article, the next step is dependent on your user role within your organization.

Click the Submit for Review button at the top-right corner of the action bar. To find out more, visit Submit a draft.
All other user roles
You can either click Release at the top of your article to make it immediately visible on, or you can click to schedule it for a future release date.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why can’t I release my article?

As a basic function of CORE, every user has the ability to create an article. However, not everyone has the ability to publicly release content on behalf of their Army organization.

Double check your role on My Organization page. If you are a Contributor, you will have the ability to Submit for Review, instead of release, on your article page. This will push the article to your editor’s inbox for approval and release.

Q: What happens when I release my article?

    When you release an article in CORE:

  • Your article will have a permanent URL on and will be publicly available for anyone to read. You can find a link to your released article in the status section of the right sidebar menu.
  • Your article will be discoverable by search engines such as Google, and by the search feature on itself.
  • Your article will be available to update in the Released list of your Inbox, as well as your Editor’s Inbox.
  • Your article will be displayed in the All Content feed and will be available for CORE users to preview, post to social media, or add to their organization page.
  • If you added tags to your article, it will be displayed on all relevant tag pages. CORE users can access these pages by clicking a tag in the All Content feed.
  • Your article will automatically display on any organization page that has a Tagged News section based on tags added to your article.
  • If your organization page has a Latest News section, your article will automatically display at the beginning of this feed.
  • If your organization page has a Featured News section, your article will be available for publisher’s to manually add to the news feed.

Q: What can I do with my content after it is released?

    One word...engage! Now that your article is visible to the public, use it to reach your audiences on a digital platform. You can do this by:

  • Featuring it on your organization’s CORE Page
  • Posting it to your social media accounts
  • Sharing it with other users across the Army network

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