Army Priorities


Army Priorities are categories based on the Secretary of the Army’s enduring and focused strategic priorities. Aligning your article with one of these priorities will allow you, as an Army public affairs professional, to stay on message and support the Army Communication Enterprise monthly objectives.

For a description of these priorities, visit the Public Affairs Portal (Log in with CAC EMAIL certificate).

Army Priorities are similar to tags in that they help to organize your content. However, they are broader, more overarching topics that are predefined within CORE; whereas, tags are more specific keywords that are chosen by CORE users to associate related content.

Benefits of Army Priorities

While selecting an Army Priority is not currently required, we highly recommend that you align your articles with at least one of the priorities. This will enable you to take advantage of the following benefits:

  1. Discoverability
    Your articles appear in search results and news feeds for any priorities that you use. Assigning a priority increases the chance that people will find your content within CORE and
  2. Promotion
    Content that aligns with the Army’s strategic priorities typically has a broader reach, making it more likely to get used by other Army organizations. Aligned articles have the potential to be featured on the Homepage and various Army organization pages, as well as to be amplified on Army social media platforms.
  3. Assessments
    In the future, you will be able to track your organization’s communication efforts, based on your alignment with each strategic priority. This will serve as a guide to help your organization support the Army Communication Enterprise objectives each month.

Selecting an Army Priority

To select an Army Priority:

  1. On your article page, locate the Army Priorities and Tags section in the Article Settings sidebar on the right side of your screen.
  2. Click Add a strategic priority…
  3. Select a priority from the dropdown list. The priority will appear as a tag.
  4. You can add more priorities, or remove a priority by clicking the x to the right of the tag.

TIP: Although you can add multiple priorities to your article, we recommend only adding 1 or 2 priorities per article to streamline your communication efforts.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the difference between Army Priorities and tags?

Army Priorities and tags are very similar. They both allow you to organize content that can then be used in a variety of ways. However, there are a few differences.

Army Priorities are broad categories that align your article with the Secretary of the Army’s priorities. These overarching topics are predefined in CORE and help Army public affairs professionals to track their organization’s communication efforts. To learn more about these priorities, visit the Public Affairs Portal (Log in with CAC EMAIL certificate).

Tags are much more specific topics that are chosen by CORE users to group related articles. Tags quickly tell readers what an article is about and make it easier for people to find your content.

Q: Do I have to select an Army Priority?

It is currently optional to add an Army Priority to your article. However, we highly recommend that you align your article with at least one of the priorities.

In the future, we plan to enhance your search and analytics capabilities in regards to these Army Priorities. Your current efforts to align content with these strategic priorities will help to populate these new features, making them more effective and comprehensive. Stay tuned!

Q: Is there a limit to the number of priorities I can add?

You can add as many priorities as you like to an article. As a rule of thumb, we recommend that you add no more than 2 priorities per article to streamline your communication efforts without spamming news feeds and search results with irrelevant articles.


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