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Check out the best moments from our 1st Quarter FY2025 #MICC Town Hall at Joint Base San Antonio-Fort Sam Houston, Texas!
Col. Freddy Adams, MICC commander, and Command Sgt. Maj. Jason Gusman presented an update on MICC’s lines of effort, priorities, key tasks, end state, and command vision. With over 800 virtual attendees and nearly 200 joining in person, it was a great opportunity to connect and share updates that drive our mission forward.
We’re excited to keep the momentum going and look forward to our next Town Hall in the 2nd quarter of FY2025. Thank you to everyone who joined us!
Col. Freddy Adams, #MICC commander presented an update to MICC lines of effort, priorities, key tasks, end state and his vision for the command to over 800 virtual and nearly 200 in-person attendees during the 1st quarter #FY2025 MICC Town Hall. He called the information iterative as he will further refine priorities and key tasks as he moves the command towards #Transformation, ensuring continued success through 2030 and beyond. #ContractingForSoldiers
Contact Us: 210-466-2445
The Mission and Installation Contracting Command delivers the power of Army contracting within the continental United States Strategic Support Area for Army forces to ensure globally dominant land force capability.
Members of the Mission and Installation Contracting Command support Soldiers and their families through the acquisition of goods and services vital to their mission and well-being. Headquartered at Joint Base San Antonio-Fort Sam Houston, Texas, the MICC is made up of approximately 1,500 military and civilian members responsible for contracting goods and services in support of Soldiers. Our motto is Contracting for Soldiers.
Contact Us: 210-466-2445
Col. Freddy Adams, #MICC commander presented an update to MICC lines of effort, priorities, key tasks, end state and his vision for the command to over 800 virtual and nearly 200 in-person attendees during the 1st quarter #FY2025 MICC Town Hall. He called the information iterative as he will further refine priorities and key tasks as he moves the command towards #Transformation, ensuring continued success through 2030 and beyond. #ContractingForSoldiers
Contracting professionals with the Mission and Installation Contracting Command at Fort Drum, New York, manage a program contributing to making Army acquisitions simpler, quicker and cheaper. The Simplified Acquisition Threshold Supply Procurement Program, or S2P2, harnesses e-commerce technology to deliver supplies more rapidly to Soldiers. It reached it 10,000-milestone award in March 2021 and continues to reduce the procurement action lead time today.
Contracting professionals with the Mission and Installation Contracting Command at Fort Drum, New York, manage a program contributing to making Army acquisitions simpler, quicker and cheaper. The Simplified Acquisition Threshold Supply Procurement Program, or S2P2, harnesses e-commerce technology to deliver supplies more rapidly to Soldiers.
Learn more about the MICC S2P2.
The Office of the Chief Information Officer has the responsibility for oversight of the Army Contracting Command's Freedom of Information Act Program. The Freedom of Information Act is a federal law that establishes the public's right to request existing records from federal government agencies. Requests are only for agency "records." The agency is not required to create documents in response to a request.
FOIA, which is known by its legal cite as 5 U.S.C. § 552, along with the Department of Defense and Army Regulations, govern how requests will be processed within the Army. Army Regulation 25-55, the Department of the Army FOIA Program, can be found at Part 518 of Chapter 32 of the Code of Federal Regulations, which is available in most public libraries.
See Also: The Privacy Act
You can request documents under the FOIA by fax, letter, or electronic mail and must include the following information:
Download: Sample MICC FOIA request
Requests for information under FOIA may be sent to the following:
Fax: (210) 466-2295, the fax coversheet should be addressed to the attention of: "MICC FOIA Officer."
Electronic Mail: usarmy.jbsa.acc-micc.list.mbx-owner-foia@army.mil
Postal Mail: U. S. Army Mission and Installation Contracting Command, Office of Counsel – FOIA Officer, 2219 Infantry Post Road, Joint Base San Antonio-Fort Sam Houston, Texas 78234-1361
Categories of requesters and how their fees determined:
IMPORTANT - Willingness to pay statement
All requesters must include a "willingness to pay statement" in their request, regardless of the fee category, however, this does not mean a fee will be charged. The requester can set a limit on the costs to be incurred. For example, he or she may state "not to exceed $50." If the estimate for answering the request exceeds the limit, the FOIA Officer will call the requester to discuss his/her options. The requester has four options: accept the copied documents up to the previous specified amount of money; cancel the entire request; authorize the money needed to complete the request; or, authorize additional funds up to another specified amount. Except for commercial requesters whose fees total more than $15, waivers are always considered.
Charges. Fees are assessed only for search, review, and copies. FOIA requesters whose bill comes to $15 or less are not charged:
The following are FOIA exemptions described in 5 U.S.C. 552(b):
There are seven reasons why an Army component may not release a record requested under FOIA:
Send questions or comments to:
The MICC Public and Congressional Affairs Office fulfills the Army's obligation to keep the American people and the Army informed as well as instill stakeholder confidence and credibility in the Army acquisition process.
The Mission and Installation Contracting Command is responsible for contracting throughout the United States and Puerto Rico. For inquiries regarding contract opportunities overseas, contact the Army Contracting Command.
Headquartered at Joint Base San Antonio-Fort Sam Houston, Texas, the Mission and Installation Contracting Command consists of about 1,500 military and civilian members who are responsible for contracting goods and services in support of Soldiers as well as readying trained contracting units for the operating force and contingency environment when called upon. The MICC provides contracting support for Soldiers across Army commands, installations and activities located in the continental United States and Puerto Rico. MICC mission partners include the U.S. Army Forces Command, U.S. Installation Management Command, U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command, U.S. Army Futures Command, U.S. Army North, U.S. Army Reserve Command and U.S. Army Medical Command. The MICC consists of two brigades, two field directorate offices, 30 contracting activities and 10 battalions.
MICC-Dugway Proving Ground is a full-service contracting office. It awards and manages the full spectrum of contract vehicles in support of the Army Test and Evaluation Command and Developmental Test Command's West Desert Test Center, U.S. Army Dugway Proving Ground Garrison base operations support functions, Dugway Proving Ground Network Enterprise Center, Rapid Integration and Acceptance Center and other tenant and federal agencies conducting testing and training on Dugway Proving Ground. Using innovative contracting methods and a highly competent workforce, office staff responds to the needs of the fluctuating test and training requirements. They are committed to supporting the warfighter and improving the quality of life at Dugway Proving Ground.
Director: Jim Keetch
MICC-Fort Bliss and the 919th Contracting Battalion provide the 1st Armored Division as well as other Fort Bliss and White Sands Missile Range tenant activities with disciplined and responsive contracting solutions and oversight including cradle to grave contract support for supplies, services and construction. On order, the 919th CBN provides trained and deployable contracting support scalable to the operating force needs.
Commander: Lt. Col. Eric Brooks
MICC-Fort Carson and the 918th Contingency Contracting Battalion plan and execute world-class contracting operations in support of Fort Carson and the Pinon Canyon Maneuver Site. Core customers include the 4th Infantry Division, garrison headquarters, 10th Special Forces Group (Airborne), 43rd Sustainment Brigade, 4th Combat Aviation Brigade, various medical units and 71st Ordnance Group as well as tenants units.
Commander: Lt. Col. Amy Saal
418th Contracting Support Brigade
The 418th Contracting Support Brigade is located at Fort Cavazos, Texas, formerly Fort Hood. Activated in July 2013, the brigade enhances installation and operational contracting support to Army commands. Subordinate to the Mission and Installation Contracting Command, it provides strategically aligned support to commands and installations. Among the major customers supported by the 418th CSB are the Army Reserve Command and Army Test and Evaluation Command.
Commander: Col. Jessie Griffith
MICC-Fort Cavazos/901st Contracting Battalion
MICC-Fort Cavazos and the 901st Contracting Battalion provide cradle-to-grave contract support for supplies, services and construction in support of the Fort Cavazos Garrison and its tenant units. Its core customers include III Armored Corps and its subordinate units, which are prepared to rapidly deploy and conduct the full range of military operations to seize, retain and exploit the initiative, in order to deter or defeat any adversary. The corps is prepared to exercise mission command of Army, joint and multi-national forces, as a corps, joint task force or combined joint forces land component command
MICC-Fort Cavazos director: Tunissha Marshall
901st CBN commander: Lt. Col. Ian Vargas
The MICC-Fort Irwin contracting office serves as a vital member of the National Training Center team and a key component in the successful fulfillment of the installation. MICC-Fort Irwin continually strives to provide quality products and services to its customers in a timely and cost-effective manner. Current information on active contracts, upcoming and ongoing solicitations and quotations is available upon request. Its core customers include the National Training Center Headquarters, Joint Center of Excellence, Fort Irwin Network Enterprise Center, National Training Center Operations Group, and U.S. Army Medical Activity
Commander: Lt. Col Phuong H. Nguyen
The MICC-Fort Johnson contracting office (formerly Fort Polk) is subordinate to the 418th Contracting Support Brigade located at Fort Cavazos, Texas. Its core customers include the Joint Readiness Training Center Headquarters, JRTC Operations Group, Network Enterprise Center and 7th Signal Brigade, Logistics Readiness Center, Bayne-Jones Army Community Hospital, Fort Johnson Garrison, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division, 18th Airborne Corps and 1st Maneuver Enhancement Brigade.
Director: Lt. Col. Lisbon Williams
MICC-Fort Riley and the 923rd Contracting Battalion contracting activities support Fort Riley, Kansas. MICC-Fort Riley supports Soldiers, their families and civilians in the north central Kansas region. Core customers include the 1st Infantry Division, Civilian Human Resources Agency Southwest Region, Fort Riley Network Enterprise Center, 10th Air Support Operations Squadron, Irwin Army Community Hospital, and Fort Riley Warrior Transition Battalion.
Commander: Lt. Col. Randy Garcia
The MICC-Joint Base Lewis-McChord contracting office and 902nd Contracting Battalion provide effective and efficient contracting solutions to joint customers that produce the best value to the mission, service members and their families, and the installation community. MICC-JBLM provides support to Army and Air Force customers on the joint base as well as Army requirements at Yakima Training Center, Washington. Its procurements include supplies, services, minor construction, utilities, and grant-cooperative agreement support. The office also provides contracting support for installation support services to other MICC offices in the 418th Contracting Support Brigade area of responsibility. The 902nd CBN works hand-in-hand with the MICC-JBLM office to support local and migrated acquisitions when not deployed in support of joint warfighting requirements. The battalion provides operational contracting support to regionally aligned forces including I Corps, 7th Infantry Division, and other missions as assigned in the U.S. Pacific Command theater of operations and elsewhere. Other core customers include the JBLM Headquarters, 62nd Airlift Wing, Madigan Army Medical Center and JBLM Network Enterprise Center.
MICC-JBLM director: Vincent Marsh
902nd Contracting Battalion commander: Lt. Col. Juan Villatoro
MICC-Yuma Proving Ground is a remotely located installation office staffed with a diverse workforce of highly trained professionals who execute a variety of contract actions based on the customer needs. The contracting office provides customer service and stands ready to assist mission partners in meeting their mission. MICC-Yuma Proving Ground primarily supports the Army Test and Evaluation Command and Installation Management Command at Yuma Proving Ground as well as various other smaller tenant activities. The U.S. Army Test and Evaluation Command presence at Yuma Proving Ground consists of three unique testing facilities including the Cold Regions Test Center in Fort Greely, Alaska; Tropic Region Test Center with operations in South America; and the Yuma Test Center, all of which are supported by MICC-Yuma Proving Ground. Yuma Proving Ground is the premier testing authority ensuring the utmost warfighter success. The Installation Management Command provides professional garrison services to the community, which includes Soldiers, civilians, family members and retirees.
Director: Tejae Craig
419th Contracting Support Brigade
Activated in June 2013, the 419th Contracting Support Brigade located at Fort Liberty, North Carolina, enhances installation and operational contracting support to Army commands. Subordinate to the Mission and Installation Contracting Command, it provides strategically aligned support to commands and installations. The brigade is made up of more than 400 military and civilian personnel, four battalions and seven installation-level contracting offices. Those include the 900th Contracting Battalion at Fort Liberty; 904th CBN at Fort Stewart, Georgia; 922nd CBN at Fort Campbell, Kentucky; 925th CBN at Fort Drum, New York; MICC-Fort Jackson, South Carolina; MICC-Fort McCoy, Wisconsin; and MICC-Fort Buchanan, Puerto Rico. Also, MICC personnel assigned to Moffett Field, California, are aligned subordinate to the MICC-Fort McCoy contracting office.
Commander: Col. Douglas Ralph
MICC-Fort Liberty/900th Contracting Battalion
MICC-Fort Liberty and the 900th Contracting Battalion provide support services to both Army and Air Force customers. Procurements include supplies, services, minor construction and utilities. It is a subordinate unit of the 419th Contracting Support Brigade at Fort Liberty, North Carolina. MICC-Fort Liberty is made up of about 125 military and civilian members assigned to the contracting office and battalion who are responsible for contracting good and services in support of Soldiers. Core mission partners include the 82nd Airborne Division, U.S. Army Security Assistance Training Management Organization and Air Mobility Command.
Commander: Lt. Col. Jonathon Gardner
905th Contracting Battalion
Operational control of the 905th Contracting Battalion realigns to the Mission and Installation Contracting Command Oct. 1, 2022. The 905th CBN primary senior contracting officer authority remains with U.S. Special Operations Command along with its accompanying contracting policies and procedures. SOCOM is responsible for developing and employing fully capable forces to conduct global special operations and activities as part of the joint force to support persistent, networked and distributed combatant command operations and campaigns against state and non-state actors to protect and advance U.S. policies and objectives.
Commander: Lt. Col. Adam Salazar
MICC-Fort Campbell and the 922nd Contracting Battalion provide operational contracting support to ensure the readiness of the Fort Campbell, Kentucky, training mission directly impacting Soldiers across the globe. Core mission partners supported include the 101st Airborne Division, 5th Special Forces Group (Airborne) and 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment. Contracting support for the installation also extends to the Military Entrance Processing Station, ROTC activities as well as various other tenant units.
Director: Stephen Heath
Commander: Lt. Col. Eric Banks
MICC-Fort Drum and the 925th Contracting Battalion Drum provide cradle-to-grave contract support for supplies, services and construction in support of the Fort Drum Garrison, 10th Mountain Division (Light Infantry) and its tenant units. The 925th CBN and MICC-Fort Drum provide contracting support to enable Fort Drum full-spectrum training and base operations supporting all service branches, 11 states and parts of Canada. Contracting support extends to Fort Johnson, Louisiana, and all U.S. Army divisions rotating through the Joint Readiness Training Center.
Commander: Lt. Col. Desiree Dirige
MICC-Fort Jackson provides base operations support to the Fort Jackson installation and tenants including the U.S. Army Central, 3rd Army located at Shaw Air Force Base, South Carolina, and 81st Reserve Support Command in nine southeastern states and Puerto Rico. Fort Jackson is located outside Columbia, South Carolina, and is the largest and most active initial training center in the Army. The U.S. Army Training Center is responsible for training 50 percent of all Soldiers and 80 percent of women entering the Army each year. Fort Jackson is home to the U.S. Army Soldier Support Institute, the U.S. Army Chaplain Center and School, the U.S. Army Drill Sergeant School and Defense Academy for Credibility Assessment. The installation support extends to more than 52,000 acres with more than 100 ranges and field training sites and 1,160 buildings. More than 3,900 active-duty Soldiers and their 14,000 family members make Fort Jackson their home. The installation employs 5,200 civilians and provides services to post customers and more than 36,000 retirees and family members. Mission partners also supported by MICC-Fort Jackson also include the logistics readiness center, directorate of public works, directorate of emergency services as well as the plans, analysis and integration office.
Director: Tomika L. Brown
MICC-Fort McCoy
MICC-Fort McCoy is a tenant at Fort McCoy, Wisconsin. MICC-Fort McCoy supports the installation, its tenants as well as the 88th Regional Support Command with geographic locations in a 19-state region. Core mission partners supported include the Fort McCoy installation, 88th Regional Support Command, U.S. Army Reserve Command, Network Enterprise Technology Command, U.S. Army Sustainment Command and U.S. Army Medical Command.
Director: Megan Abbott
MICC-Fort Buchanan Division
MICC-Fort Buchanan was converted as an installation contracting office in July 2004 as an office under the Army Reserve Contracting Center at Fort Dix, New Jersey. The contracting office remained structured under the Army Reserve Contracting Center until the reorganization under the Mission and Installation Contracting Command July 19, 2011. This office supports Soldiers and their families through the acquisition of goods and services vital to their mission and well-being. The MICC-Fort Buchanan provides contracting support to the Fort Buchanan community, Fort Buchanan tenant organizations and U.S. Army Reserve. Contracting support includes minor construction, services and supplies. Core mission partners include the Fort Buchanan Garrison, 1st Mission Support Command, Fort Buchanan Logistic Readiness Center and Fort Buchanan Network Enterprise Center.
MICC-Moffett Field Division
MICC-Moffett Field is located in Mountain View, California, in the heart of Silicon Valley. It is staffed by a dedicated group of Soldiers and DOD civilians who support Army Reserve units in a seven-state region.
MICC-Fort Stewart and the 904th Contracting Battalion are the primary purchasing activities supporting the installation. They are among several other agencies involved in specific categories of procurement on Fort Stewart including the directorate of community activities and services, Army Corps of Engineers, Defense Commissary Agency, the Exchange and General Services Administration. Each of these offices maintains its own procurement source list and should be contacted individually. Another source of procurement opportunities is through use of the Government Purchase Card Program.
Director: David Hale
MICC-Fort Belvoir provides all contracting support to Fort Belvoir Garrison and other tenant organizations at Fort Belvoir, Virginia, Fort Meade, Maryland, the Military District of Washington, Fort Detrick, Maryland, Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall, Virginia, Fort A.P. Hill, Virginia, as well as many of the tenants organizations. In addition, we support all non-medical procurements for Walter Reed Army Medical Center. The types of supplies, construction and services it procures include:
MICC-Fort Belvoir's core mission partners supported also include the Fort Belvoir Garrison, Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Fort A.P. Hill Garrison, Arlington National Cemetery, Defense Acquisition University, 3rd Infantry Regiment Old Guard, U.S. Army Program Executive Office for Enterprise Information Systems, and Army Management Staff College.
Commander: Lt. Col. Erica Chin
Director: Tim Powers
MICC-Fort Knox contracts for a wide spectrum of services, supplies, maintenance and construction in support of activities located at Fort Knox and satellite organizations. Supply purchases under $3,000, services under $2,500 and construction under $2,000 can be made through the Government Purchase Card Program. MICC-Fort Knox uses electronic commerce for simplified acquisition requirements under $100,000. Core mission partners supported include the Deputy Chief of Staff, Army G-1, U.S. Army Human Resources Command, U.S. Army Recruiting Command and Military Entrance Processing Command. For more information on contracts specific to MICC-Fort Knox and the MICC-Fort Knox Advance Acquisition Forecast, call (502) 624-8043.
Bidders and offerors are cautioned to ensure their bids and proposals are delivered to MICC-Fort Knox, Bldg. 1109B, Ste. 250, 199 6th Ave., Fort Knox, Kentucky 40121-5720 between 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays no later than the time and day indicated in the solicitation, and all amendments to the solicitation have been acknowledged. MICC-Fort Knox will not accept faxed bids or amendment acknowledgements unless specifically allowed in the solicitation itself.
The MICC-Fort Knox Government Purchase Card agency program coordinator can be reached at (502) 624-4254. MICC in the Army. GPC forms specific to MICC-Fort Knox include billing official registration, alternate billing official registration, cardholder registration and cardholder termination form.
Director: Charles G. Trumpfheller
FDO-Fort Sam Houston
FDO-Fort Sam Houston supports the U.S. Army North/5th Army, Defense support to civil authorities as well as chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear response missions by Army Reserve units in the continental United States.
Director: Col. Toney Stephenson
Installation Readiness Center
The MICC-FDO Installation Readiness Center serves as the strategic central location to award new and follow-on contracts for installation operations and support in order to strategically align MICC contract execution with its major mission partners’ readiness priorities and lines of effort. It effectively promotes strategic Army category management objectives to optimize support for Soldiers while realizing increased savings, reduced procurement actions lead times and standardization of services across the Army for such support functions as food services and base operations.
Director: Mike Vicory
GPC Program Management Center
The MICC-FDO Government Purchase Card Program Management Center represents the Army’s largest, most demanding and most complex program based on its annual dollar volume, number of transactions, high-profile and high-operational tempo external customers, and complexity involved in providing “no mission fail” program management support. The establishment of GPC program management center provide increased GPC personnel efficiencies and effectiveness, increased standardization in GPC policies and processes as well as improved GPC mission support and assured continuity of operations support for the command and its mission partners, Annually, the MICC GPC program manages approximately more than 400,000 transactions valued at about $800 million.
MICC-Fort Sam Houston
MICC-Fort Sam Houston is as an integral and indispensable partner in accomplishing the Army's mission through contracted material and services solutions. It plans, integrates, awards and administers contracts in support of Army North, Army South, the Military District of Washington as well as the Installation Management Command and its subordinate elements. Core mission partners supported also include the Army Environmental Command Environmental Contracting Division and several Department of the Army headquarters activities including the Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management and Base Realignment and Closure Division, Assistant Secretary of the Army for Installations and Environment, U.S. Army Office of the Surgeon General, U.S. Army Chief of Chaplains, U.S. Army Information Technology Agency, U.S. Army Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army for Installations, Housing and Partnerships. Additionally, MICC-Fort Sam supports the Army Reserve Command's 63rd Regional Support Command, Army Medical Command, Brooke Army Medical Center, Army Medical Department Center and School, U.S. Army North, Joint Task Force-North and 75th Battalion Command Training Division. The office also provides utility and energy program management support, advisory and assistance services to MICC contracting support brigades, field directorate offices and directors of installation contracting offices.
Director: Liza Esmond
MICC-Carlisle Barracks is made up of certified professionals who provide disciplined and responsive contracting solutions and oversight to deliver ready, decisive and synchronized business solutions and contracting support for the Army’s pre-eminent leader development institution. Its core mission partner supported include the U.S. Army War College and Carlisle Barracks Garrison. MICC-Carlisle Barracks provides the USAWC schools, centers and institutes, Installation Management Command and tenant activities.
Director: Kevin Kauffman
MICC-Fort Eisenhower is responsible for the solicitation and award of new contracts up to $5.5 million for supplies, equipment, services and minor construction that support daily operations of the Fort Eisenhower Garrison, U.S. Army Cyber Center of Excellence and assigned tenant activities. MICC-Fort Eisenhower performs contract administration for garrison support contracts regardless of dollar value and performs contract administration of other contracts performed on the former Fort Gordon as directed by higher headquarters. The office also issues government purchase cards to individuals within other supported Fort Eisenhower activities for making buys up to $3,000 for miscellaneous items such as office and administrative supplies. Additional mission partners supported by MICC-Fort Eisenhower include the Defense Forensic Science Center, Eisenhower Army Medical Center non-medical supplies and services, 7th Signal Command headquarters, Fort Eisenhower Network Enterprise Center, 35th Signal Brigade, 513th Military Intelligence Brigade, 706th Military Intelligence Group, 3rd Medical Command and 335th Signal Command.
Director: Tara McAdoo
MICC-Fort Gregg-Adams provides cradle-to-grave contract support for supplies, services and construction to the Fort Gregg-Adams Garrison, Combined Arms Support Command, directorate of logistics, Network Enterprise Technology Command, Installation Management Command, U.S. Army Software Engineering Center, U.S. Army Program Executive Office for Enterprise Information Systems-Acquisition, Logistics and Technology Enterprise Systems and Services, 23rd Brigade and other tenant units on the installation, which was formerly Fort Lee, Virginia. Additional mission partners supported include the Global Combat Support System and U.S. Army Judge Advocate General's Legal Center and School.
Contact MICC-Fort Gregg-Adams:
Mailing address - 1830 Quartermaster Road, Bldg. 7124, Fort Gregg-Adams, VA 23801
Business operations - (804) 734-4841
Director: Regina GIvens
MICC Fort Leavenworth
MICC-Fort Leavenworth provides cradle-to-grave contract support for supplies, services and minor military construction to the Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, community. Core mission partners include the Combined Arms Center, Army Futures Command, Fort Leavenworth Garrison and Army Corrections Command.
Director: Ruth N. Austin
MICC-Presidio of Monterey Division
The MICC-Presidio of Monterey section of MICC-Fort Leavenworth provides quality contract support and sound business advice to core mission partners including the Presidio of Monterey Garrison, Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center and Defense Manpower Data Center.
MICC-Fort Leonard Wood provides efficient and responsive customer support in the acquisition of quality, cost effective and timely delivery of services, construction and supplies in order to sustain the warfighter and support the missions of the Maneuver Support Center of Excellence, Fort Leonard Wood Garrison activities and tenant organizations. The Army center of excellence trains more than 80,000 military and civilians each year in active component courses. Fort Leonard Wood is relied upon to train and educate service members and develop leaders, doctrine and future capabilities for the U.S. Army Engineer School, the U.S. Army Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear School, and the U.S. Army Military Police School. It also serves as the training ground for one in five new Soldiers entering Army Basic Combat Training. Fort Leonard Wood is also home to one of the Army's largest and most diverse non-commissioned officer academies.
In addition to being a premier training center, Fort Leonard Wood is home to and supports numerous deployable U.S. Forces Command units including the 4th Maneuver Enhancement Brigade, which oversees two battalions of engineer, military police and support functions. The maneuver enhancement brigade is the Army's choice to execute the Defense Chemical Biological Radiological and Nuclear Response Force mission for the nation.
Director: James E. Tucker
MICC-Fort Moore provides contracting solutions for the Maneuver Center of Excellence, U.S. Army Garrison Fort Moore and tenant units in support of Soldiers and their families. Formerly Fort Benning, key tenants include the 75th Ranger Regiment, Martin Army Community Hospital, Installation Management Command, Logistic Readiness Center, Special Forces Advisory Brigade, and Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation. Fort Moore trains approximately 50% of the Army’s Soldiers during any given year in infantry, armor and leadership skills. It possesses both a Noncommissioned Officer Academy and Officer Candidate School, along with sniper and airborne schools. It is the Army’s sixth largest installation and hosts the Army’s largest logistics readiness center.
Director: Jason L. King
The MICC-Fort Novosel contracting office ensures the installation's needs are met through the acquisition of supplies, services and construction in support of Soldiers, their families and Army civilians. Fort Novosel, formerly Fort Rucker, is the largest helicopter training installation in the world. As the home of the U.S. Army Aviation Center of Excellence and aviation branch, Fort Novosel is charged with producing aviation Soldiers for the world’s premier aviation force. The center’s primary mission is to train military, civilian and international personnel in aviation-related and leadership skills to prepare Army Aviation for the future. Contracting support extends to core mission partners including the Fort Novosel Garrison, U.S. Army Aviation Center and School, U.S. Army Safety Center, U.S. Army Warrant Officer Career College, U.S. Army Aviation Technical Test Center, U.S. Army Air Traffic Services Command, U.S. Army Aeromedical Research Laboratory, U.S. Army Aeromedical Center and other resident organizations primarily focused on Army aviation.
Director: Nicole C. McKenzie
The MICC-Fort Sill contracting office provides effective and efficient contracting support to its mission partners in support of Soldiers, their families and the installation community while maintaining the public's trust and fulfilling public policy objectives. MICC-Fort Sill provides support to the U.S. Army Fires Center of Excellence, Installation Management Command, U.S. Army Forces Command and tenant units on the installation.
Director: Sharon K. McKinzie
MICC Field Directorate Office-Fort Eustis
MICC Field Directorate Office-Fort Eustis is located on Joint Base Langley-Eustis in southeastern Virginia. JB Langley-Eustis is the home of the U.S. Army's Transportation Museum and U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command. MICC FDO-Fort Eustis oversees 11 contracting offices within the MICC providing them with contract support, business advice, and acquisition oversight.
Director: Tim Tweed
MICC-Fort Eustis
MICC-Fort Eustis provides acquisition and contracting support in accordance with regulations, policies and procedures to U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command and select TRADOC major subordinate commands, TACOM watercraft, select Installation Management Command organizations, installation tenant activities and Medical Command. Types of supplies and services it procures includes information technology, base operations, service contracts, language services, distributed learning services, depot-level maintenance for all Army watercraft and master contracts for services.
Director: Latosha McCoy
MICC-West Point is the installation contracting office for the West Point Garrison, the United States Military Academy and supported tenants to include the acquisition support center, logistics readiness center and U.S. Military Academy Prep School. MICC-West Point purchases supplies, equipment, utilities, construction and base operation type services as well services in support of USMA.
Director: Kymberly Aviles
The U.S. Army Contracting Command – MICC Office of Small Business Programs fosters acquisition opportunities to all small business categories where small businesses can best support Soldiers and their families, thus ensuring Army readiness and developing a viable, robust Industrial base. The ACC-MICC OSBP exceeded all five small business goals in fiscal 2024 for the tenth consecutive year. Contract actions awarded to American small businesses by the command totaled more than $3 billion.
The Doing Business with the MICC Guidebook [PDF - 883.8 KB], updated Nov. 27, 2024, serves to assist small businesses with doing business with the Department of Army and U.S. Army Contracting Command – MICC Office of Small Business Programs, ACC-MICC OSBP. The mission is to foster acquisition opportunities to all small business categories where small businesses can best support Soldiers and their families, thus ensuring Army readiness and developing a viable, robust Industrial base. OSBP personnel and small business professionals work diligently to ensure effective implementation of the Army Office of Small Business Programs and fulfillment of the MICC’s mission.
To increase transparency of the capability statement database, and to also maximize visibility of capability statements across the Army Contracting Command footprint, the ACC-MICC OSBP has partnered with the Aberdeen Proving Ground Office of Small Business Programs to provide a single data entry point for small business capability statements. All capability statements can now be self-loaded to the APG eKiosk.
Small business representatives should ensure they have:
In addition, small businesses now have the ability to link their capability statement to their Dynamic Small Business Search profile. Small businesses can find instructions for logging into the DSBS profile through SBA Connect to add a capability statement link here: https://sbaone.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DSBS/pages/2742910980/Add+a+Capabilities+Statement+Link .
The U.S. Army Contracting Command – MICC Office of Small Business Programs is responsible for contracting throughout the United States and Puerto Rico. For questions related to contract opportunities outside of the United States, contact the Army Contracting Command.
The MICC Advanced Acquisition Forecast is a forecasting tool targeted to both industry and government. The plan provides a snapshot of existing and planned contracting actions for numerous installations and Army Commands for next fiscal year and beyond. The listing may be especially helpful to small businesses seeking prime and subcontracting contracting opportunities with the U.S. Army. The plan is current as of November 26, 2024, and will be updated biannually. You may download the MICC Advanced Acquisition Forecast from Google Drive as a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet for editing and filtering purposes.
To download the forecast:
SAM.gov is an official U.S. government online source for contract opportunities. Organizations within the federal government publish notices on proposed contract actions valued at more than $25,000. These notices, or contract opportunities, cover announcements through official solicitations in the pre-award process. Anyone interested in doing business with the government can use this system to research active opportunities.
The System for Award Management is an official website of the U.S. government. There is no cost to use SAM. You can use this site for free to: Register to do business with the U.S. government, update or renew your entity registration, check status of an entity registration, or search for entity registration or exclusion records.
SBA SubNet allows the search of solicitations from the U.S. Small Business Administration.
Headquarters Army Contracting Command is the entry point for all unsolicited proposals with the following guidance. Unsolicited proposals shall be mailed to the following address:
Electronic unsolicited proposals shall be clearly marked as such and submitted to the ACC Contracting Operations mailbox at: usarmy.redstone.acc.mbx.acc-contracting-operations@army.mil.
The ACC contracting operations unsolicited proposal coordinator will review the unsolicited proposal with assistance from any of the contracting organizations’ customers and will determine if the unsolicited proposal is valid in accordance with the Federal Acquisition Regulation 15.6 and Department of the Army Pamphlet 70-3 as follows:
2025 MICC APBI registration is now open and will close on April 21, 2025. PLEASE NOTE: MICC does not charge fees for small business events. Verify any and all future event links by reaching out to a small business professional using the contact information on the MICC small business webpage: https://www.army.mil/micc#org-small-business.
Additionally, all official small business events are widely publicized through official MICC social media, the MICC small business webpage and published as a special notice announcement https://sam.gov/.
The Mission and Installation Contracting Command's advance planning briefings for industry were conducted virtually April 22-25, 2024. The event allows small-business representatives from across the socioeconomic spectrum an opportunity to gain valuable insight on forecasted contract opportunities with the Army.
2024 APBI: Agenda
The Small Business Administration offers its two-day class Boots to Business twice a week, (Tuesday/Wednesday and Thursday/Friday) the fourth week of every month at the Soldier Development Center at Fort Cavazos, Texas, formerly Fort Hood.
For more information contact Boots-to-Business@sba.gov or call (844) 610-VET1 or (202) 205-VET1.
UTSA and PTAC small business training on various topics is available by visiting https://ptac.iedtexas.org/training/.
The Colorado PTAC offers training events on various topics. For more information visit https://www.coloradoptac.org/ or view its education and training events calendar at https://coptac.ecenterdirect.com/events.
The El Paso Procurement Technical Assistance Center conducts events on various topics using both in-person and virtual platforms. For upcoming events visit the El Paso PTAC Contract Opportunities Center.
MICC-Fort Bliss/919th Contracting Battalion, DOD Activity Address Code: W911SG
(254) 287-5352, usarmy.jbsa.acc-micc.list.hq-sbs-bliss@army.mil
MICC-Fort Carson/918th Contracting Battalion, DOD Activity Address Code: W911RZ
(254) 287-5352, usarmy.jbsa.acc-micc.list.hq-sbs-carson@army.mil
MICC-Dugway Proving Ground, DOD Activity Address Code: W911S6
(254) 553-9320, usarmy.jbsa.acc-micc.list.hq-sbs-dpg@army.mil
MICC-Fort Cavazos/901st Contracting Battalion, DOD Activity Address Code: W91151 (formerly Fort Hood)
(254) 553-9320, usarmy.jbsa.acc-micc.list.hq-sbs-cavazos@army.mil
MICC-Fort Irwin, DOD Activity Address Code: W9124B
(760) 380-3893, usarmy.jbsa.acc-micc.list.hq-sbs-irwin@army.mil
MICC-Joint Base Lewis-McChord/902nd Contracting Battalion, DOD Activity Address Code: W911S8
(760) 380-3893, usarmy.jbsa.acc-micc.list.hq-sbs-jblm@army.mil
MICC-Fort Johnson, DOD Activity Address Code: W9124E (formerly Fort Polk)
(254) 287-5352, usarmy.jbsa.acc-micc.list.hq-sbs-johnson@army.mil
MICC-Fort Riley/923rd Contracting Battalion, DOD Activity Address Code: W911RX
(760) 380-3893, usarmy.jbsa.acc-micc.list.hq-sbs-riley@army.mil
MICC-Yuma Proving Ground, DOD Activity Address Code: W9124R
(760) 380-3893, usarmy.jbsa.acc-micc.list.hq-sbs-ypg@army.mil
MICC-Fort Buchanan, DOD Activity Address Codes: W912C3
(910) 396-9223, usarmy.jbsa.acc-micc.list.hq-sbs-buchanan@army.mil
MICC-Fort Liberty/900th Contracting Battalion, DOD Activity Address Code: W91247 (formerly Fort Bragg)
(910) 907-5112, usarmy.jbsa.acc-micc.list.hq-sbs-liberty@army.mil
MICC-Fort Campbell/922nd Contracting Battalion, DOD Activity Address Code: W91248
(910) 643-7122, usarmy.jbsa.acc-micc.list.hq-sbs-campbell@army.mil
MICC-Fort Drum/925th Contracting Battalion, DOD Activity Address Code: W911S2
(910) 396-9223, usarmy.jbsa.acc-micc.list.hq-sbs-drum@army.mil
MICC-Fort Jackson, DOD Activity Address Code: W9124C
(910) 907-5112, usarmy.jbsa.acc-micc.list.hq-sbs-jackson@army.mil
MICC-Fort McCoy/MICC-Fort Buchanan, DOD Activity Address Codes: W911SA/W912C3
(910) 396-9223, usarmy.jbsa.acc-micc.list.hq-sbs-mccoy@army.mil
MICC-Fort Stewart/904th Contracting Battalion, DOD Activity Address Code: W9124M
(910) 643-7122, usarmy.jbsa.acc-micc.list.hq-sbs-stewart@army.mil
MICC-Carlisle Barracks, DOD Activity Address Code: W91QF0
(757) 501-8197, usarmy.jbsa.acc-micc.list.hq-sbs-carlisle@army.mil
MICC-Fort Eustis, DOD Activity Address Code: W911S0
(757) 501-8197/7283/8199, usarmy.jbsa.acc-micc.list.hq-sbs-eustis@army.mil
MICC-Fort Eisenhower, DOD Activity Address Code: W91249
(757) 501-8199, usarmy.jbsa.acc-micc.list.hq-sbs-eisenhower@army.mil
MICC-Fort Gregg-Adams, DOD Activity Address Code: W91QF5 (formerly Fort Lee)
(757) 501-8197, usarmy.jbsa.acc-micc.list.hq-sbs-gregg-adams@army.mil
MICC-Fort Leavenworth/MICC-Presidio of Monterey, DOD Activity Address Codes: W91QF4/W9124N
(757) 501-7283, usarmy.jbsa.acc-micc.list.hq-sbs-leavenworth@army.mil
MICC-Fort Leonard Wood, DOD Activity Address Code: W911S7
(757) 501-7283, usarmy.jbsa.acc-micc.list.hq-sbs-leonardwood@army.mil
MICC-Fort Moore, DOD Activity Address Code: W911SF (formerly Fort Benning)
(757) 501-8199, usarmy.jbsa.acc-micc.list.hq-sbs-moore@army.mil
MICC-Fort Novosel, DOD Activity Address Code: W9124G (formerly Fort Rucker)
(757) 501-8199, usarmy.jbsa.acc-micc.list.hq-sbs-novosel@army.mil
MICC-Fort Sill, DOD Activity Address Code: W9124L
(757) 501-7283, usarmy.jbsa.acc-micc.list.hq-sbs-sill@army.mil
MICC-West Point, DOD Activity Address Code: W911SD
(757) 501-8197, usarmy.jbsa.acc-micc.list.hq-sbs-westpoint@army.mil
MICC FDO Installation Readiness Center, DOD Activity Address Code: W5168W
(520) 714-8143, usarmy.jbsa.acc-micc.list.hq-sbs-irc@army.mil
MICC-Fort Belvoir, DOD Activity Address Code: W91QV1
(703) 806-4603, usarmy.jbsa.acc-micc.list.hq-sbs-belvoir@army.mil
MICC-Fort Knox, DOD Activity Address Code: W9124D
(520) 945-8826, usarmy.jbsa.acc-micc.list.hq-sbs-knox@army.mil
MICC-Fort Sam Houston, DOD Activity Address Code: W9124J
(210) 466-2277, usarmy.jbsa.acc-micc.list.hq-sbs-fsh@army.mil
The U.S. Army Office of Small Business Programs has published its long-range acquisition forecast for the current fiscal year. Upcoming requirements for various commands within the Army footprint can be viewed at https://www.army.mil/osbp#org-resources.
The Army Office of Small Business Programs reaffirmed its commitment to addressing misconceptions to improve communication with industry during the acquisition process in its July 2022 memo. A list of those misconceptions and facts about vendor communication from the Office of Management and Budget is available here.
Check out the best moments from our 1st Quarter FY2025 #MICC Town Hall at Joint Base San Antonio-Fort Sam Houston, Texas!
Col. Freddy Adams, MICC commander, and Command Sgt. Maj. Jason Gusman presented an update on MICC’s lines of effort, priorities, key tasks, end state, and command vision. With over 800 virtual attendees and nearly 200 joining in person, it was a great opportunity to connect and share updates that drive our mission forward.
We’re excited to keep the momentum going and look forward to our next Town Hall in the 2nd quarter of FY2025. Thank you to everyone who joined us!
The November #GoldenSword MICC command video message from Col. Freddy Adams and Command Sgt. Maj. Jason Gusman, the #MICC command team, includes a heartfelt farewell message from the command sergeant major in advance of the change of responsibility at the end of the month. Watch it now!
Col. Freddy Adams, #MICC commander presented an update to MICC lines of effort, priorities, key tasks, end state and his vision for the command to over 800 virtual and nearly 200 in-person attendees during the 1st quarter #FY2025 MICC Town Hall. He called the information iterative as he will further refine priorities and key tasks as he moves the command towards #Transformation, ensuring continued success through 2030 and beyond. #ContractingForSoldiers
Here's a look back at all the end of fiscal year celebrations! Here at the MICC headquarters, we are wishing everyone a happy new fiscal year and more success for fiscal year 25!
We did it, team! Congratulations to our mission partners and contracting professionals who helped the MICC ensure fiscal year 2024 successfully closed with over 22,000 executed contract actions worth nearly $5.5 billion by midnight on September 30, 2024. The MICC also administered more than 358,000 Government Purchase Card transactions by cardholders across the Army valued at more than $554.5 million during FY 2024. The MICC Office of Small Business Programs additionally exceeded all five small business socioeconomic goals in FY 2024 for the tenth consecutive year. MICC contract actions awarded to American small businesses totaled more than $3 billion.
It's that time of year again and the MICC War Room is conducting daily operations to ensure MICC partners and customers are set up for success as we cross the end of fiscal year 2024 finish line. Are you using the Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) tool the MICC contracting operations (CONOPS) team implemented this year? Watch this video to learn more about the benefits of the CLM and other tips for success. CONOPS is doing what they can to help you efficiently and effectively meet Army Budget Office requirements by midnight (EST) on September 30!
September marks the close of FY24. Join Col. Freddy Adams and Command Sgt. Maj. Jason Gusman as they spotlight this month’s observances, including Patriot Day and Gold Star Family Day, along with a special milestone for the commander.
SDAT2024 was a resounding success. In this overview video, Col. Freddy Adams and Command Sgt. Maj. Jason Gusman, the MICC command team, explain why the annual Senior Contracting Officials and Directors Training event is invaluable to ensuring the MICC is on the right course. For more details visit http://www.army.mil/micc.
August is Antiterrorism Awareness Month, and August 26th marks Women's Equality Day. This week, we're hosting our annual Senior Directors Acquisition Training (SDAT). Join MICC Commander Col. Freddy Adams and Command Sgt. Maj. Jason Gusman as they deliver this month's GoldenSword message.
#SDAT2024 was hosted by the MICC Commander, Col. Freddy Adams. A measure of success for the annual Senior Contracting Officials and Directors Acquisition Training event is whether or not attendees feel equipped and empowered to fully realize the MICC commander’s vision going into fiscal year 2025 and beyond.
Watch this video for a glimpse of Col. Adams’ command philosophy and his vision that he delivered to over 80 senior leaders on July 30, who are gathering for the next three and a half days, to explore how to operationalize the commander’s vision for the MICC.
#ArmyModernization #SDAT2024
#NationalHireaVetDay is July 25! Meet Jake Jacobs, a proud Army veteran and new Acquisition Operations Specialist here at the MICC headquarters. With his military background, Jake is excelling in his new role. Watch as he shares his unique contributions and highlights the immense value veterans bring to the workforce. #ArmyPossibilities #BeAllYouCanBe
National Hire a Vet Day is July 25! Our veterans bring unmatched skills, dedication, and leadership to the workforce. Let's honor their service by opening doors to new opportunities. #ArmyPossibilities #BeAllYouCanBe
Join us as we welcome MICC Commander Col. Freddy Adams in his first #GoldenSword video. July is a crucial month as we enter the fourth quarter of the fiscal year while celebrating the birth of our nation!
MICC Commander Col. Freddy Adams acknowledges the team's vital role in Soldiers' success during his Change of Command Speech. Adams assumed command earlier this month during a ceremony at Joint Base San Antonio-Fort Sam Houston, Texas. Watch the video now and read more at https://www.army.mil/article/277089/.
#JoinUs! NCOs in the acquisition workforce perform the vital tasks of providing procurement support for anything a unit might need and serve the commander as a business adviser, ensuring they get what’s needed, on time, to support the mission. The career field was established to meet the Army’s continuously increasing need for contingency contracting officers, and the contributions made by Army acquisition NCOs are #MakingADifference as a critical asset.
Learn more about #ArmyPossibilities in the acquisition corps by emailing usarmy.belvoir.usaasc.mbx.nco@army.mil.
#ContractingForSoldiers #BeAllYouCanBe #MyArmyStory
The Mission and Installation Contracting Command includes contracting activities at 30 locations across the country.
There are currently no open positions.
Advertised vacancies for civilian career opportunities can be found on USAJOBS. There are currently no open positions.
Attention college students and alumni! If you are nearing graduation or a recent graduate, apply for available positions near you.
Operation Hire Now
For more information, email the MICC human capital team at usarmy.jbsa.acc-micc.mbx.g1@army.mil.
The challenging and rewarding work with a focus on professional development at the MICC includes generous benefits such as earning sick and vacation leave immediately, highly competitive health and life insurance coverage, building your financial future through the Thrift Savings Plan, upward mobility opportunities and earning a civil service pension.
Department of Defense civilian employee salaries and wages are based on a general schedule.
The Mission and Installation Contracting Command is currently leveraging direct hire authority granted by the Office of Personnel Management to federal agencies for filling vacancies across many of its 28 contracting offices throughout the nation to address critical hiring needs and a shortage of candidates.
New employee onboarding is a critical process that introduces new hires to their roles, responsibilities, team and culture of the Mission and Installation Contracting Command and its 30 contracting locations across the nation. Successful onboarding is an ongoing effort that extends beyond the initial days or weeks. By investing time and resources in new employee onboarding, the MICC aims to increase employee satisfaction, engagement and retention, ultimately contributing to the overall success of our organization.
Helpful links:
Noncommissioned officers with the 51C MOS perform the vital tasks of providing procurement support for anything a unit might need and serving the commander as a business adviser, ensuring they get what’s needed, on time, to support the mission. The career field was established in December 2006 to meet the Army’s continuously increasing need for contingency contracting officers, and the contributions made by 51C NCOs are viewed as a critical asset.
Learn more at 51C Reclassification site.
Related: MOS 51C offers NCOs what may just be the best opportunity in the Army