*AUSA Matchmaking Training Sessions

The Army Office of Small Business Programs (OSBP) will host its 12th annual matchmaking session, bringing together small business professionals from military OSBPs, other federal agencies, and prime contractors for 10-minute face-to-face meetings. Matchmaking takes place from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

  • July 25: Seller Training #1 at 12pm
  • July 26: Seller Training #2  at 12pm
  • August 8: Seller Training #3  at 11:30am
  • August 9: Seller Training # 4 at 1pm

Get links to each matchmaking training session here.

Attending EventDex training is vital to learn how to set up your profile effectively. This ensures you can maximize your networking opportunities by attracting the right partners and scheduling important appointments seamlessly.


The army awards billions of contracting dollars annually in order to support its mission. Historically, more than 20 percent of this total goes to small businesses. A strong small business industrial base is essential to supporting the Warfighter and accomplishing the Army mission.

Join us at AUSA 2024 >

More About Small Business Programs >

How to do Business with the Army >

General Information

Join us for the 12th Annual Small Business Seminar and Matchmaking Session during the 2024 AUSA Annual Meeting at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center October 15 and 16, 2024. All participants must register for AUSA 2024.

Small Business Seminar
Room 201
Tuesday, 15 October
8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Small Business Matchmaking
Room 201
Wednesday, 16 October 
9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Matchmaking Information

  • In order to participate in matchmaking, you must register for AUSA 2024. On the demographic section, select "yes" on the question "Please check here if you plan to attend the Army Office of Small Business Programs Matchmaking Sessions.

    (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

  • We’re using the EventDex platform to streamline the scheduling of in-person meetings. You must be registered for AUSA to receive access to the scheduling platform. This tool will assist you in managing your appointments efficiently. If you don’t see the EventDex emails in your inbox, please check your spam or junk folder.

    Upcoming Training Sessions:

    • July 25: Seller Training #1 at 12:00 PM
    • July 26: Seller Training #2 at 12:00 PM
    • August 8: Seller Training #3 at 11:30 AM
    • August 9: Seller Training #4 at 1:00 PM

    If you are unable to attend these training sessions, don’t worry. Here are some additional resources available to you:

    This resource provides important instructions and tips for navigating the matchmaking process.

  • Join us on July 25th, 2024 at 12pm at this training session to learn how to create or update your profile and accept or reject appointments.

    Questions? Email: Zulekha Abu at Zulekha.Abu@CyberSynergy.net

    Microsoft Teams Need help?

    Join the meeting now

    Meeting ID: 229 797 591 916

    Passcode: YQBxsG

  • Join this training session on July 26 at 12pm to learn how to create or update your profile and accept or reject appointments.

    Questions? Email: Zulekha Abu at Zulekha.Abu@CyberSynergy.net


    Microsoft Teams Need help?

    Join the meeting now

    Meeting ID: 243 118 250 676

    Passcode: S2Ao4P

  • Join this training session on August 8 at 11:30am to learn how to create or update your profile and accept or reject appointments.

    Questions? Email: Zulekha Abu at Zulekha.Abu@CyberSynergy.net


    Microsoft Teams Need help?

    Join the meeting now

    Meeting ID: 299 513 216 259

    Passcode: AJx6KK

  •  Join this training session on August 9 at 1pm to learn how to create or update your profile and accept or reject appointments.

    Questions? Email: Zulekha Abu at Zulekha.Abu@CyberSynergy.net


    Microsoft Teams Need help?

    Join the meeting now

    Meeting ID: 267 066 724 817

    Passcode: dkAAFD

Information for Sellers

  • With only 10 minutes for each matchmaking appointment, efficiency is key. Follow these tips to make the most of your meetings:

    • Arrive Early: Aim to arrive at least 10 minutes before your scheduled appointment. This gives you time to get settled and ensures you start your meeting on time. Failure to check in 10 minutes before your appointment may result in the cancellation of your meeting.
    • Prepare Thoroughly: Research each buyer’s needs and interests before your meeting. Understand their recent projects, objectives, and how your solutions align with their buying goals.
    • Be Ready to Discuss Details: Be prepared to dive into technical details, pricing, and delivery timelines. Buyers appreciate vendors who can provide clear and concise information.
    • Follow Up: After the meeting, send a concise follow-up email summarizing key discussion points and next steps. This reinforces your commitment and keeps the conversation going.
    • August 12, 2024: Appointment scheduling open on the EventDex platform. (Limit 3 appointments).
    • October 10, 2024: Appointment Scheduling Closes at 12PM EST
    • October 16, 2024: AUSA Matchmaking Day. Please check in at least 10 minutes before your scheduled meeting time. Failure to check in 10 minutes before your appointment may result in the cancellation of your meeting.
  • Amazon

    Army Corps of Engineers

    Army Futures Command

    Army National Guard

    Army Office of Small Business Programs

    BAE Systems

    Booz Allen Hamilton

    Department of the Navy

    Department of Veterans Affairs

    Defense Contract Audit Agency

    Defense Information Systems Agency

    DLA Land and Maritime


    Lockheed Martin


    Mack Defense

    Missile Defense Agency




    U.S. Army Materiel Command

    United States Special Operations Command

    Note: Additional buyers will be added to the list.

  • The table arrangement map will be available soon. Please check back closer to the event for the layout.

  • To ensure a successful and professional matchmaking event for all participants, we ask that sellers adhere to the following rules of engagement:


    • Arrive at least 10 minutes before your scheduled meeting time.
    • If you are late, your appointment may be canceled to respect the schedule of other participants.


    • Research the buyers you will meet with to tailor your pitch and address their specific needs.
    • Prepare a clear and concise pitch that highlights your value propositions and differentiators.
    • Bring necessary marketing materials, including business cards, capability statements, and company profiles.

    Professional Conduct:

    • Conduct yourself in a professional manner during all meetings.
    • Be courteous, respectful, and focused on the needs of the buyer.
    • Avoid discussing irrelevant topics or engaging in aggressive sales tactics.

    Adherence to Schedule:

    • The matchmaking platform allows up to 3 appointments per seller. Please respect this limit to ensure fair access for all participants.
    • If you need to cancel or reschedule a meeting, please do so on the EventDex platform as soon as possible.

    Ethical Conduct:

    • Engage in fair and ethical business practices at all times.
    • Avoid any form of misrepresentation or misleading information about your business.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • A matchmaking event is a structured networking opportunity where businesses meet with potential buyers or partners in pre-scheduled meetings. The goal is to create valuable connections, explore collaboration opportunities, and advance business relationships.

  • In order to participate in matchmaking, you must register for AUSA 2024. On the demographic section, select "yes" on the question "Please check here if you plan to attend the Army Office of Small Business Programs Matchmaking Sessions. You will receive an email from Eventdex to schedule meetings in the event platform.

  • Scheduling opens on the EventDex platform on August 12 at 12pm EST.

  • While we encourage you to attend the training sessions to help set up your profile and get comfortable with the platform, training for sellers is not mandatory. Recordings of the trainings will be posted on the website for your convenience.

  • Please be patient. Names are sent on a weekly basis to EventDex from AUSA. If you don’t hear back within a week of registration, reach out to Zulekha.A.Abu.ctr@army.mil for assistance.

  • Username: AUSA registration email

    Password: AUSA2024

  • Yes, the platform will only allow you to schedule up to 3 appointments during the matchmaking event.

  • If you do not secure an appointment, monitor the EventDex platform regularly for any cancellations or openings that may become available.

  • To avoid losing your appointment, make sure to check in at least 10 minutes before your scheduled meeting time.

  • The small business seminar, which takes place on Tuesday, 15 October from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., is designed to provide small businesses with a series of educational sessions to increase knowledge of doing business with the Department of Defense (DoD) and other federal agencies.

    The seminar will feature key DoD and Army leaders speaking on small business program priorities as well as panels highlighting business opportunities and best practices to assist with the effort of strengthening the small business industrial base.

  • No, there is no registration for the Small Business Seminar. Attendance is on a first-come basis.

    Registration is only required for the Matchmaking session.

  • There will be four chairs total. Two for the buyers and two for the sellers.

    Please only invite a total of two people from you company to avoid overcrowding the table.


  • Advise the Secretary of the Army and the Army leadership on small business-related matters.
  • Maximize opportunities for innovative initiatives that contribute to expanding the small business industrial base relevant to the Army mission priorities.
  • Leverage Small Businesses to ensure expansion and/or sustainment of the industrial base and provide opportunities to obtain innovative technologies, supplies and services for our soldiers.


To be the premier advocacy organization committed to maximizing Small Business utilization in support of the Army.

We support the Army’s ability to build readiness for high-intensity conflict; modernize our doctrine, equipment, and formations; and reform the Army to maximize our time, money and manpower. Our focus is on not only on helping to enhance the industrial base but also taking care of our people, live the Army Values, and strengthen our alliances and partnerships to sustain long-term success in wartime and peace to ensure our Army remains the most lethal ground combat force in history, capable of dominating any adversary on any battlefield.







osbp-release-memorandum-strategic-and-implementation-plans-20230921.pdf [PDF - 222.8 KB]








The Army Office of Small Business Programs manages the following initiatives:

  • The Army has sustained a strong history of supporting contract awards to small business firms that fall into the socio-economic category of small disadvantaged businesses (SDB). The success of awards to these firms has come through various methods and as prime and subcontracted dollars. These methods include 8(a) set-asides, small business set-asides through the other socio-economic categories, and through unrestricted competitions. We have searched out these firms for the wealth of capabilities they bring to the table at fair and reasonable prices, in support of the Army mission, and the needs of the Warfighter. Army awarded $8.70B contract dollars to SDBs in FY16, $8.85B contract dollars in FY17, and is moving upward towards that mark in FY18. Another area in which SDBs have excelled is in the Army’s Small Business Innovation Research/Small Business Technology Transfer Programs. Army awarded $51.72M to SDBs in FY17, and is moving upward towards that mark in FY18. SDB is the second largest socio-economic category in which these types of awards were made. Additional information on the program can be found in the SBIR/STTR Program Manager section.

     As we continue to move forward, our message to these firms and to all small business firms is that the Army is looking for those firms with capabilities which can ensure that our Army is the Greatest in the World. We are looking for firms that have capabilities that support: Readiness, Modernization, Reform, Innovation, Lethality, and a commitment to Army Values.

    If you would like more information, please send us a message using the form below and we will be happy to help.

    (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL


    The Department of the Army is committed to expanding opportunities for small businesses located in Historically Underutilized Business Zones (HUBZone) to compete for prime and subcontracting contracting opportunities within the Army acquisition process. As HUBZone firms expand their capabilities, they also increase their ability to help fulfill the Army's priorities of Readiness, Modernization and Reform in support of the Warfighter. The HUBZone program gives procuring activities the authority to set acquisitions aside for exclusive competition among HUBZone small businesses.

    The HUBZone program was enacted into law as part of the Small Business Reauthorization Act of 1997 for the purpose of providing federal contracting assistance to qualified small business concerns located in areas that historically suffered from low employment or low-income levels. The program is designed to empower those communities. The other objectives of the program include achieving the government-wide three-percent goal of total prime and subcontract awards to HUBZone small business, supporting the growth of HUBZone firms through outreach and technical assistance, and establishing procedures for collecting data on prime and subcontract awards to HUBZone concerns.

    The Army has identified this program as a special focus. As a result, OSBP has hosted several outreach events to promote the HUBZone program and continue to participate in such outreach events hosted by other federal and industry organizations. As a result, in fiscal year 2019, the Army awarded nearly $2.4 billion to HUBZone firms. The Army continues its commitment to the HUBZone small business community by consistently awarding more than $1 billion in prime contracts to HUBZone firms annually.

    HUBZone program qualifications

    To qualify for the HUBZone program, your business must:

    • Be a small business
    • Be at least 51-percent owned and controlled by U.S. citizens, a Community Development Corporation, an agricultural cooperative, a Native Hawaiian organization, or an Indian tribe
    • Have its principal office located in a HUBZone
    • Have at least 35 percent of its employees live in a HUBZone

    You can find the full qualification criteria in Title 13 Part 126 Subpart B of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). You can also get a preliminary assessment of whether you qualify at the SBA’s Certify website.

    If you would like more information, please send us a message using the form below and we will be happy to help.

    (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

  • The Department of Army is committed to expanding opportunities for Veteran-Owned Small Businesses and Serviced-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Businesses (VOSB/SDVOSB) to compete for prime and subcontracting contracting opportunities within the Army acquisition process. As VO/SDVOSBs expand their capabilities, they also increase their ability to help fulfil the Army priorities of Readiness, Modernization and Reform in support of the Warfighter. The SDVOSB program gives procuring activities the authority to set acquisitions aside for exclusive competition among service-disabled, veteran-owned small businesses. Sole-source awards can be awarded if certain conditions are met.

    The other objectives of the program include achieving the government-wide three-percent goal of total prime and subcontract awards to SDVOSB, supporting the growth of VOSB/SDVOSB firms through outreach and technical assistance, and establishing procedures for collecting data on prime and subcontract awards to VOSB/SDVOSB concerns.

    Strategic Plan for Increasing Opportunities for VOSB/SDVSOBs
    The Office of Small Business Programs has a six-component strategic plan to increase contracting opportunities for SDVOSBs:

    • Increase the SDVOSB base by identifying and developing companies that possess the capability and capacity to meet the full spectrum of Army acquisition requirements.
    • Increase sole source and restricted competition contracting opportunities for SDVOSBs through extensive market research and innovative acquisition strategies.
    • Educate Army leadership, acquisition professionals, and SDVOSBs through a modular, turn key training program that utilizes state of the art delivery methods.
    • Maintain strategic partnering relationships with DoD/ODA organizations, Federal Agencies and VSOs.
    • Leverage all small business programs to maximize contracting opportunities for SDVOSBs.
    • Foster prime and subcontracting opportunities through joint ventures and teaming arrangements.

    Strategies for Increasing Opportunities for VOSB/SDVSOBsThe Army developed a team to train our acquisition professionals on the Veterans Benefits Act of 2003, which established a procurement program for small business concerns owned and controlled by service-disabled veterans. The concept is to provide our contracting officers with detailed information about the law and to address specific questions and issues. We also want to introduce them to available resources.

    Through Oak Grove Software, a SDVOSB, the Army Office of Small Business Programs developed a training presentation that is posted on the office website. Defense Acquisition University (DAU) is using the presentation as a model for developing an SDVOSB training module for acquisition professionals.

    If you would like more information, please send us a message using the form below and we will be happy to help.

    (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

  • The Army OSBP Women-Owned Small Business Program Helps to help provide a level playing field for women business owners. The government limits competition for certain contracts to businesses that participate in the women’s contracting program for industries WOSB are underrepresented. Some contracts are restricted to economically disadvantaged women-owned small businesses (EDWOSB). The SBA maintains a list of those eligible industries and their NAICS codes. Businesses can still compete for contract awards under the other socio-economic programs in which they qualify for.

    Eligibility Requirements for WOSB Contracting Program:

    • Be a small business
    • Be at least 51% owned and controlled by women who are U.S. citizens
    • Have women manage day-to-day operations and also make long-term decisions

    Eligibility Requirements for EDWOSB:

    • Meet all the requirements of the women’s contracting program
    • Be owned and controlled by one or more women, each with a personal net worth less than $750,000
    • Be owned and controlled by one or more women, each with $350,000 or less in adjusted gross income averaged over the previous three years
    • Be owned and controlled by one or more women, each $6 million or less in personal assets

    If you would like more information, please send us a message using the form below and we will be happy to help.

    (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

  • Our fiscal year 2017 DoD Prime Contractor Directory identifies large prime contractors that are required to establish subcontracting plans with goals. The list includes company names, prime contract numbers, contract periods of performance, NAICS codes, company points of contact (POCs), POC phone numbers and POC email addresses. You can use this directory to find the contact information of prime contractors for potential subcontracting opportunities. The directory is generated from data contained in Individual Subcontract Reports (ISRs) reported by prime contractors in the Electronic Subcontracting Reporting System (eSRS) and data contained in the Federal Procurement Data System (FPDS).

    All contracts with "N/A" listed for periods of performance are Indefinite-Delivery-Indefinite-Quantity (IDIQ) contracts that have task orders with their own periods of performances; the task orders are not listed; only the IDIQ contract.

    Information courtesy of DoD Office of Small Business

    For more information, please visit the Subcontracting for Small Business webpage under the Department of Defense Office of Small Business Programs or send us a message using the email below and we will be happy to help.

    Subcontracting (defense.gov)

    (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

  • The SBIR/STTR programs provide Army access to technology that helps meet mission needs and provide “seed” funds to small businesses in the development of their technology. The objective of the programs is to stimulate technological innovation, to meet federal research and development (R&D) needs, to foster and encourage participation in innovations and entrepreneurship by socially and economically disadvantaged persons, and to increase private sector use of innovations derived from federal R&D funding. In the case of STTR, another objective is to foster technology transfer through cooperative R&D between a small business and a research institute.

    There are 3 phases of the SBIR/STTR programs. Phases I and II are funded with program funds, but Phase III is funded with other funds (a federal contract, a subcontract, a commercial contract, angel investors, or venture capital).

    • Phase I, Feasibility: a study that determines scientific, technical merit and feasibility of a selected concept. Award of up to $100k for up to 6 months of effort, with an option for up to $50k for an additional 4 months.
    • Phase II, Prototype: a continuation of the R&D that culminates in a well-defined, deliverable prototype. Award is for up to $1M for up to 2 years of effort. SBIR allows for Phase II enhancement, an option for up to an additional $500k to increase the Technical Readiness Level (TRL) of the technology. There is no Phase II enhancement for STTR, but awardees are eligible for a 2nd Phase II award.
    • Phase III, Commercialization: work that derives from, extends, or logically concludes efforts performed under Phase I or II. The objective is to pursue commercial application of the technology.

    Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army for Research and Technology (DASA(R&T)) is responsible for the SBIR/STTR Programs, but our office serves as a liaison for program inquiries.

    By clicking below, you can find out about competitive, awards-based programs and identify the top emerging technical solutions to meet critical Army priorities to modernize our world-class Army and get life-saving technology into the hands of our Soldiers.


    If you would like more information, please contact the Army OSBP Front Desk at 703-697-2868.

    (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

  • Army OSBP’s role is to conduct outreach to HBCU and MSI about the prime and subcontracting opportunities for Army contracts and how they can, through R&D and business infrastructure training and support, make a difference in the capability of other small businesses and the warfighter. Army OSBP leverages other organizations’ outreach events by presenting about the above prime and subcontracting opportunities at those events.

    The DoD’s Office of Diversity Management and Equal Opportunity (ODMEO) hosts an outreach event 3 times each year called “Pentagon to the People.” It is one of our primary HBCU/MSI outreach events. Army Materiel Command’s (AMC’s) Office of Diversity Management conducts outreach to HBCU/MSI. Army Research Lab (ARL) recognized the contributions that HBCU can make to the Army’s R&D needs, not only in the SBIR/STTR programs. It conducts outreach to HBCU/MSI through its Office of Technology Integration and Outreach Division.

    HBCU/MSI are still entities for which Army Office of Small Business Programs (OSBP) desires to conduct outreach to encourage consideration of contracting and other opportunities.

    • HBCU/MSI can compete for full and open contract actions.
    • HBCU/MSI can participate in the Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) program by entering into an agreement with a small business to conduct applied Research and Development (R&D) on topics identified in the program. Under the STTR program, the Principal Investigator (PI) may be an employee of the HBCU/MSI research institute.
    • HBCU/MSI may participate in the Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) program as a subcontractor to a small business by providing R&D resources such as labs, interns, and other resources.
    • HBCU/MSI can provide support as a subcontractor to an Army mentor under the DoD Mentor-Protégé Program (MPP) by providing business infrastructure support identified in the Developmental Assistance Plan (DAP) in a Mentor-Protégé Agreement (MPA) or by providing technology transfer in that MPA, such as certification training. DoD mandates that at least 5% of a reimbursable MPA be subcontracted to an HBCU/MSI, Small Business Development Center (SBDC) or a Procurement Technical Assistance Center (PTAC).
    (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

  • The Mentor-Protege Program (MPP) was established November 5, 1990 (Public Law 101-510) as a pilot program but has been reauthorized by Congress through FY 2026. This program provides incentives to major DoD contractors to furnish eligible small business concerns with assistance designed to expand their footprint in the defense industrial base. The Mentor-Protégé Agreement (MPA) consists of business infrastructure developmental assistance and technology transfer. Example of Developmental Assistance include activities like Human Resources training, Business Development, Capture Management and Proposal Development training, or training on implementing a DCAA-compliant accounting system. Technology transfer can include implementation of quality management systems, certifications, or it can work on specific technology that provides a benefit to an Army program manager, Program Executive Office (PEO) or a Commander.

    Types of Mentor-Protégé Agreements:

    • Reimbursable: reimburses mentors for allowable mentoring expenses, up to $1M/year for up to 2 years.

    • Credit: provides small business subcontracting credit to the mentor for the socioeconomic categories of the protégé using a multiplier (4X for direct labor costs; 3X for subcontracts, and 2X for other direct costs [ODCs]); Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA) administers credit agreements.

    • Hybrid: provides small business subcontracting credit for 1 year and reimburses for an additional year. DCMA administers the credit portion, and we jointly manage the reimbursable portion with DCMA.

    Solicitation process:

    The solicitation process is a 2-step process:

    • 1) a call for white papers that describe the technology transfer along with an endorsement from a PM, PEO, or Commander stating that the technology transfer addresses one of their top priorities.

    • 2) a request for proposal (RFP) by invitation to only those Mentor-Protégé (MP) teams whose technology transfer the Army wish to pursue.

    NEW: Significant changes made to the Program in the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for FY 2023 (Section 856).
    • DoD Mentor-Protégé has been made permeant!
    • Codification of the DoD MPP: 10 USC 4902 from 10 USC 4901 note
    • Initial agreement length changed from (2) to (3) years. Still able to extend to (5) years for "unusual circumstances"
    • Additional forms of assistance by Mentor personnel added. (Added manufacturing and test evaluation as a form of assistance.
    • Modified mentor firm eligibility. level of contracts and subcontracts awarded in previous FY lowered to $25M (from $100M).
    • Established the "Protégé Technical Reimbursement Pilot Program"
    • Require OSBP to conduct independent review of the program at least once every (3) years.
    • Added new definitions. Affiliation, Small Business Concern, Small Business Concern owned and controlled by socially and economically disadvantaged individuals, and subcontracting participation goals.
    • Post awarded reporting increased from (2) to (5) years for Protégé.

    Note: Amendments made by the FY23 NDAA shall not apply with respect to any agreement entered into prior to enactment of FY23 NDAA.

    Project Spectrum:

    The Department of Defense (DoD) Office of Small Business Programs (OSBP) has launched Project Spectrum (http://www.projectspectrum.io) as the definitive platform for cybersecurity information, resources, tools, and training for small businesses that are part of the defense and national security supply chain. Protégé’s will be assessed upon program entry and receive training to meet NIST SP 800-171 evaluations requirements or achieve Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification.

    (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

  • The Indian Incentive Program (IIP) is a Congressionally-sponsored program that provides a 5 percent rebate to a prime contractor on the total amount subcontracted to an Indian-Owned Economic Enterprise or Indian Organization in accordance with DFARS Clause 252.226-7001. Through the generation of subcontracts, the IIP serves as an economic multiplier for Native American communities. DoD prime contractors with a subcontract worth $500,000 or more that contains the DFARS clause are eligible for incentive payments. Information courtesy of DoD Office of Small Business


    For Native American businesses, two requirements must be met in order to participate in the IIP:

    1. 51% Native American/Alaskan/Hawaiian Ownership
    • Indian ownership of the subcontractor or supplier cannot constitute less than 51 percent of the enterprise.
    • DFARS 252.226-7001
    1. Federally Recognized Tribal Enrollment
    • Native American: The subcontractor or supplier must be owned by a federally recognized tribe or a member of a federally recognized tribe.
    • Native Alaskan: The subcontractor or supplier must be owned by a "native," "native village" or "native group" (including corporations organized by Kenai, Juneau, Sitka, and Kodiak) as defined by the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act.
    • Native Hawaiian: The subcontractor or supplier must be owned by a recognized Native Hawaiian as defined by 25 USC 4221(9).

    For more information, please visit the Indian Incentive Program webpage under the Department of Defense Office of Small Business Programs, or contact the Army OSBP Front Desk at 703-697-2868.


    What is the average time frame for receipt of the 5% rebate once you have submitted the paperwork?

    The average time frame for receipt of the 5% rebate depends on many factors including availability of FY funds, number of requests awaiting funds before yours, incomplete requests (requests lacking Indian-Ownership documentation, tribal affiliation, invoice summary sheet, etc.), and other factors. Due to the recent popularity of the program, it is probable that there will be an extensive wait between request submittal and payment.

    If the $20 million of appropriated IIP funds is expended before my request is funded, will I have to resubmit another request?

    All complete and eligible IIP requests not funded in the fiscal year that they were submitted will be rolled over to the next fiscal year.

    Should the Subcontractor, Prime Contractor, or Contracting Officer notify OSBP in advance of making this rebate request to ensure that money is set aside?

    No. Rebate requests that arrive in the OSBP office are processed on a first-come first-served basis. Incomplete requests will not be processed until all required documentation is received.

    Is there a time limit on filing "claims" under the Indian Incentive clause?

    The Prime may request the insertion of DFAR Clause 252.226-7001 and file for the incentive payment any time during the life of the contract. The present 5% rebate program started in FY97. Claims may go back to that period if the contract is open and performance is being made by the Prime. Once the contract is closed, the claim cannot be filed.

    I own a Native-American, Native Alaskan, or Native Hawaiian business. Am I eligible to participate in the Indian Incentive Program?

    If you are a business owner, you must be a member of a federally recognized Native American tribe, as listed in Federal Register: August 11, 2009 (Volume 74, #153, Notices), a "Native" as defined by the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act 43 USC 1602(b), or Native Hawaiian as defined by 25 USC 4221, Sec 9. You must possess 51% of more ownership of the firm. If there is more than one owner, each eligible Native American/Alaskan/Hawaiian, in combination, must equal 51% or more ownership. If the firm is owned and controlled by a tribe or a native village or native group (including corporations organized by Kenai, Juneau, Sitka, and Kodiak), the "Indian" or "Native" entity must be recognized by the Federal Government as eligible for services from the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) in accordance with 25 USC 1452(c).

    If I meet the eligibility requirements for the Indian Incentive Program and want to participate in the program, what should I do next?

    You should first research potential contractors. You may want to explore research methods for doing business with the Department of Defense. Research current DoD Prime Contractors that might make a good match for your products and services. See recent Contractors who have participated in the Indian Incentive Program. Market your firm well. Be sure to plan ahead and have your certification documents ready (federally recognized tribal /Native Alaskan affiliation and proof of 51% ownership) to submit to your Prime.

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Reach Out For More Info

Please send us an email for more information: zulekha.a.abu.ctr@army.mil

Small Business Programs

  • The Army awards billions of contracting dollars annually in order to support its mission. Historically, more than 20 percent of this total goes to small businesses. A strong small business industrial base is essential to supporting the Warfighter and accomplishing the Army mission.

    This guide to doing business with the Army is an effort to increase the number of small businesses capable of supporting the Army mission, thereby strengthening this industrial base.

    STEP 1

    Determine what you want to sell and your business size.

    It is very important that you first determine the exact product or service you wish to sell to the Army. There are different marketing strategies and customers within the Department for each product or service.

    STEP 2

    Register in the System for Award Management (SAM).

    Contracting officers, contract specialists, small business specialists and others utilize SAM as a tool to identify small business concerns for potential prime contracts and subcontracts. SAM in order to be awarded a contract by any federal agency. You will need a Data Universal Number System (DUNS) number, which you can obtain from Dun and Bradstreet by calling 1-800-333-0505 or by visiting their website at http://www.dnb.com/get-a-duns-number.html.

    • Whenever there is a change in your business status, it is necessary to update your company’s profile in SAM (e.g. if your company attains 8(a) status).

    STEP 3

    Identify which Army organizations buy your product or service.

    • Review our “U.S. Army Buying Commands” page, which provides a brief description of what each major buying command purchases as well as a phone number for their small business office and a link to a list of small business professionals who can answer your questions about doing business with their command.
    • Use the Federal Procurement Data System (FPDS) to find past contracts relevant to you. This system contains records of all federal contracts since the 1970s. Begin by using the ezSearch tool to find recently awarded contracts in your NAICS code. As you progress, you may find it useful to create an account and put together your own ad hoc reports to hone in on past contracts that are set to expire soon. To request assistance in using FPDS, call us at 703-697-2868.
    • Sell local. Use our Army Small Business Directory to locate small business professionals at Army locations near you. Call them or schedule a meeting to introduce yourself and ask for information on upcoming contracting opportunities.

    STEP 4

    Identify current Army procurement opportunities.

    • All federal business opportunities are posted on the Contract Opportunities on the System for Award Management (SAM) website. This is a single point of entry for federal government procurement and should be monitored daily.

    STEP 5

    Become familiar with contracting regulations and procedures.

    STEP 6

    Utilize the Army Small Business Programs.

    The Army runs several socioeconomic programs that provide assistance to small businesses of various types. These are:

    STEP 7

    Be prepared to sell.

    • Be well versed on your company’s capabilities and ready to discuss in detail the product or service you provide. Always be ready to give an “elevator speech.” Know how your products/services support the Army mission. Have an expanded version for those occasions that require a more in-depth understanding of your company.

    STEP 8

    Be familiar with simplified acquisition procedures.

    • Smaller acquisitions (typically below $150,000) are done via simplified acquisition procedures (SAP) and are set aside for small businesses (with some exceptions). Solicitations for these types of acquisitions are simpler, using a request for quote (RFQ) either over the telephone, by email, or by some other electronic business system such as Unison Marketplace or an RFQ via a combined synopsis/solicitation on SAM. The resulting contract from a SAP is a purchase order. The government can usually provide payment more quickly by using a Government Purchase Card (GPC) for acquisitions below $3,000. If you can accept a government purchase card, let your Army customer know. If you cannot, you may want to investigate this option. Some activities may provide you with a list of the purchase card holders to whom you can directly market your products or services.

    STEP 9


    Seek additional assistance in the defense marketplace.

    Numerous agencies can assist small business firms seeking to do business with the Army and other federal agencies, including:

    • The Small Business Administration (SBA), which provides a wide array of services to small businesses including counseling, certifications, financial assistance, small business management assistance and free or low cost training.
    • Procurement Technical Assistance Program (PTAP), which serve as a resource for businesses that are both pursuing and performing under government contracts. They are located in most states and are partially funded by the Department of Defense. Services provided by PTACS include counseling, registration assistance for systems such as SAM, identification of contract opportunities, help in understanding requirements, and training at minimal or no cost.
    • Small Business Development Centers (SBDC), which provide aspiring and current small business owners a variety of free business consulting and low-cost training services including: business plan development, manufacturing assistance, financial packaging and lending assistance, exporting and importing support, disaster recovery assistance, procurement and contracting aid, market research help, 8(a) program support, and healthcare guidance.
    • Service Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE), a nonprofit association dedicated to helping small businesses gets off the ground, to grow and to achieve their goals through education and mentorship. They are supported by the SBA and thousands of volunteers and are consequently able to deliver their services at no charge or at very low cost.

    STEP 10

    Pursue subcontracting opportunities.

    Regardless of what you sell, it is important that you do not neglect the Army’s very large secondary market: Subcontracting.

    Details on the Department of Defense's Subcontracting Program can be found here.

    Large defense contracts often are required to have subcontracting plans. Large prime contractors negotiate goals with the contracting activities for subcontracting to small business concerns.

    To find subcontracting opportunities:

    • Visit the websites of large defense prime contractors. Contact their Small Business Liaison or Supplier Diversity Office.
    • List your firm as an interested party on "sources-sought" notices, requests for information (RFI), and pre-solicitation notices posted on SAM.
    • Search the SBA’s Subcontracting Network, SUB-Net, a database where prime contractors post "solicitations" or "notice of sources sought" for small businesses.

    STEP 11

    Investigate Federal Supply Schedules (FSS) on www.gsa.gov.

    • As the Army downsizes its acquisition workforce, more and more acquisitions are being done through General Services Administration (GSA) schedules. If you are interested in obtaining information about GSA schedules, please contact:

    General Services Administration

    FSS Schedule Information Center (FM)

    Washington, D.C. 20406

    • 1-800-488-3111
  • (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

    Army Materiel Command (AMC) - Redstone Arsenal, AL

    Buys: Combat systems, Information systems, Intelligence security information systems

    Small Business Associate Director: Mr. Thaddeus Martin

    Website: http://www.amc.army.mil/Connect/Business-Connections/

    (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

    Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) - Washington, DC

    Buys: Military/civil works construction projects, Environmental projects

    Small Business Acting Associate Director: Ms. Elizabeth Walker

    Website: https://www.usace.army.mil/Business-With-Us/Small-Business/

    (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

    Army Medical Command (MEDCOM) - Joint Base San Antonio, TX

    Buys: Medical research and health services.

    Small Business Associate Director: Mr. Pete Hunter

    Website: armymedicine.health.mil/Doing-business-with-Army-Medicine

    (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

    National Guard Bureau (NGB) - Arlington, VA

    Buys: Base operations, Construction/environmental projects

    Small Business Associate Director: Mr. Kyle Beagle

    Website: https://www.nationalguard.mil/Leadership/Joint-Staff/Special-Staff/Small-Business-Programs/

    (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

    Army Futures Command - Austin, TX

    Buys: Research and Development in the physical, engineering. Engineering Services Optical Instrument and lens manufacturing

    Small Business Associate Director: Mr. Aubrey Lavitoria

    Website: Army.mil/Futures

Army Small Business Spending Performance

  • (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

    YTD- June 2024

  • (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

    Fiscal Year 2022

  • (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

    Fiscal Year 2021

  • (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

    Fiscal Year 2020

  • (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

    Fiscal Year 2019

  • (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

    Fiscal Year 2018


  • Fiscal Year 2024: Year To Date

    (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

  • (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

    Fiscal Year 2021

  • (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

    Fiscal Year 202

  • (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

    Fiscal Year 2019

  • (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

    Fiscal Year 2018

  • (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

    Fiscal Year 2017

The Army has contract opportunities for small businesses in every State. Small business offices are generally aligned with buying activities. Expand the State selections to see where Army small business offices are located.


  • NATIONAL GUARD OFFICE: ng.co.coarng.list.uspfo-pc@army.mil

  • NATIONAL GUARD OFFICE: ng.ak.akarng.mbx.uspfo-purchasing-contracting@army.mil

    USACE ALASKA DISTRICT: sb.poa@usace.army.mil

  • MICC YUMA PROVING GROUND usarmy.jbsa.acc-micc.list.hq-sbs-ypg@army.mil

    NATIONAL GUARD OFFICE ng.ncr.ngb-arng.mbx.ngb-osbp@army.mil

  • NATIONAL GUARD OFFICE ng.ncr.ngb-arng.mbx.ngb-osbp@army.mil

    USACE LITTLE ROCK DISTRICT dll-ceswldeputyforsmallbusiness@usace.army.mil

  • MICC FT. IRWIN usarmy.jbsa.acc-micc.list.hq-sbs-irwin@army.mil

    NATIONAL GUARD OFFICE ng.ncr.ngb-arng.mbx.ngb-osbp@army.mil

    USACE LOS ANGELES DISTRICT splsmallbusiness@usace.army.mil


    (916) 557-7641


    (916) 557-7641

  • NATIONAL GUARD OFFICE: ng.co.coarng.list.uspfo-pc@army.mil

  • NATIONAL GUARD OFFICE: ng.ncr.ngb-arng.mbx.ngb-osbp@army.mil

  • NATIONAL GUARD OFFICE ng.de.dearng.list.uspfo-contracting@army.mil


  • ACC-Orlando OSBP usarmy.orlando.peo-stri.list.office-of-small-business-programs@army.mil

    NATIONAL GUARD OFFICE ng.ncr.ngb-arng.mbx.ngb-osbp@army.mil


    (904) 232-1150

  • MICC FT. STEWART usarmy.jbsa.acc-micc.list.hq-sbs-stewart@army.mil

    MICC FT. MOORE usarmy.jbsa.acc-micc.list.hq-sbs-benning@army.mil

    MICC FT. EISENHOWER usarmy.jbsa.acc-micc.list.hq-sbs-gordon@army.mil

    NATIONAL GUARD OFFICE ng.ga.gaarng.list.ngga-uspfo-contracting-acl@army.mil


    (912) 652-5340

  • NATIONAL GUARD OFFICE: ng.gu.guarng.list.uspfo-purchasing-and-contracting@army.mil

  • 413th CSB OSBP usarmy.redstone.acc.mbx.acc-sb@army.mil

    NATIONAL GUARD OFFICE: ng.hi.hiarng.list.nghi-staff-uspfo2@mail.mil

    USACE HONOLULU DISTRICT sb.poh@usace.army.mil

  • ASC/ACC-RIA OSBP usarmy.ria.asc.mbx.sb@army.mil

    NATIONAL GUARD OFFICE ng.il.ilarng.list.staff-uspfo@army.mil

    USACE CHICAGO DISTRICT lrc.sbo@usace.army.mil

    USACE ROCK ISLAND DISTRICT cemvr-sb-web@usace.army.mil

  • NATIONAL GUARD OFFICE: ng.id.idarng.list.ngid-uspfo-contracting@army.mil

  • NATIONAL GUARD OFFICE: ng.ncr.ngb-arng.mbx.ngb-osbp@army.mil

  • MICC FT. RILEY usarmy.jbsa.acc-micc.list.hq-sbs-riley@army.mil

    MICC FT. LEAVENWORTH usarmy.jbsa.acc-micc.list.hq-sbs-leavenworth@army.mil

    NATIONAL GUARD OFFICE: ng.ncr.ngb-arng.mbx.ngb-osbp@army.mil

  • MICC FT. CAMPBELL usarmy.jbsa.acc-micc.list.hq-sbs-campbell@army.mil

    MICC FT. KNOX usarmy.jbsa.acc-micc.list.hq-sbs-knox@army.mil

    NATIONAL GUARD OFFICE: ng.ky.kyarng.list.uspfo-purchasiand-contracting-ngb-nested@army.mil

  • MICC FT. JOHNSON usarmy.jbsa.acc-micc.list.hq-sbs-polk@army.mil

    NATIONAL GUARD OFFICE: ng.la.laarng.mbx.uspfo-purchasing-and-contracting@army.mil

    USACE LOUISVILLE DISTRICT sbo-lrl@usace.army.mil

    USACE New Orleans DISTRICT

    (504) 862-2627

  • CECOM/ACC-APG OSBP: usarmy.apg.cecom.mbx.small-business-outreach@army.mil

    NATIONAL GUARD OFFICE: ng.md.mdarng.list.uspfo-arpc@army.mil

    USACE BALTIMORE DISTRICT: (410) 962-2587

  • NATIONAL GUARD OFFICE: ngma-uspfo-contracting@army.mil

    USACE New England DISTRICT: (978) 318-8427

  • NATIONAL GUARD OFFICE: ng.mi.miarng.mbx.uspfo-pc@army.mil

    TACOM/ACC-DTA OSBP: usarmy.detroit.tacom.mbx.lcmc-osbp@army.mil

    USACE DETROIT DISTRICT: lre.sbo@usace.army.mil

  • NATIONAL GUARD OFFICE: ng.ncr.ngb-arng.mbx.ngb-osbp@army.mil

    USACE ST. PAUL DISTRICT: SBO-MVP@usace.army.mil

  • NATIONAL GUARD OFFICE: ng.ms.msarng.mbx.uspfo-purchasing-and-contracting@army.mil


  • MICC FT. LEONARD WOOD: usarmy.jbsa.acc-micc.list.hq-sbs-leonardwood@army.mil

    NATIONAL GUARD OFFICE: ng.mo.moarng.mbx.uspfo-contracting@army.mil

    USACE KANSAS CITY DISTRICT: (816) 389-3927

    USACE ST. LOUIS DISTRICT: cemvs-sbo@usace.army.mil


  • NATIONAL GUARD OFFICE: ng.ncr.ngb-arng.mbx.ngb-osbp@army.mil

    USACE OMAHA DISTRICT cenwo-sb@usace.army.mil

  • NATIONAL GUARD OFFICE: ng.ncr.ngb-arng.mbx.ngb-osbp@army.mil

  • NATIONAL GUARD OFFICE: ng.nh.nharng.list.contracting-office@mail.mil

  • ACC-NJ OSBP usarmy.pica.acc.mbx.acc-nj-sbo@army.mil

    NATIONAL GUARD OFFICE: ng.nj.njarng.mbx.uspfo-purchasing-and-contracting@army.mil

  • NATIONAL GUARD OFFICE: ng.ncr.ngb-arng.mbx.ngb-osbp@army.mil

    USACE ALBUQUERQUE DISTRICT albuquerque.smallbusiness@usace.army.mil

  • MICC FT. DRUM: usarmy.jbsa.acc-micc.list.hq-sbs-drum@army.mil

    MICC West Point: usarmy.jbsa.acc-micc.list.hq-sbs-westpoint@army.mil


    USACE BUFFALO DISTRICT: lrp.sbo@usace.army.mil

    USACE NEW YORK DISTRICT: (917) 790-8004

  • MICC FT. LIBERTY usarmy.jbsa.acc-micc.list.hq-sbs-bragg@army.mil

    NATIONAL GUARD OFFICE: ng.ncr.ngb-arng.mbx.ngb-osbp@army.mil

  • NATIONAL GUARD OFFICE: ng.nd.ndarng.list.pc@army.mil

  • NATIONAL GUARD OFFICE: ng.oh.oharng.list.uspfo-purchasing-and-contracting-office@army.mil

  • MICC FT. SILL usarmy.jbsa.acc-micc.list.hq-sbs-sill@army.mil

    NATIONAL GUARD OFFICE: ng.ok.okarng.mesg.j8-contracting@army.mil


  • NATIONAL GUARD OFFICE: ng.or.orarng.mbx.j8-pandc@army.mil

    USACE PORTLAND DISTRICT cenwp-sb@usace.army.mil

  • MICC Carlisle Barracks usarmy.jbsa.acc-micc.list.hq-sbs-carlisle@army.mil

    NATIONAL GUARD OFFICE: ng.pa.paarng.list.staff-uspfo-p-c@army.mil


    USACE PITTSBURGH DISTRICT lrp.sbo@usace.army.mil

  • NATIONAL GUARD OFFICE: ng.ncr.ngb-arng.mbx.ngb-osbp@army.mil

  • NATIONAL GUARD OFFICE: ng.ri.riarng.list.staff-pandc@army.mil

  • MICC FT. JACKSON usarmy.jbsa.acc-micc.list.hq-sbs-jackson@army.mil

    NATIONAL GUARD OFFICE: ng.ncr.ngb-arng.mbx.ngb-osbp@army.mil


  • NATIONAL GUARD OFFICE: ng.ncr.ngb-arng.mbx.ngb-osbp@army.mil

  • NATIONAL GUARD OFFICE: ng.ncr.ngb-arng.mbx.ngb-osbp@army.mil

    USACE MEMPHIS DISTRICT mvm_smallbusinessprograms@usace.army.mil

    USACE NASHVILLE DISTRICT sbo-lrd@usace.army.mil

  • MICC FT. BLISS usarmy.jbsa.acc-micc.list.hq-sbs-bliss@army.mil

    MICC FT. CARSON usarmy.jbsa.acc-micc.list.hq-sbs-carson@army.mil

    MICC FT. CAVAZOS usarmy.jbsa.acc-micc.list.hq-sbs-hood@army.mil

    MICC FT. SAM HOUSTON usarmy.jbsa.acc-micc.list.hq-sbs-fsh@army.mil

    MICC FDO FT. SAM HOUSTON usarmy.jbsa.acc-micc.list.hq-sbs-irc@army.mil

    NATIONAL GUARD OFFICE: ng.ncr.ngb-arng.mbx.ngb-osbp@army.mil




  • DUGWAY PROVING GROUND usarmy.jbsa.acc-micc.list.hq-sbs-dpg@army.mil

    NATIONAL GUARD OFFICE: ngut-pc@army.mil

  • NATIONAL GUARD OFFICE: ng.ncr.ngb-arng.mbx.ngb-osbp@army.mil

  • MICC FT. EUSTIS DIVISION A usarmy.jbsa.acc-micc.list.hq-sbs-eustis@army.mil

    MICC FT. GREGG-ADAMS usarmy.jbsa.acc-micc.list.hq-sbs-lee@army.mil

    MICC FT. BELVOIR / FT. WALKER / JOINT BASE MYER HENDERSON HALL/ FT. MEADE usarmy.jbsa.acc-micc.list.hq-sbs-belvoir@army.mil

    NATIONAL GUARD OFFICE vaarngg8aso@army.mil

    USACE Army Geospatial Center AGC-SB-Forum@usace.army.mil




    (757) 201-7077

  • NATIONAL GUARD OFFICE: ng.ncr.ngb-arng.mbx.ngb-osbp@army.mil

  • MICC JOINT BASE LEWIS McCHORD: usarmy.jbsa.acc-micc.list.hq-sbs-jblm@army.mil

    MICC FT. McCOY/ FT. BUCHANAN: usarmy.jbsa.acc-micc.list.hq-sbs-mccoy@army.mil

    NATIONAL GUARD OFFICE: ng.wa.waarng.list.pnc@army.mil

    USACE WALLA WALLA DISTRICT: (509) 527-7434

  • NATIONAL GUARD OFFICE: ng.ncr.ngb-arng.mbx.ngb-osbp@army.mil


    USACE HUNTINGTON DISTRICT lrh.small.business@usace.army.mil

  • NATIONAL GUARD OFFICE: ng.wi.wiarng.list.wpfo-p@army.mil

Small Business Resources

  • The Army Mentor Protégé Program (MPP) Office is now inviting applications for participation in the Department of Defense (DoD) MPP. This Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) will be open for nine months, during which white papers can be submitted at any time. These submissions will be evaluated throughout this period. Mentor Firms whose white papers align with the intent of this BAA may be invited to submit technical and cost proposals, subject to the availability of program funds. To learn more visit: SAM.gov

  • The Army Intellectual Property (IP) Cell of Experts is the focal point for the Army’s IP policy approach and serves as a resource on IP related questions for organizations doing or seeking to do business with the Army.

    Contact the Cell at: Army.IP.Cell@army.mil

  • Standard Operating Procedure for Army Compliance with the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement and Fairness Act of 1996

    SOP SBREFA 20200410.pdf [PDF - 130.1 KB]

  • The Office of the National Ombudsman (ONO), housed within the Small Business Administration (SBA), was created in 1996 as part of P.L. 104-121, the Contract with America Advancement Act of 1996 (Title II, the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996 [SBREFA]). The office’s primary purpose is to provide a means for small businesses, small government entities (those serving populations of less than 50,000), and small nonprofit organizations with a means to comment if they have experienced unfair or excessive regulatory compliance or enforcement actions (such as repetitive audits or investigations, excessive fines, and retaliation by federal agencies). The ONO is an impartial liaison that reports small business regulatory fairness matters to the appropriate federal agency for review and works across government to address those concerns and reduce regulatory burdens on small businesses.

    The Department of the Army personnel have a statutory responsibility to follow U.S. laws and to implement regulations in a manner that ensures fair and equitable treatment, including due process. The Army will not condone retaliatory actions against firms based upon their expressing concerns or complaints involving regulatory enforcement or compliance matters. All small business professionals will be equitable in treatment of all vendors, address the public responsively and politely, be objective and base decisions on facts and solid judgment, and avoid even the appearance of impropriety.

    Small businesses are encouraged to work with the Army’s command and activity small business professionals prior to submitting an inquiry to the SBA ONO whenever feasible. This will assist the Army to resolve validated issues in a timely manner. The Army’s standard operating procedure is available for review (see section “Standard Operating Procedure for Army Compliance with the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement and Fairness Act of 1996”).

    The SBA ONO services are available regardless of whether the agency has been previously engaged. Contact the National Ombudsman and Assistant Administrator for Regulatory Enforcement Fairness, Office of the National Ombudsman, U.S. Small Business Administration if you feel that you or your firm has been unfairly treated.


    Office of the National Ombudsman

    U.S. Small Business Administration

    409 3rd Street, S.W.

    Washington, DC 20416



    Web address:


  • What is the role of the U.S. Army Office of Small Business Programs (OSBP)?

    The Army OSBP is a small business advocacy organization committed to maximizing procurement opportunities for small businesses and minority-serving educational institutions in support of the Warfighter and Army Force Generation (ARFORGEN).

    Does Army offer business loans or grants to start or expand a small business?

    Army does not offer loans or grants to begin or expand a small business.

    How do I do business with the Army?

    You will find out how in our interactive instructional module, 11 Steps to Doing Business with the Army", which is designed to assist small businesses in obtaining required certifications necessary to do business with the Army.

    What is the difference between 8(a) certification and SDB certification?

    The 8(a) program is a business development program that offers a broad scope of assistance to socially and economically disadvantaged firms. SDB certification pertains to benefits in Federal procurement. 8(a) firms automatically qualify for SDB certification.

    How is a small business defined or categorized?

    A small business concern is a business, including its affiliates, that is independently owned and operated, not dominant in the field of operation in which it is bidding on contracts and qualified as a small business under the applicable size standards in 13 CFR Part 121 (FAR 19.102).

    The size standard is based on the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes and is currently figured by either dollar revenue or number of employees.

    What is an NAICS code?

    The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is the standard used by Federal statistical agencies in classifying business establishments for the purpose of collecting, analyzing, and publishing statistical data related to the U.S. business economy. NAICS was developed and adopted in 1997 to allow for a high level of comparability in business statistics among the North American countries. The official U.S. Government website provides the latest information NAICS: https://www.census.gov/eos/www/naics

    What are the size standards and how are they established?

    The Small Business Administration size standards determine whether or not your business is considered small. Size standards define the largest size a business can be to participate in government contracting programs and compete for contracts reserved or set aside for small businesses. Size standards vary by industry, and are generally based on the number of employees or the amount of annual receipts the business has. You can find small business size regulations in Title 13 Part 121 of the Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (eCFR). Additional information can be found on the SBA website: https://www.sba.gov/federal-contracting/contracting-guide/size-standards.

    How do I find out about upcoming events?

    OSBP posts upcoming events of interest for small business vendors to its online Calendar of Events.

    What is the role of a small business specialist?

    To act as an advocate to maximize small business opportunities in support of the mission of their organization.

    How do I locate a small business in my area?

    To locate a small business in your area, refer to the System for Award Management (SAM).




    Click here to read a letter from the Director of the Army Office of Small Business Programs

    In response to COVID-19, the Department of Defense is prioritizing the protection of our forces—including service members and their dependents, civilians, and contractors—maintaining mission readiness, and supporting the whole-of-government effort to fight this virus. The Department’s latest updates on COVID-19 are available here.


    Small business owners in all U.S. states and territories are currently eligible to apply for a low-interest loan due to Coronavirus (COVID-19). The Small Business Administration’s (SBA) Economic Injury Disaster Loan program provides small businesses with working capital loans of up to $2 million that can provide vital economic support to small businesses to help overcome the temporary loss of revenue they are experiencing.

    SBA National Crisis Training Schedule

    SBA memo about extension of time for filing Individual Subcontracting Reports (ISRs)

    ISR Mid-year Extension

    Disaster Assistance for COVID-19

    Economic Disaster Loans

    Guidance for Businesses & Employers

    CARES Act

    The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act was signed into law on March 27, 2020. The CARES Act includes provisions intended to assist small businesses. The Small Business Administration (SBA) and the Department of Treasury have begun releasing the information that will guide the programs created through the CARES Act. For information, please visit the SBA and the Department of Treasury websites, or utilize the U.S. Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship website, where you can also access a comprehensive guide to many of the small business provisions contained in the Act:


    The memorandum (link below) announces the Defense Pricing and Contracting (DPC) effort to provide overarching guidance to the contracting community regarding Section 3610 of the CARES act implementation. The DoD Process for 3610 Reimbursements will be fully coordinated across the Department of Defense, include industry input, and build on Class Deviation 2020-O0013 dated April 8, 2020, as well as the associated memorandum and frequently asked questions document. For more information see the memorandum at the link below. Visit the DPC COVID-19 page, also provided below, to view COVID-related material for the contracting community, including this memorandum and all documents referenced above.

    Memorandum: https://www.acq.osd.mil/dpap/policy/policyvault/DoD_Process_for_Section_3610_Reimbursement_Memo_DPC.pdf

    Policy Vault: https://www.acq.osd.mil/dpap/ops/policy_vault.html

    DPC COVID-19 Page: https://www.acq.osd.mil/dpap/pacc/cc/COVID-19.html


    Learn how PTACs can help your small business here.


    Guidance for Assessment of Other COVID-19 Related Imapcts and Costs


    The Department’s latest updates on COVID-19 are available here.

    Additional memoranda in connection with virus response:

    Memo for the Defense Industrial Base: Doing Business with the Department – Supporting the Response to COVID-19

    Defense Logistics Agency COVID-19 Contingency Corridor

    Contracting with the Department of Defense: A Step by Step Approach to the DoD Marketplace

    Memo for the Defense Industrial Base: Defense Industrial Base Essential Critical Infrastructure Workforce

    Memo regarding Class Deviation and Progress Payment Rates


    Progress payments are partial payments made before final invoicing for expenses incurred. It is a form of contract financing and covers materials, labor and other costs.

    Memo regarding Industrial Base Contract Considerations

    Additional contracting information related to COVID-19 issues on the Defense Pricing and Contracting (DPC) webpage here.


    White House Coronavirus (COVID-19) Task Force

    The COVID-19 Task Force portal for public information, working in conjunction with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Department of Health and Human Services, and other agency stakeholders. This portal will link to the appropriate Federal agency website as the authoritative source for that information as necessary.

    Centers for Disease Control and Protection (CDC)

    The CDC Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) landing page is the latest public health and safety information from CDC and for the overarching medical and health provider community on COVID-19. The site contains consumer and medical information on how the virus spreads, symptoms, prevention and treatment, stigma, cases and what to do if you are sick, along with frequently asked questions.

    Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

    The FEMA “How to Help” page provides information on ways individuals and businesses can support COVID-19 response efforts.

    U.S. Government

    The USA.gov page catalogs all U.S. government activities related to Coronavirus (COVID-19). USA.gov can support both English and Spanish content.


The following cybersecurity resources are designed to contribute to an organization’s overall security posture, they are not intended as a complete toolkit for Federal cybersecurity compliance frameworks.

Cyber Secuity Resources


This content is in the initial stages of publication and is subject to revision/additions. Future actions will take place as needed and in a quarterly pace. Links will be reviewed for active status and regulatory relevance on a quarterly basis.

Contact Information

Thank you for your interest in Army small business opportunities.

We can be reached at:

Army Office of Small Business Programs (OSBP)
106 Army Pentagon, Room 3B514
Washington, DC 20310-0106

Main Line: 703-697-2868

Follow us:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ArmySmallBiz

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/armysmallbiz

Twitter: https://twitter.com/ArmySmallBiz

Speaker Request

Our mission at the Army Office of Small Business Program is to connect small businesses with commands to support the US Army’s mission. While we're streamlining our process for faster responses, please use the link below to submit your request.

To request an AOSBP representative speak or attend your event, please click the email link below and provide the following information:

Point of contact (Name, E-mail & Phone), Organization name, Socioeconomic status (i.e. 8(a), HubZone, etc.), Event Name, Full Address of Event Location, Date and time of the event, Type of Participation required and expectations of the engagement.

If you have a Small Business general inquiry / request (i.e. Submit Capability Statement, Request Capability Briefing, or general questions), please email Zulekha.a.abu.ctr@army.mil and provide the following information:

Point of contact (Name, E-mail & Phone), Organization name, Socioeconomic status (i.e. 8(a), HubZone, etc.), Question / Request or comment.

Please allow a minimum of 2-3 business days for follow-up after submitting your request.

The Latest News & Updates From the Army Office Of Small Business Programs

Check Back For Updates!

List Of Upcoming Events

  • NSPAA HBCU Working Group Meeting​- June 5, 2024

  • The Government Procurement Conference is a national conference fostering business partnerships between the Federal Government, its prime contractors, and small, minority, service-disabled veteran-owned, veteran-owned, HUBZone, and women-owned businesses.

    Learn more at: 33rd Annual Government Procurement Conference (GPC) (fbcinc.com)

  • The MDA Small Business Programs Conference is designed to assist small business contractors in doing business with MDA.  The conference will provide valuable information and opportunities for matchmaking with MDA Prime Contractors, Government Representatives and networking with other Small Businesses.

    Learn more at: Register for the Conference – 2024 MDA Small Business Conference – Von Braun Center Saturn Ballroom (tickettailor.com)

  • The National Contract Management Association (NCMA) is hosting its 25th World Congress in Seattle from July 21 to 24, 20241. This event is the nation’s leading training event for contract management, procurement, and acquisition professionals.

    Learn more at: Home | NCMA World Congress (ncmahq.org)

  • Hosted by the Department of Defense (DoD) Office of Small Business Programs (OSBP), this is an opportunity to immerse yourself in learning and networking opportunities while building partnerships and strengthening resilience in the defense industrial base.

    Aligned with OSBP’s mission, the annual Mentor-Protégé Program (MPP) Summit offers practical growth opportunities for small businesses through education, networking, and collaboration. Engage in discussions, workshops, and keynote speeches by government, industry, and academia experts.

    Learn more at: Home - Mentor Protege Program Summit 2024 (cvent.com)

  • The NDIA Department of the Navy Gold Coast Event is the premier Navy procurement conference in the country. Gold Coast provides a forum to educate, guide, and assist businesses, large and small, in support of the warfighter mission within Department of the Navy and throughout the DOD.

    Register: https://www.navygoldcoast.org/register/

  • The Army Office of Small Business Programs (OSBP) will host its 12th Annual Small Business Seminar and Matchmaking Session during the 2024 AUSA Annual Meeting at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center.

    The small business seminar is designed to provide small businesses with a series of educational sessions to increase knowledge of doing business with the Department of Defense and other federal agencies. The seminar will feature key DoD and Army leaders speaking on small business program priorities as well as panels highlighting business opportunities and practices for the small business industrial base.

    The in-person matchmaking will bring together small business professionals from military OSBPs, other federal agencies and prime contractors for 10-minute face-to-face meetings. Matchmaking takes place from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

    Registration opens in July 2024.

Past Events

  • The Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics and Technology recognizes that the Army must enhance engagements and highlight opportunities for Historically Black College and Universities (HBCU). Diverse perspectives provide a critical source of innovative talent and novel concepts for the advancement of Army Modernization Priorities and national security.

    The xTechHBCU Student competition provides a structured and focused entry path for eligible HBCU undergraduates to submit novel concepts and technology solutions directly to the Army. Participants receive detailed feedback from Army and DoD stakeholders, and access to training, mentorship, and networking opportunities through the xTechHBCU Student accelerator. The competition awards up to $100,000 in cash prizes to select eligible participants throughout the competition. The competition finals were held at the 2024 Black Engineer of the Year Awards STEM Conference from Feb. 16–17, 2024 in Baltimore, MD. This year's winners included Sambridhi Deo, a computer science major at Fisk University, first-place winner, taking home the $10,500 prize. In second place, receiving $8,500, was Fisk University computer science major Rohan Ray Yadav. In third place, receiving $6,500, was Oakwood University biology major Osariemen Nosa. The fourth-place winner, along with $4,500, went to Divine Ogugua, a computer information systems major at Edward Waters University.

    Winners of the XTech competition.
    1 / 4 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Winners of the XTech competition. (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL
    Sambridhi Deo: Computer Science Major at Fisk University
    2 / 4 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Sambridhi Deo: Computer Science Major at Fisk University (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL
    Rohan Ray Yadav:  Computer Science Major at Fisk University
    3 / 4 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Rohan Ray Yadav: Computer Science Major at Fisk University (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL
    Divine Ogugua: Computer Information Systems Major at Edward Waters University
    4 / 4 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Divine Ogugua: Computer Information Systems Major at Edward Waters University (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

  • Ms. Kimberly Buehler, Director, Army Office of Small Business Programs was invited to meet with the Leadership of Chenega Corporation, Military, Intelligence & Operations Support (MIOS)- Strategic Business Unit (SBU).  Chenega’s corporate leaders discussed an overview of the MIOS-SBU corporate background, mission support, commitment to their Alaska Native Shareholders, and corporate capabilities.

    Ms. Buehler provided a comprehensive overview of the Army’s Office of Small Business Programs; Small Business Achievements; Incentivizing Integration Initiatives; Goals Supporting National Security and Army Priorities. The meeting concluded with a roundtable of questions & answers.

    (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

  • Thursday, February 15, 2024

    Ms. Gayna Malcolm-Packnett at Morgan State University for the HBCU-MI Research Teaming Opportunities Forum. The event brought together leaders from Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Minority Serving Institutions (HBCU-MIs) and leading voices in the Army’s Science and Technology (S&T) community.

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  • February 5-7, 2024

    Atlanta, GA

    The 2024 National 8(a) Small Business Conference was held on February 05 - 07, 2024 at the Hyatt Regency Atlanta in Georgia. The conference is considered the premier supplier diversity event for small businesses. The conference offered educational sessions, matchmaking, networking and resources for all small businesses.

    Small businesses had the chance to interact with AOSBP’s Deputy Director, Pamela Callicutt, as well as Associate Directors from other commands like Army Materiel Command (AMC), U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Army Medical Command (MEDCOM), National Guard Bureau (NGB), and Army Futures Command (AFC) to discuss various programs and opportunities. This engagement marked a valuable moment for small businesses navigating the world of federal contracts.


    • Ms. Pamela Calicut, Deputy Director, Army Office of Small Business Programs served as a panelist during the session entitled Fanning the Flames of Success: A fireside chat with DoD OSDBU Offices on Small business Opportunities.
    • Thaddeus Martin, Sharon Morrow, Paul Ward, and Valerie Oliver served as speakers during the educational breakout session, Navigating Procurement Paths: Opportunities for Small Businesses.
    • The AOSBP exhibit booth welcomed visitors to engage with the AOSBP Deputy Director and Army Command staff and provided them an opportunity to showcase their business.
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  • Thursday, February 8, 2024

    The mission of the SAME Small Business Community of interest is to promote the role and relevance of small business in SAME through outreach, training, opportunity and recognition. Ms. Kimberly Buehler, Director of the Army’s Office of Small Business Programs was the keynote speaker at the 21st Annual Contract Opportunities & Small Business Showcase.

    Ms. Kim Buehler with CT APEX Accelerators
    Ms. Kim Buehler with CT APEX Accelerators (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL