U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to construct $18.5 million Afghan National Army Hospital

By U.S. ArmyMay 2, 2011

KABUL - The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers awarded an $18.5 million dollar contract to design and build a new campus facility for the Afghan National Army Regional Hospital Gamberi located in Gamberi, Afghanistan, May 1.

The hospital will be located adjacent to the existing main ANA Gamberi Garrison in the province of Laghman. Laghman is located in the eastern portion of northern Afghanistan.

The project consists of the construction of a 100 bed hospital complex to serve the medical needs of the Afghan Army Regional Command in Gamberi. It includes billeting and life support for approximately 235 medical and other required staff and includes all other infrastructure necessary to operate and maintain the hospital. Utilities will be connected to the existing Gamberi ANA garrison systems. Separate emergency power for the hospital will also be installed and the hospital will have its own force protected perimeter wall or fence with a separate entry control point.

The contract for the hospital complex was awarded to joint venture ARAO-Fellgroup. Construction is expected to take approximately 2 A,A1/2 years.

The Corps of Engineers is the primary organization building army bases, police stations, roads, airstrips and other infrastructure projects in Afghanistan to increase the country's stability and economy. The Corps of Engineers has two districts in the country - Afghanistan Engineer District-North, which is based in Kabul; and Afghanistan Engineer District-South, which is based in Kandahar.