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HQDA Civilian Onboarding

Headquarters Department of the Army

Welcome to the HQDA Civilian Onboarding Website.

As a new Department of the Army Civilian, you are an important part of the Army team, and we’re excited you’ve joined Headquarters, Department of the Army (HQDA)!

The Administrative Assistant to the Secretary of the Army extends his welcome to you in the attached Welcome Letter. Watch for his welcoming video coming soon.

New employees joining HQDA - Video coming soon!
(Photo Credit: Hess, Pamela T (Pam) CIV USARMY HQDA OAA (USA)) VIEW ORIGINAL

HQDA is one part of the Department of the Army. This onboarding website provides you with information on the HQDA mission, history, and structure through the ABOUT link.

The CIVILIAN tab contains, valuable information and outlines the steps that new employees should take in order to have a successful first year. I Am An Army Civilian video.

Once you have had an opportunity to review onboarding links and HQDA specific information, you can visit the HQDA Organization links. HQDA is comprised of several different organizations. Connect and learn more about the organization you are joining!

For more information contact HRMD.

Reviewed: 10 July 2024


Primarily located in the National Capital Region (NCR), the HQDA staff is comprised of over 6,000 Civilian and Military personnel. The HQDA staff comprises the Secretariat and the Army Staff (ARSTAF) and supports the Secretary of the Army (SECARMY) by developing policies and programs; establishing and prioritizing requirements; and providing resources to support the organizing, manning, training, and equipping of forces to meet to meet combatant commanders' current and future operational requirements, and other requirements, as defined by the President, Secretary of Defense, and Secretary of the Army. The primary purpose of the HQDA Staff is to support the SECARMY and Chief of Staff of the Army (CSA) in exercising their duties and responsibilities; support the Army's warfighting units; and support the Army's Soldiers, Civilians and their families. In providing that support, the view of commanders in the field will be given particular weight and primacy in all issues facing the Army.

Pentagon with DC background
(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

The Army mission is vital to the Nation because we are the service capable of defeating enemy ground forces and indefinitely seizing and controlling those things an adversary prizes most – its land, its resources and its population.

As an HQDA employee, you play a vital role in the Army’s mission!

(GO 2020-01)

Learn more about HQDA

  • The Headquarters, Department of the Army’s (HQDA) historical roots are grounded in the Board of War and Ordnance, which the Second Continental Congress established as a standing committee during the American Revolution on 12 June 1776. The civilian board would have administrative oversight of the Continental Army and make recommendations to Congress. In the 1780's leaders realized a need to change the government structure and Congress established the Department of War.

    Throughout the 19th Century, the Department of War was kept busy with threats both internal and external entities. The Department of War also increased its responsibilities to include recruitment, training, supply, medical care, transportation, and pay of millions of soldiers. During this time the War Department was divided between the field army under the commanding general and the technical and administrative bureaus supervised by the secretary.

    The 20th Century began with attempts to reorganize the Department which were ultimately abandoned. The Department personnel were scattered among numerous buildings throughout the Washington metropolitan area. The Secretary of War urged Congress to fund a new building so the department would operate under one roof – and construction of the Pentagon began. With the world rapidly changing, what we know as the Department of Defense was formed encompassing the Department of the Army (formerly the Department of War), the Department of the Navy, and the newly established Department of the Air Force.

    (Photo Credit: Hess, Pamela T (Pam) CIV USARMY HQDA OAA (USA)) VIEW ORIGINAL

    On the morning of 11 September 2001, as part of al-Qaeda coordinated suicide attacks, terrorists crashed a hijacked plane into the west side of the Pentagon, causing fire and partial collapse of the building. HQDA personnel from the Office of the Administrative Assistant’s Information and Technology Agency stayed in the burning building throughout to keep the Pentagon’s communications functioning. There were 125 fatalities at the Pentagon, Army bore 60 percent of them: 47 civilians, 6 civilian contractors, and 22 soldiers. Despite these losses, HQDA persevered.

    Today, Headquarters, Department of the Army (HQDA) maintains both directive and supervisory functions and consists of two separate staffs: the Secretariat and the Army Staff. HQDA supports the Secretary of the Army in many ways, including but not limited to:

    1. Developing policies and programs.

    2. Establishing and prioritizing requirements.

    3. Providing resources to support the organizing, staffing, training, and equipping of forces to meet combatant commanders’ current and future operational requirements.

    4. Assisting the secretary and the chief of staff of the Army in exercising their duties and responsibilities.

    5. Backing the Army’s warfighting units; and aiding the Army’s soldiers, civilians, and their families.

    6. Other requirements as defined by the president, secretary of defense, and secretary of the Army.

    Read the complete HQDA History. [PDF - Feb 2024]

  • The diagram below shows the structure of the HQDA, the General Order establishes the functions and responsibilities of the HQDA within the Army.

    (Photo Credit: Hess, Pamela T (Pam) CIV USARMY HQDA OAA (USA)) VIEW ORIGINAL

Civilians Careers

For more information contact HRMD.

The appearance of external hyperlinks does not constitute endorsement by the U.S. Army of this website or the information, products, or services contained therein. For other than authorized activities such as military exchanges and MWR sites, the U.S. Army does not exercise any editorial control over the information you may find at these locations. Such links are provided consistent with the stated purpose of this website.

Civilian Employees and Sponsors

  • The checklist is also available to download: HQDA Civ Onboarding Checklist Nov 2023.pdf [PDF - 186.1 KB]

    New HQDA Civilian Checklist

    Between Job Acceptance and Start Date:

    __ 1. Review welcome packet and/or online portal from Civilian Personnel Advisory Center (CPAC).

    __ 2. Complete onboarding paperwork from CPAC (sign, date, and submit as instructed by CPAC). This is very important! Please review the list of helpful online links and information to ensure you have completed everything you can before reporting to work. This will help make your first days less stressful and more productive.

    __ 3. Receive welcome email from your organization’s assigned sponsor.

    __ 4.  Contact the sponsor to request any assistance or additional information about your new organization, installation/base, and area, if needed.

    __ 5.  Coordinate with sponsor to arrange meeting on first day after CPAC or designated HR office, orientation.

    __ 6.   Reach out to your sponsor for special instructions on scheduling an appointment on the Real-Time Automated Personnel Identification System (RAPIDS) site to get your Common Access Card (CAC). In general, you should

    • select an appointment date/time 2 to 4 days after your scheduled in-processing through the CPAC, or as soon after that as feasible.
    • reach the RAPIDS appointment scheduler at this link: https:/idco.dmdc.osd.mil/idco/

    - Employees arriving on Fort Belvoir can make an appointment at the CAC office located at 9301 Chapek Rd., Ft Belvoir

    - Employees arriving at the Pentagon should enter pentagon location.

    - Employees working remotely will need to search for a CAC office using their zip code.

    First Day:


     __ 7.  Attend CPAC or designated HR office orientation and complete paperwork and procedures, as instructed by the CPAC.

    __ 8.  Complete CPAC or designated HR office New Employee Orientation and take Oath of Office to become a member of the Army Civilian Corps/workforce.

    __ 9.  Meet sponsor as pre-arranged and report to new organization and work area to continue onboarding process.

    __ 10.  Complete organization’s check in procedures (which may include Information Assurance (IA) training, building pass/badge, parking pass, access to office/building, and other in-processing procedures).

    __ 11. Meet with supervisor to discuss first day activities, plan for the balance of the week, and receive the New Employee Onboarding Handbook.

    __ 12. Meet department staff and key personnel.

    __ 13. Tour facility and work area.

    __ 14. Review general administrative procedures.

    **Now is a good time to become familiar with the employee benefits you will enjoy as an HQDA Army Civilian.**

    Within First Week:

    __15. Meet with your supervisor to review work schedule, hours, payroll, timecards (if applicable), labor accounting, and leave (time off)/absence policies and procedures.

    __16. If you are in a union-coded position, learn your union point of contact’s (POC’s) name and phone number.

    Record Name and number of your union POC here:

    __ 17. Complete administrative tasks and review key administrative and computer use policies and other administrative procedures.

    __ 18. Obtain DoD Common Access Card (CAC) as scheduled or as soon as feasible.

    __ 19. Complete IA Training at https://cs.signal.army.mil/login.asp and save the certificate

    __ 20. Meet with supervisor to discuss performance plan and individual development plan (IDP). During the first 30 days, you will have discussions about performance expectations and training requirements and recommendations.

    • These discussions will likely include:

    -An overview of your organization and its mission, including an explanation of how your organization’s mission supports the overall mission of the Command and the Army.

    -An explanation about which organizations and entities are customers and which support the organization in completing its mission.

    -A review of your position description, typical and anticipated work assignments, and performance expectations, including an explanation about how your role supports your organization, Command, and the Army missions.

    -A review of required and recommended training and development activities.

    • During the discussion you will learn about

    - The annual performance review and goal-setting process. You will work with your supervisor to establish your performance plan within the first 30 days.

    - The individual development plan and process. You will work together with your supervisor to establish an IDP within the first 30 days.

    __ 21. Once you have your CAC and system access, log into Army Career Tracker (ACT) (https://actnow.army.mil) and identify/select your 1st and 2nd line supervisors in ACT.

    The 1st line supervisor is your “rater” and the 2nd line supervisor is your senior rater, or higher level reviewer. These individuals should be identified in the “New Employee Information” above. ACT will send reminders until this step is completed. You will be unable to navigate in ACT unless your supervisors are identified in a timely manner.

    __  22. View videos and video case studies about the Army Civilian component of the Army Profession prepared by the Center for the Army Profession and Leadership (CAPL) at: https://armyuniversity.edu/amsc/podcast. These videos will continue to be available as needed/desired throughout your transition into the Army Profession.

    Within First 30 Days:

    __ 23. Expect your supervisor to continue giving you assignments that are challenging yet doable. Be sure to touch base with your supervisor (or lead trainer, if applicable) if you need additional and or more challenging work, or if you have questions

    __  24. Expect your supervisor to conduct regularly occurring one-on-one meetings, during which they will provide timely, ongoing, and meaningful feedback; elicit your feedback; and be available to answer questions. Request a conversation with your supervisor if you find they are not initiating these conversations as often as you need/desire.

    __  25. Create and update your account in MyBiz at https://compo.dcpds.cpms.osd.mil/.

    __  26. Create a student account in ArmyIgnitED at https://www.armyignited.army.mil/student/public/welcome .

    __  27. Create and update your account in My Pay at https://mypay.dfas.mil/mypay.aspx.

    __  28. Your supervisor will schedule a time for you to meet your organization’s career functional representative to discuss the purpose and value of Career talent management, review Army Civilian Talent Development Program catalog, and to learn about career development support available from your functional community representative.

    Record date, time, and place for meeting with organization’s CP representative: _____________________

    __  29. Your supervisor will meet with you to identify and discuss short/long term training requirements (Civilian Education System (CES), Supervisor Development Course (SDC), Career Field-specific requirements, Army Regulation (AR) 350-1 required training, etc.).

    • Use this information and information gleaned from your conversation with your organization’s career functional representative to create an IDP, including development goals, in ACT.
    • Your supervisor will request a meeting to review your proposed IDP and together make adjustments as needed.

    __  30. Meet with your supervisor to develop, review, and finalize performance objectives, standards, and sign your performance plan.

    __  31. Meet with your senior rater/higher level reviewer to discuss performance expectations and sign the performance plan.

    Record date, time, and place for senior rater meeting: ______________________

    __  32. Meet key partners from other departments.

    __  33. Meet with sponsor, as needed, for any additional guidance.

    __  34. Begin short/long term training requirements (CES, SDC, AR 350-1 required training, etc.)

    It is mandatory that you take the following courses annually. Copy and paste the link in your web browser.

    Records Management: https://www.lms.army.mil/ (search for Records Management)

    Controlled Unclassified Information: https://securityawareness.usalearning.gov/cui/index.html

    __  35. Review Army Doctrine Publication (ADP) 6-22, Army Leadership and the Profession available at: https://capl.army.mil/adp6-22/

    __ 36. Ensure you are on-track to complete required CES training and seek additional training and development opportunities as needed, to help understand internal systems, general operating practices, and obtain other information or skills for successful job performance.

    • Developmental activities may include shadowing your supervisor and/or coworkers to get exposure to others and learn more about the department and organization.
    • By the end of the first 90 days, your supervisor will likely meet with you to discuss whether required training has been completed or scheduled and to determine whether any assistance is required to complete training or whether any adjustments are needed to the IDP.
    • Request a meeting with your supervisor if you find they have not initiated this conversation as early as you need/desire.

    __  37. Expect your supervisor to continue to provide timely performance feedback, and by the end of your 90 days, your supervisor will likely schedule an informal 3-month performance check-in discussion.

    • Request feedback from your supervisor if you find they have not provided informal performance feedback as frequently as you need/desire.
    • Request a meeting with your supervisor if they have not initiated an informal 3-month performance check-in by about the 90-day mark.
    Within First 180 Days:

    __  38. Complete CES Foundation Course and any other CES required training, or ensure you are scheduled to complete these requirements within the first year.

    __  39. Complete SDC, if applicable.

    __  40. Continue to talk with your supervisor, sponsor, and/or colleagues, as needed, to better understand expectations, culture, practices, and the Army Profession.

    __  41. At about the 6-month mark, your supervisor and senior rater should conduct a formal mid-point performance counseling session.

    • The mid-point performance review should include a review of your performance plan and how well you are meeting goals and objectives as well as a review of your IDP and career goals, including any needed adjustments to your IDP.
    • Request a formal mid-point performance counseling session with your supervisor if they have not initiated one by the 6-month mark.
    Within First Year:

    __ 42. Participate in training, webinar sessions, learning activities, and other outreach/development activities as recommended and authorized by your supervisor and/or recorded on your IDP.

    __ 43. Complete all onboarding requirements, including CES training requirements.

    __ 44. Complete your annual performance appraisal.

    • Meet with your supervisor to review your performance against your performance plan goals and objectives and be assigned your formal performance rating.
    • Meet with your senior rater to discuss and confirm your formal performance rating.
    Congratulations on your first year as a HQDA Civilian Employee!!!
    Helpful Links and Information

    Benefits and Entitlements: Army Benefits Center – Civilian (ABC-C)

    Army Benefits Center: https://abc.chra.army.mil/abc —can also be reached by phone at 1-877-276-9287

    New Employee Enrollment Overview—provides enrollment time frames and links for benefits: https://portal.chra.army.mil/abc?id=kb_article&sysparm_article=KB0010952&sys_kb_id=50d96ab919badb00d853667c9db8c432&spa=1

    New Employee Orientation Benefits Briefing—contains information helpful to new employees and is available in several versions (automated and self-paced): https://abc.chra.army.mil/abc - Click the GRB Icon to reach the GRB Platform. Click on Resource Library icon (open book, top left.) Click on “New Employee Benefits Orientation.”

    GRB Platform Overview/Tutorial—step-by-step instructions on accessing GRB: https://abc.chra.army.mil/abc - Click the GRB Icon on the home page to reach the GRB Platform. Click the Question Mark on the top right hand side to reach the New User Video.

    Federal Employees' Group Life Insurance (FEGLI) Calculator—see how choosing different combinations of coverage can change the amount of premiums and life insurance coverage: https://www.opm.gov/retirement-services/calculators/fegli-calculator/

    Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) Calculator—at the TSP website, click on the "Planning & Tools" tab in the middle of the page: https://www.tsp.gov/index.html

    Life Events—listing of common events that may occur during your Federal career: https://www.opm.gov/healthcare-insurance/life-events/

    Defense Finance and Accounting Service/Leave and Earnings Statement (LES)—interactive LES allows you to read in detail about each section: http://www.dfas.mil/civilianemployees/understandingyourcivilianpay/LES.html

    Financial Literacy: https://abc.chra.army.mil/abc?id=kb_article&kb_base=df76d97ff4a01300d853a880ab368742&sys_id=49fa3197f4861b40d853a880ab368770

    Pay and Leave (Leave Administration): https://www.opm.gov/policy-data-oversight/pay-leave/leave- administration

    Required Training:

    Cyber Security User Portal/IA Training: https://cs.signal.army.mil/login.asp

    CES and SDC enrollment (requires a CAC): https://armyuniversity.edu/amsc/EducationalPrograms

    AR 350-1, Army Training and Leader Development (requires a CAC): https://usacac.army.mil/sites/default/files/documents/cace/LREC/AR350-1_Web_FINAL.PDF

    Joint Ethics Regulation: http://www.esd.whs.mil/Portals/54/Documents/DD/issuances/dodm/550007r.pdf

    Records Management: https://www.lms.army.mil/ (search for Records Management)

    Controlled Unclassified Information: https://securityawareness.usalearning.gov/cui/index.html

    Check with your Organization for additional Organizational requirements.

    Forms and Resources:

    ACT: https://actnow.army.mil

    ArmyIgnitED: https://www.armyignited.army.mil/student/public/welcome

    MyBiz: https://compo.dcpds.cpms.osd.mil/

    MyPay: https://mypay.dfas.mil/mypay.aspx

    Army Doctrine Publication (ADP) 6-22, Army Leadership and the Profession available at: https://capl.army.mil/adp6-22/

    New Army Employee Onboarding Handbook: https://civilianonboarding.chra.army.mil/onboarding/

  • The checklist is also available to download: HQDA Supervisor Checklist Nov 2023.pdf [PDF - 207.3 KB]


    Within Three (3) Days of Formal Job Offer and Acceptance

    (As Confirmed by CPAC)

    Employee Name: ___________________ Start Date: ______________________

    Position Title: ______________________ Assigned Sponsor: _______________

    Phone Number: ____________________ Supervisor/Rater: ________________

    Email Address: _____________________ Senior Rater: _____________________

    HQDA Organization: ____________________________

    __1.  Obtain firm entrance on duty (EOD) date from Civilian Personnel Advisory Center (CPAC).

    __2.  Contact new employee (preferably by phone) to welcome him/her to the Army team and your organization.

    • Confirm start date. NOTE: Notify CPAC if employee believes the start date is different from what the CPAC stated.
    • Request new employee’s pre-employment (personal) telephone and email contact information. Record contact information in new employee information section of this checklist, above, and provide to sponsor.

    __3.  Send the new employee a welcome letter or email with a copy of the “HQDA New Civ Checklist” and “Army Employee Handbook.” Access and customize “Supervisor Letter to New Employee Template” from the Army Career Tracker (ACT) Army Civilian Onboarding Community.

    __4.   Select and assign a sponsor for new employee and meet with the sponsor to explain their role and responsibilities, and review the sponsor checklist.

    NOTE: In the event you are unable to assign a sponsor, incorporate key provisions of “Sponsor Letter to New Employee Template” into your (supervisor) welcome letter (discussed in action #3 above).

    Also, be sure to review and take important actions listed on Sponsor Checklist which is accessible from Army Civilian Onboarding website: https://civilianonboarding.chra.army.mil/onboarding/

    At Least One (1) Week Before Start Date

    __5.   Announce pending arrival of new employee to the new employee’s higher level reviewer and other appropriate senior leaders within the Command, and draft Command senior leader welcome letter for review/release by the appropriate senior leader. Access and customize “Command Senior Leader Letter to New Employee Template” from ACT Army Civilian Onboarding Community, and route for signature.

    __6.   Announce pending arrival of new employee to members of the staff in the new employee’s organization. Access and customize “Staff Introduction Email Template” from the ACT Army Civilian Onboarding Community and send it as an announcement email to the staff.

    __7. Review work area and confirm an assigned workstation, desk, work bench, chair, computer, network, telephone, office supplies, or other required tools and equipment are in place prior to the new employee’s first day.

    __8. Gather all historical information from the predecessor (if possible), such as best practices, files, records, and metrics to pass along to the new employee.

    __9. Determine what system access will be required by the new employee and initiate a System Authorization Access Request (SAAR), DD FORM 2875, if required, to be signed by new employee on first workday (or during first week).

    __10.  Arrange your schedule to be available to meet with the new employee on his/her first day and inform the assigned sponsor of the desired meeting time and place.

    Record date, time, and location of meeting: _________________________

    __11.   Schedule your new employee to attend/receive your Command Welcome Briefing.

    Record date, time, and location of Command Briefing/Orientation:

    __12. Determine what the new employee needs to know to become productive as soon as possible, and identify training, important introductions, and administrative activities to be accomplished by the employee in the first week or two. Use this information to plan the employee’s first assignment or activities for that period.

     First Day

    __13.   Ensure sponsor meets and escorts new employee upon completion of CPAC orientation or designated Human Resource (HR) orientation at an arranged location, and escorts to his/her workstation. Pre-arrange alternate in the event of sponsor’s absence.

    __14.   Ensure technical assistance is available to help new employee set up computer and access network resources.

    May need to defer until after new Common Access Card (CAC) has been issued and system access has been granted.

    If CAC and/or system access is delayed, arrange for the employee to use a computer kiosk to access publicly available sites (e.g., Center for the Army Profession and Leadership (CAPL) Army Values: https://www.army.mil/values/).

    Record name of technical point of contact (POC) and time he/she will be available: __________________

    __15.  Meet with new employee to discuss first day activities and plan for the balance of the first week.

    • Try to personalize experience with something unique for the new employee, such as a welcome note from the staff, name plate, etc.
    • Give introductions to department staff and key personnel.
    • Provide a copy of the new employee’s position description and describe the importance of the employee’s responsibilities.
    • Provide and review the contents of the welcome pack (if one was assembled). Ensure new employee receives the Army New Employee Handbook.
    • Obtain new employee’s signature on the SAAR (if required) and submit it for processing to ensure employee gains needed system access as quickly as is feasible.
    • Explain that, during the first 30 days, you will have discussions about performance expectations and training requirements, and that these discussions will result in completion of a performance plan and IDP, by the 30th day.

    __16. Conduct, or arrange for the sponsor to conduct, a tour of the facility, including:

    • Office/Desk/Workstation
    • Copy Centers
    • Printers
    • Kitchen/Cafeteria/Break Areas
    • Emergency Exits and Procedures
    • Fax Machines
    • Restrooms
    • Mail Rooms
    • Bulletin Boards
    • Authorized Work Areas
    • Security Office
    • Conference Rooms
    • Parking
    • Office Supplies
    • Tools/Equipment
    • Coffee/Water/Vending Machines

    __17.  Review general administrative procedures, or arrange for sponsor to review:

    • Keys/Access Cards (Building and Computer)
    • Telephone Alert Roster
    • Telephone Access Policy and Procedures.
    Within First Week

    __18.  Ensure employee is issued an Army CAC.

    __19. Ensure employee completes DoD Information Assurance (IA) Awareness Training (https://cs.signal.army.mil/login.asp).

    __20. Provide new employee with overview of your organization and its mission, including an explanation of how your division’s mission supports the overall mission of the Command and the Army. Ensure new employee understands how his/her role supports your organization, Command, and the Army missions.

    __21. Ensure that one or more senior leaders (including the higher level reviewer), welcomes new employee as soon as possible.

    __22.  Send email to new employee’s Functional Chief (FC)/Career Field Director (CFD) (with copy to Functional Community Representative (FCR)), notifying of new employee’s EOD into the Career Field, and asking FC and CFD to send a welcome letter.

    Access and customize “Supervisor Email to FC Template to trigger FC Welcome Letter” from the ACT Army Civilian Onboarding Community and send it as a trigger for the CFD to send CFD Welcome Letter.

    __23. Inform the new employee of regularly scheduled meetings and send invitations to any regularly scheduled meetings (e.g., staff and department) to employee’s inbox and calendar.

    __24.  Give employee his/her initial assignment. (Make it something small and doable.) Ensure that the assignment constitutes meaningful work—either training or substantive task assignment related to the new job and CP.

    If computer access is not immediately available, work or training assignments might include reading and/or shadowing others who have a similar job.

    __25.  Debrief with employee after he/she attends initial meetings, attends training, and begins work on initial assignment. Also touch base quickly each day.

    __26.  Conduct an initial performance counseling session:

    • Review position description, typical and anticipated work assignments, and performance expectations;
    • Describe how employee’s job fits in the organization, and how the job and organization contribute to accomplishing the Command and Army mission;
    • Explain which organizations and entities are customers of the work and which support the organization in completing its mission; and
    • Explain the annual performance review and goal-setting process. Explain that you will work together to establish a performance plan within the first 30 days.

    __27.  Conduct an initial training and development counseling session:

    • Review training and education requirements (e.g., Civilian Education System (CES) grade-level requirements/ Supervisor Development Course (SDC) if applicable).
    • Explain that you will work together to establish an individual development plan (IDP) within the first 30 days.

    __28. Introduce new employee to the Army Values—Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity, Personal Courage.

    __29. Assist new employee with learning about Military rank and insignia and titles of address for senior civilians.

    __30. If the employee is in a bargaining unit position, inform the employee who their union representative is and how to reach him/her.

    __31. Ensure new employee’s name is added to local directories, relevant email distribution lists, and SharePoint site permissions.

    __32.  Ensure the new employee logs into ACT (https://actnow.army.mil) and identifies and selects his/her 1st and 2nd Line Supervisors in ACT.

    • The 1st line supervisor is the employee’s “rater” and the 2nd line supervisor is the employee’s higher level reviewer.
    • Ensure the new employee is informed of the correct supervisors to select; these should be identified in the “New Employee Information” above.
    • ACT will send reminders or system prompts until this step is completed. Employee will be unable to navigate in ACT unless supervisors are identified in a timely manner.

    __33.  Accept request in ACT as supervisor for new employee.

    ACT will send reminders or system prompts until this step is completed.

    __34.  Review key administrative policies:

    • Time and Attendance
    • Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)/Leaves of Absence
    • Vacation/Annual Leave and Sick Leave Reporting
    • Overtime
    • Severe Weather Procedures
    • Diversity Awareness
    • Sexual Harassment/Assault
    • Holidays
    • Performance Reviews
    • Appropriate Attire
    • Safety
    • Official Use of Govt. Property
    • Ethics/Joint Ethics Regulation
    • Standards of Conduct
    • Progressive Disciplinary Actions
    • Visitors/Security
    • Emergency Procedures
    • Confidentiality (specific procedures to safeguard confidential/sensitive material).

    __35. Review computer use policies:

    • Establish Email
    • Intranet/SharePoint
    • Shared Drives/One Drive
    • Databases
    • Internet Use
    • VPN/Mobile Phone
    • Outlook Address List Profile
    • Microsoft Office
    • Other Software/Applications

    __36. Review general administrative procedures:

    • Business Cards
    • Purchase Requests
    • Vehicle Registration
    • Govt. Travel Card
    • Conference Rooms
    • Organizational Policies
    • Official Travel
    • Mail (incoming and outgoing)
    • Shipping (FedEx, DHL, and UPS)
    • Military Driver Requirement
    • Defense Travel System
    Within First 30 Days

    __37. Explain use of and ensure the new employee creates an account in and updates MyBiz.

    __38. Explain the use of and ensure the new employee creates a student account in ArmyIgnitEd.

    __39.  Arrange for employee to meet the functional community representative (FCR), or appropriate representative to discuss the purpose and value of Talent Management, review Army Civilian Talent Development Program (ACTDP) plan, and to learn about career development support available from the CP.

    Record date, time, location for meeting with FCR: ______________________________

    __40. Meet with the employee to identify and discuss short/long term training requirements (CES, SDC, Career Field, Army Regulation (AR) 350-1 required training as well as organizational training, etc.).

    It is mandatory that employees take the following courses annually.

    Records Management: https://www.lms.army.mil/ (search for Records Management)

    Controlled Unclassified Information: https://securityawareness.usalearning.gov/cui/index.html

    __41. Ensure the employee uses information discussed above to create an IDP, including development goals, in ACT.

    __42.  View, review, and approve the employee’s IDP in ACT.

    Record date IDP approved in ACT: ____________________________________________

    __43. Meet with new employee to develop and review performance plan, including elements and standards.

    __44.  Arrange for higher level reviewer to meet with and counsel new employee, and approve the performance plan.

    Record date, time, and place for higher level reviewer meeting: ______________________

    __45.  Enter date performance plan approved and signed into ACT.

    Record date performance plan completion date entered into ACT: ____________________

    __46. Arrange for new employee to meet key partners from other departments.

    __47.  Provide feedback to new employee about work assignments, training, and seek feedback about job satisfaction to date.

    Conduct regularly occurring one-on-one meetings; provide timely, ongoing, meaningful “everyday feedback;” and elicit feedback from the employee and be available to answer questions.

    Within First 90 Days

    __48. Discuss what it means to be part of the Army Profession according to Army Doctrine Publication (ADP) 6-22 Army Leadership and the Profession.

    __49. Provide training, as needed, to help new employee understand internal systems, general operating practices, and obtain other information or skills required in the performance of his/her job.

    __50.  Coach, counsel, and give performance feedback early and often to new employee.

    Recommend at least once a month; at a minimum, meet for informal 3-month performance check-in.

    __51. Have employee “shadow” you at meetings to get exposure to others and learn more about the department and organization.

    __52. Meet with employee to discuss whether required training has been completed or scheduled and to determine whether any assistance is required to complete training or whether any adjustments are needed to the IDP.

    Within First 180 Days

    __53. Continue to talk with new employee about expectations, culture, and the Army Profession.

    __54. Ensure new employee is on track to complete grade-level CES requirements and SDC if applicable.

    __55.  Conduct mid-point performance counseling. Meet with new employee for formal performance feedback, review of IDP, and career goals. Arrange for higher level reviewer to meet with and counsel new employee.

    Record date mid-year performance review conducted: ___________________________

    __56.  Continue to provide and/or arrange coaching, counseling, and mentoring. Explore ACT for mentoring opportunities.

    Within First Year

    __57. Encourage participation in training, webinar sessions, learning activities, and other outreach/development activities.

    __58. Ensure employee completes onboarding requirements, including CES training requirements and SDC (if required).

    __59. Continue to look for opportunities to integrate your new employee with the work groups/teams, and into the organization as a whole.

    __60.  Celebrate successes and recognition of employee’s contributions.

    Take prompt action (well before the end of the probationary period) to correct poor performance and/or conduct issues.

    __61. Continue to meet regularly with new employee to review and revalidate performance and training plans and developmental goals. Discuss performance as an Army Professional and monitor progress in competence (knowledge, skills, and abilities), character (ethical conduct and behavior), and commitment (to duty, mission accomplishment, and Army values).

    __62. Encourage your new employee to share ideas for improving the operations, strategies, work, and/or culture of the organization.

    __63.  Complete annual performance appraisal.

    • Meet with employee to review appraisal and counsel employee.
    • Arrange for higher level reviewer to meet with and counsel employee.

    Record date final annual appraisal completed: ______________________

    __64. Arrange recognition of onboarding completion and award certificate as an Army Professional.

    __65. Solicit employee’s feedback and suggestions on ways to improve the onboarding experience.

    Helpful Links and Information

    Forms and Resources:

    ACT: https://actnow.army.mil/

    ArmyIgnitED: https://www.armyignited.army.mil/student/public/welcome

    Center for the Army Profession and Leadership (CAPL) at: https://capl.army.mil/civilians.php

    Sponsor Checklist at Army Civilian Onboarding website: https://civilianonboarding.chra.army.mil/onboarding/

    New Employee Onboarding Handbook at Army Civilian Onboarding website: https://civilianonboarding.chra.army.mil/onboarding/

    MyBiz: https://compo.dcpds.cpms.osd.mil/

    MyPay: https://mypay.dfas.mil/mypay.aspx

    Required Training:

    Cyber Security User Portal/IA Training: https://cs.signal.army.mil/login.asp

    CES and SDC enrollment: https://armyuniversity.edu/amsc/EducationalPrograms

    Check with your Organization for additional Organizational requirements.

  • The checklist is also available to download: HQDA Sponsor Checklist Nov2023.pdf [PDF - 288.4 KB]


    Sponsor's Role and Responsibilities

    -> Serve from the time of firm offer acceptance until 30 to 60 days after new employee’s arrival.

    -> Provide the new employee information they need about the organization and local area (e.g., temporary lodging, local transportation, etc., if applicable).

    -> Create a welcoming environment for the new employee and help them integrate into the team.

    -> Maintain daily contact with new employee for first week and then on an as-needed basis.

    -> Be available to answer day-to-day questions.

    -> Help define the Army Profession and explain the organizational culture, including the informal rules of behavior and how things work.

    -> Be a positive role model and promote a positive image of the organization.

    -> Work with supervisor and new employee to assist with the onboarding process.

    -> Consult with supervisor for further guidance as needed.

    NOTE: In the event no sponsor is assigned, actions showing this symbol (*) will need to be accomplished by the supervisor or delegated by the supervisor to other staff member(s).

    New Employee Information

    Employee Name: ________________________________________________________

    Start Date: _____________________________________________________________

    Position Title: ___________________________________________________________

    Assigned Sponsor: _______________________________________________________

    Contact Telephone Number: _______________________________________________

    Supervisor/Rater: _______________________________________________________

    Contact Email: __________________________________________________________

    Higher Level Reviewer/Senior Rater: ________________________________________

    HQDA Organization: ______________________________________________________


    Within Three (3) Days of Formal Job Offer and Acceptance (As Confirmed by CPAC)

    __1. Volunteer for or accept sponsor assignment and meet with supervisor to discuss your role as a sponsor for the new employee.

    __2.  Send email or welcome letter to new employee introducing yourself, welcoming them to the team and Army, and providing both email and telephone contact information.

    Access and customize “Sponsor Letter to New Employee Template” from the Army Career Tracker (ACT) Army Civilian Onboarding Community: https://actnow.army.mil/

    __3.   *Call new employee (if telephone contact information is available) and inquire as to what, if any, assistance they need in transitioning into the new job and/or area.

    At Least One (1) Week Before Start Date

    __  4.  Arrange your schedule to be available on new employee’s first day.

    __ 5. *Contact new employee by phone or email to:

    • Reiterate basic information for first day (e.g., directions, parking, report time, dress code, and lunch information).
    • Arrange to accompany new employee to lunch on their first day following Civilian Personnel Advisory Center (CPAC) or designated Human Resource (HR) office orientation.

    __  6.  *Contact new employee by phone or email and arrange to HR orientation. Be specific about time and place you will meet the new employee.

    __  7.  *Notify or pre-register with security office at visitor registration (if applicable).

    __  8. *If delegated by supervisor, assemble a welcome package with helpful information such as contact names and phone lists, site map, parking and transportation information, mission and values and other important information about your organization, organizational charts, job-specific information, resources list, websites, and other reference sources used.

    First Day

    __  9. *Meet new employee following CPAC or designated HR office orientation at arranged location and time.

    __ 10.  *Escort new employee to the security office to receive building pass (if applicable).

    __ 11.  *Escort new employee to their workstation (if applicable).

    __ 12.  *Introduce the new employee to department staff and key personnel.

    __ 13.  *Explain how the new employee can get additional supplies.

    __ 14.  *Provide department or building-specific safety and emergency information.

    __ 15.  If delegated this responsibility by the supervisor, give the ne employee a tour of the facility, including the following areas:

    • Office/Desk/Workstation
    • Copy Centers
    • Printers
    • Kitchen/Cafeteria/Break Areas
    • Emergency Exits and Procedures
    • Fax Machine
    • Restrooms
    • Mail Rooms
    • Bulletin Boards
    • Authorized Work Areas
    • Security Office
    • Conference Rooms
    • Parking
    • Office Supplies
    • Tools/Equipment
    • Coffee/Water/Vending Machines.

    __ 16. *Accompany new employee to lunch, as pre-arranged; consider inviting one or more other staff/team members to join you.

    __ 17. If delegated this responsibility by the supervisor, review general administrative procedures:

    • Keys/Access Cards (Building and Computer)
    • Telephone Alert Roster
    • Picture ID Badges
    • Telephone Access Policy and Procedures
    • Building and/or Common Access Cards (CACs)

    __ 18. Ensure new employee is aware of and keeps initial appointment with new supervisor.

    __ 19. Review welcome package information with the new employee and answer any questions.

    Within First Week

    __ 20. Assist new employee with getting CAC, including direction to the Real-Time Automated Personnel Identification System (RAPIDS) site, if needed: https://idco.dmdc.osd.mil/idco/

    __ 21. Assist employee with setting up computer, email, voicemail, etc., unless supervisor assigns this task to another staff member.

    __ 22. Ask the new employee if they need assistance with establishing ACT account and selecting first and second level supervisors.

    __ 23. Assist new employee with accessing ArmyIgnitED, Army CPOL MyBiz, Center for the Army Profession and Leadership (CAPL) Army Values: https://www.army.mil/values/), and other resources that will assist with understanding the mission and vision of the Army and role of Civilians.

    __ 24. Continue to make yourself available by phone, email, or for in-person meetings.

    __ 25. Offer guidance to help the new employee integrate smoothly and share helpful hints.

    Within First 30 to 60 Days

    __ 26.  Check in regularly with new employee during the first few weeks.

    __ 27.  Assist new employee with understanding Department of Defense, Army, and organizational culture.

    __ 28.  Assist new employee in learning about Military rank and insignia and titles of address for Senior Civilians.

    __ 29.  *Provide information regarding volunteer activities or social events (award ceremonies, team lunches, off-duty sports programs, base childcare and youth sports programs, etc.) available at the work location, if appropriate. Be sure to invite the new employee to participate in any organization/team social events that are scheduled.

    __ 30. *Create opportunities for the new employee to interact with other employees in the organization.

    __ 31.  *Assist new employee in accessing training required by the organization and Army.

    It is mandatory that employees take the following courses annually.

    Records Management: https://www.lms.army.mil/ (search for Records Management)

    Controlled Unclassified Information: https://securityawareness.usalearning.gov/cui/index.html

    Helpful Links and Information

    ACT: https://actnow.army.mil/

    ArmyIgnitED: https://www.armyignited.army.mil/student/public/welcome

    Center for the Army Profession and Leadership (CAPL) at: https://capl.army.mil/civilians.php

    New Employee Onboarding Handbook at Army Civilian Onboarding website: https://civilianonboarding.chra.army.mil/onboarding/

    Sponsor Checklist at Army at Army Civilian Onboarding: https://civilianonboarding.chra.army.mil/onboarding/

    MyBiz: https://compo.dcpds.cpms.osd.mil/

    MyPay: https://mypay.dfas.mil/mypay.aspx

    Required Training:

    Cyber Security User Portal/Information Assurance Training: https://cs.signal.army.mil/login.asp

    Civilian Education System (CES) and Supervisor Development Course (SDC) enrollment (requires a CAC): https://armyuniversity.edu/amsc/EducationalPrograms

    Army Regulation (AR) 350-1, Army Training and Leader Development (requires a CAC): https://armypubs.army.mil/epubs/DR_pubs/DR_a/pdf/web/ARN6701_AR350-1_Web_FINAL.pdf

    Records Management: https://www.lms.army.mil/ (search for Records Management)

    Controlled Unclassified Information: https://securityawareness.usalearning.gov/cui/index.html

For more information contact HRMD.

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