DCOM-RS conducts Afghan radio interview

By Jon Connor, DCOM-Regional Support/NTM-A Public AffairsJune 18, 2011

Radio interview
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Radio interview
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Brig. Gen. Tom Cosentino, deputy commander, Regional Support, NATO Training Mission-Afghanistan/Combined Security Transition Command-Afghanistan, conducted a radio interview for Afghan radio after Brig. Gen. Nasrullah Zarifi, commander, Regional Training Center-Kandahar was interviewed June 15 at Kandahar Airfield. Zarifi is in charge of all police training in the provinces of Kandahar, Uruzgan, Daykundi, and Zabul. The radio station is broadcast at 88.5 FM in that area and focuses on the Pashtu region, people, culture and news. The station is networked with smaller stations in southern Afghanistan and helps inform the populace on the progress of the Afghan National Security Force and coalition efforts. Topics during the interview covered the working relationship of the two leaders, progress made by their respective commands, plans for the next six months in the Kandahar province, and long-term plans after 2014.