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Pre-Command Course sets SDDC leaders up for success

By Rob WielandApril 29, 2024

(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

SCOTT AIR FORCE BASE, Illinois – The Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command’s G3 Operations Directorate conducted its 25th Joint Deployment and Distribution Enterprise Pre-Command Course here April 22-26, to ensure incoming SDDC command teams are set for success.

The week-long session was attended by nearly 20 incoming Active and Reserve Component brigade and battalion commanders and senior enlisted leaders.

Maj. Gen. Gavin Lawrence, Command General, Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command, kicked off the event with opening comments followed by a question-and-answer session.

“Congratulations, initial command is a privilege, take full advantage of this opportunity,” said Lawrence.

About half the attendees have served previously in SDDC billets around the globe.

“I’m envious,” said Lawrence, “As I reflect on my career, opportunities to command at the battalion and brigade levels were some of the most rewarding experiences that I have had.”

The training objectives of the JDDE-PCC are to provide incoming Active and Reserve SDDC commanders and senior NCOs in-depth instruction in deployment processes, unique SDDC-centric systems, and Total Force mission command integration.

“I believe command authority and responsibility is an absolute privilege. I ask you to take full advantage of this opportunity you’ve been given,” concluded the commanding general.

The JDDE-PCC includes the assembly of command teams and higher headquarters from SDDC’s Active and Reserve Components. Commander’s insight is included throughout all blocks of instruction, and the integration of both Active and Reserve leaders-built relationships that will set up command teams for success.

The five-day course informed and educated the present and future leaders about the headquarters staff, directorate responsibilities, special programs, future operations, and exercises, as well as insights from the entire command team.

“This course enabled me to better understand the mission set, meet and hear the command team’s vision, and has set our command team for success,” said Col. Corinne McClellen, incoming commander of SDDC’s 599th Transportation Brigade.

The JDDE-PCC is administered by the Operations Directorate’s G37 branch, with Carol Mayo spearheading the event’s planning and execution with support from numerous individuals throughout the headquarters.

SDDC conducted its first PCC in 1999, with this year marking the 25th iteration of the course.