Women's History Month

By Sgt. Ashley BellMarch 12, 2013

Women's History Month
U.S. Army Sgt. 1st class LaShawnda Cole, a senior logistics non-commissioned officer for the 3rd Infantry Division, poses for a photo while on deployment to Kandahar Airfield, Kandahaer province, Afghanistan, March 12, 2013. (U.S. Army Photo by Sgt. ... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

KANDAHAR AIRFIELD, Afghanistan - Sgt. 1st Class LaShawnda Cole with Division Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion, Third Infantry Division, is currently serving a tour of duty at Regional Command-South, Kandahar Airfield, Afghanistan, as the senior logistic noncommissioned officer in charge in supply and services. Cole, a San Diego, Calif., native, arrived in theatre Aug. 26, 2012.

"Here I make changes, advise and assist where needed to ensure subordinate units meet or exceed their task at hand," said Cole.

This is Cole's third deployment, which includes tours to Afghanistan and Korea. Her mission during this tour is different because she is not working at a division or company level.

"I serve to insure my confidence as a warrior," said Cole. "I serve to protect my country and families in the United States and I serve because I feel it's a part of job as an American to help better this country."

As we begin to celebrate Women's History Month, which highlights the contributions of women to history, society and culture; Cole had a few words of encouragement for women currently serving their country or those looking to serve.

"Never let your fears conquer your quest to serve," said Cole. "We serve a very important role and are very critical to every mission in every unit. Women are growing every day in the Army and will continue to grow, so why not be a part of this great establishment. Women are needed and are encouraged to join."

When Cole returns home she said she is looking forward to seeing her family and embracing them in her arms.

"I look forward to achieving bigger goals in the Army and I look forward to many blessings coming my way."