Afghan man killed by insurgent IED

By Staff Sgt. Warren WrightNovember 17, 2011

KANDAHAR PROVINCE, Afghanistan -- An Afghan man working on a canal irrigation project was killed when he unknowingly stepped on an insurgent's improvised explosive device in Zharay district, Nov. 13.

No one else was injured when the IED detonated.

"The Taliban have shown an increased willingness to intertwine themselves militarily among the civilian population, showing a blanket disregard for the well-being of the people of Afghanistan as they conduct operations against U.S. and Afghan forces," said a coalition Special Operations Forces team member.

A relative of the deceased who was present during the incident requested to take the body home in order to conduct a proper burial.

Members of the Afghan Local Police then escorted the deceased and his relative to their home.

"It is a great challenge to deal with an enemy who has a mentality of complete disregard for the people within the country that they are supposedly fighting for," said the SOF team member.