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Maj. Gen. Abdolla Almame delivers a speech at the Transition of Authority ceremony held on April 20. During his speech he said, "I would like to thank the Coalition Forces for their assistance with this training of the bomb disposal and their...
3 / 7 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Maj. Gen. Abdolla Almame delivers a speech at the Transition of Authority ceremony held on April 20. During his speech he said, "I would like to thank the Coalition Forces for their assistance with this training of the bomb disposal and their continu... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL
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"I understand the challenges that you face every day," said Capt. Michael A. Cotton, the 749th Explosive Ordnance Disposal Company Commander, during his speech at the Transition of Authority ceremony held on April 20. "Both of our companies are...
5 / 7 Show Caption + Hide Caption – "I understand the challenges that you face every day," said Capt. Michael A. Cotton, the 749th Explosive Ordnance Disposal Company Commander, during his speech at the Transition of Authority ceremony held on April 20. "Both of our companies are facin... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL
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MOSUL, Iraq - A partnership that, for two years, has been an opportunity of learning for both the Iraqi and U.S. armies came to its pinnacle on Monday April 20. A transition of authority ceremony was held to hand over the reins of explosive ordinance disposal throughout the Ninewah province to the 2nd Iraqi Army Div. Bomb Disposal Co.

The transition signified that the 2nd IADBDC completed explosive ordinance training and felt they were ready to operate independently and take control of Ninewah's ordinance response and disposal.

U.S. Explosive Ordinance Disposal teams will now provide support to the 2nd Iraqi Bomb Disposal Company as they requested it. This decision was agreed upon by both the Coalition Forces and Iraqi Army leadership after extensive evaluation and training with U.S. EOD teams.

"The soldiers of the 2nd BDC should be commended for volunteering to be in the BDC," said Cotton "they have proven that they care about the safety and citizens of Iraq and that they are willing to sacrifice for the good of the people of Iraq."

It's been more than two years since this full time 'hands on training' partnership began and it's developed not only competent and capable Iraqi bomb disposal soldiers, but also a strong bond of respect between the two military powers.

"I understand the challenges that you face every day," said Capt. Michael A. Cotton, the 749th Explosive Ordnance Disposal Company Commander. "Both of our companies are facing the same IEDs and bomb makers. I want you to know you have our support and respect."

The baseline training site for all Iraqi Army Bomb Disposal Companies is the Iraqi Army Bomb Disposal School at the Multipurpose Range Complex in Besmaya, Iraq.

Each training cycle last 19 weeks, which upon completion IA soldiers become a Level 4 certified IABDC member. All Level 4 certified soldiers are qualified to run explosive device disposal missions.

The U.S. EOD companies involved with this training over the last two plus years have had teams living with the IABDC 24 hours a day, seven days a week. They also planned the training schedule, coordinated getting the training materials, conducted the classroom instruction and evaluated the trainees by using practical exercises.

Evaluations consisted of proper handling, storage and use of explosives, robotics and manual techniques with the bomb suit, use of the Badger, an armored transport vehicle, and the use of a wide variety of special EOD tools.

"Throughout the training process the Iraqi Army soldiers involved have performed every task that was given to them, and have done so exceptionally well" said Cotton.

The purpose of the partnership between U.S. EOD and the IABDC is to coach, train and advise the units on further developing leadership techniques and technical proficiency in bomb disposal. The main focus of the training has been for the IABDC's to develop the ability to reduce IEDs, unexploded ordinance and minefields.

"I would like to thank the Coalition Forces for their assistance with this training of the bomb disposal and their continuing support" said Maj. Gen. Abdolla Almame, the Commander of the Iraqi Army 2nd Division.

This training will make the 2nd BDC a formidable force in the province of Ninewah at disposing explosive ordinance. This is one more step toward a self sustaining Iraq.

"The 2nd BDC is now part of a worldwide community of EOD Soldiers, just like my Soldiers are" said Cotton "We all have the same mission, no matter what country we're from or what army we serve. We're all here to save lives."