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Nearly a Century of Military Service Comes to an End

By Maj. Addie RandolphDecember 20, 2016

Nearly a Century of Military Service Comes to an End
1 / 5 Show Caption + Hide Caption – LANCASTER, Pa. - The 3rd Battalion 319th Regiment conducted their unit's deactivation ceremony in Lancaster, Pa. on Dec. 17, 2016. The ceremony marks the closing of the unit as part of a larger restructuring of the 800th Logistics Support Brigade, he... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL
Nearly a Century of Military Service Comes to an End
2 / 5 Show Caption + Hide Caption – LANCASTER, Pa. - The 3rd Battalion 319th Regiment Command Sgt. Maj. David W. Hausler (left) furls the flag as the Commander of the 800th Logistics Support Brigade, Col. Bradly Boganowski, (right) awaits to receive the encased flag during the unit's d... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL
Nearly a Century of Military Service Comes to an End
3 / 5 Show Caption + Hide Caption – LANCASTER, Pa. - The 3rd Battalion 319th Regiment Command Sgt. Maj. David W. Hausler (left) received help casing the Battalion colors, from his son David Hausler Jr. (right), during the unit's deactivation ceremony held here on Dec. 17, 2016. The cer... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL
Nearly a Century of Military Service Comes to an End
4 / 5 Show Caption + Hide Caption – LANCASTER, Pa. - Deputy Commanding General of the 80th Training Command, Brig. Gen. Thomas Evans, speaks at the 3rd Battalion 319th Regiment's deactivation ceremony held at the Lt. Col. Mark Phelan Reserve Center on Dec. 17, 2016. The ceremony marks ... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL
Nearly a Century of Military Service Comes to an End
5 / 5 Show Caption + Hide Caption – LANCASTER, Pa. - Deputy Commanding General of the 80th Training Command, Brig. Gen. Thomas Evans, speaks about change during deactivation ceremony for the 3rd Battalion 319th Regiment held here on Dec. 17, 2016. "Change is going to happen," said Evan... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

LANCASTER, Pa. - The 3rd Battalion 319th Regiment gathered for the last time with current service members, retired veterans of the unit, friends and family members as they cased the battalion colors during a deactivation ceremony held here at the Lt. Col. Mark Phelan Reserve Center on Dec. 17, 2016. This ceremony marks the end of 99 years of service to the nation.

Typically during a deactivation ceremony it's the senior leadership who furl and case the colors. However, some children of the unit's Soldiers assisted with the casing of the colors added a special family element to the ceremony as the unit deactivated after 99 years of service to the nation.

They are the fourth of five battalions, totaling 20 units at 13 locations across the country, scheduled to deactivate this month as part of a larger restructuring of the 800th Logistics Support Brigade, headquartered in Mustang, Oklahoma, under the umbrella of the 80th Training Command (The Army School System), headquartered in Richmond, Virginia.

Deputy Commanding General of the 80th Training Command, Brig. Gen. Thomas Evans, spoke about change during deactivation ceremony for the 3rd Battalion of the 319th Regiment. "Change is going to happen," said Evans. "What matters is how you react to change."

Evans went on to explain that the Army Reserve has gone through some of the biggest changes since World War II. This latest downsizing is part of the total Army drawdown directed by the Army and United States Army Reserve Command. This downsizing has led the 80th TC to evaluate its operations and determine where efficiencies could be made.

The 800th LSB will continue to have a key role in the operations of the 80th TC as it transitions to a Training Support Brigade and takes on the responsibility for mission command over the 80th's TASS Training Centers. These TASS Training Centers are located at Fort Hunter-Liggett and Camp Parks, California; Fort Knox, Kentucky; and Fort Dix, New Jersey.

The 800th LSB will also assume control over the Staff and Faculty Development Academy at Grand Prairie, Texas. At this academy, instructors throughout the 80th TC and the entire Army Reserve receive their initial qualification training as instructors and small group leaders.

Col. Bradly Boganowski, commander of the 800th LSB, encouraged the Soldiers to use this as an opportunity to share their skills across the Army. He charged them to carry the spirit of the 3rd Battalion, 319th Battalion forward

The Soldiers and civilians assigned to this deactivating battalion are being reassigned and provided job opportunities for growth and development in other parts of the 800th LSB or the 80th TC.

"It has been an honor and privilege working with the Soldiers of the 3rd Battalion 319th Regiment. They are some of the finest Soldiers I have worked with in my career," said Command Sgt. Maj. David W. Hausler of the 3rd Battalion 319th Regiment. "I am confident they will go on to do great things."