The 3rd Expeditionary Sustainment Command held a casing ceremony, Sept. 28, at Waybur Theater, here.
The uncasing ceremony marked the end of the 3rd ESC's service on Fort Knox as the unit transitions to Fort Bragg. The 3rd ESC moved to Fort Knox in June 2007 and during its tenure deployed in support of Operation Unified Response, Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom. The 3rd ESC also worked hard on building partnerships with the local community, which supported the 3rd ESC during their many deployments.
The speaker for the ceremony was Brig. Gen. Christopher J. Sharpsten, commanding general of the 3rd Expeditionary Sustainment Command. Sharpsten described the purpose of the casing ceremony and said the move to Fort Bragg, N.C. was beneficial for the Army.
"The casing of our colors is truly the symbolic conclusion of our unit's tenure here at Fort Knox," said Sharpsten. "Moving to Fort Bragg is a positive thing overall for the Army and It will make us a more effective member of the XVIII Airborne Corps team."
Sharpsten praised the community and its leaders for their tireless commitment to the Soldiers of the 3rd ESC.
"Fort Knox has provided unmatched support throughout the years, including during our deployments," said Sharpsten. "We could not have asked for a more dedicated and selfless community, and I want to thank you for that."
Sharpsten concluded the speech, noting the unit would miss Fort Knox, but said the 3rd ESC was ready for the move.
"While the move to Fort Bragg is bittersweet, it is one we are undoubtedly ready to conduct," said Sharpsten. "They Army has taught each and every one of us to be adaptable to change; so with a heavy heart we push forward, ready for whatever challenges await us in the future."
The 3rd ESCs departure allows it to align with its higher headquarters, the XVIII Airborne Corps. The movement comes during a time when all active duty Sustainment commands are aligning with their higher headquarters, increasing synchronization between commands and improving overall deployment readiness.
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