Spartan Soldiers earn Top Gun honors

By SGT Dustin Gautney, 2HBCT Public AffairsJune 16, 2011

FORT STEWART, Ga. - Soldiers from 3rd Squadron, 7th Cavalry, 2nd Heavy Brigade Combat Team, were awarded “Top Gun” honors during a ceremony held at Fort Stewart’s Woodruff Theater, June 3.

The “Top Gun” honors were awarded to the highest scoring HMMWV crew during the Squadron’s recent unstabilized gunnery.

“What is important about gunnery,” asked Col. Douglas Cardinale, 2nd HBCT commander and guest speaker of the event, to the Soldiers in attendance.

The shouts of, “Shoot, Move, and Communicate,” answered back to the Spartan Commander.

“Gunnery gets me excited,” exclaimed Col. Cardinale. “Just like the original Cavalry Soldiers had to learn to be proficient with their rifles, pistols, and sabers while on horseback-modern Cavalry must be just as proficient with their weapon systems today.”

“The Cavalry were required to be highly skilled riders, much like today Soldiers have to be quick on the battlefield, as well as, communicate effectively,” Col. Cardinale said.

While unstabilized gunnery is not new to the Squadron’ Soldiers, the most recent HMVWW unstabilized gunnery was a new revision and standard for all of the Army. The new gunnery meant that 3/7 Cavalry was not only the first 2nd HBCT unit to complete the new standard, but the first on Fort Stewart, according to Sgt. 1st. Class Noel Sawyer, 3/7 Cavalry Master Gunner.

“The new unstabilized gunnery standard brings the HMMVW gunnery more in-line with the requirements that Bradley Fighting Vehicles and other track vehicles Soldiers must meet to qualify,” Sgt. 1st. Class Sawyer said.

“In the prior version of the unstabilized gunnery crews would engage targets as they appear. However, the new standard requires crews to proficiently navigate various gunnery tables as well,” Sgt. 1st. Class Sawyer said.

Sergeant First Class Sawyer also explained that the addition of gunnery tables provides different scenarios that the crews must navigate.

The key for a HMVWW crew’s success in gunnery is to be “Fired Up,” according to Col. Cardinale.

“Gunnery gives the chance for crews to be competitive, were you challenge other crews in your unit to try to outperform yours. That competitive edge is what drives each crew to be highly proficient in what they do, as well as, bragging rights for all of those who earn the title of Top Gun,” Col. Cardinale said.