'Red Dragon' tests equipment, skills for varied threats

By Capt. Brie Riker, 75th Field Artillery BrigadeJune 12, 2014

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FORT SILL, Okla. (June 12, 2014) -- Third Battalion, 13th Field Artillery trained on proper techniques and procedures for handling chemical, biological, radiation or nuclear (CBRN) threats May 27, here.

Soldiers from the "Red Dragon" battalion negotiated six stations over the course of the training day. They received a block of instruction at each station and then executed what they had learned with a practical exercise.

Staff Sgt. Brandon Trail used his expertise at the first station to teach Soldiers how to properly react to a chemical or biological threat using their equipment. At the second station, Soldiers had the opportunity to work through the Masked Confidence Chamber.

"Negotiating the chamber is an integral part of maintaining unit readiness," said Sgt. Dennis O'Connor. "In the event of a CBRN threat, it ensures Soldiers have confidence in their equipment and the skills they have learned during training."

After exiting, Sgt. Jonathan Tremper instructed everyone on the proper use of the decontamination kit so they could use it on themselves and their equipment.

At the fourth and fifth stations, Pfc. Nicholas Ries and Sgt. Benjamin Ball instructed on the Joint Chemical Agent Detector and contamination marking procedures. Soldiers learned how to detect hazardous agents in their surrounding environment and the proper marking procedures in case of a real-life scenario.

At the final station, Pfc. Darryl Banks taught Soldiers the proper way to take their masks off.

Although CBRN training is challenging, everyone involved seemed to enjoy the experience and emerged more confident in their abilities to handle a threat.