Customize your Tagged News List


Want to feature articles about a specific topic on your organization page? You can do this with a Tagged News List that auto-populates with the most recently published articles tagged with a particular keyword. This allows you to keep the content on your page fresh with little effort, while also helping to share and promote related content from other Army public affairs professionals.

Not only does a Tagged News List encourage your visitors to stay engaged by finding content thatinterests them, it also helps with search engine optimization. By just having an up-to-date organization page, you send the message to visitors and search engines that your site is active and relevant.

NOTE: You must be a publisher or administrator to be able to add a content section to your organization’s Page.

Things to consider

There are a few things to consider before you add a Tagged News List to your Page:

  • Articles will automatically appear live on your Page once they are released. No need to re-publish your Page in CORE.
  • Any CORE member who has permission to release articles can also publish content to your Page. Rest assured, all content that appears in your feed has been reviewed and approved by users with the authority to release content on behalf of their organization and the Army.
  • You cannot change the order of articles, unless you change the release date on the article.
  • You cannot remove an article from this list, unless you retract the article and remove it from altogether.

Add a Tagged News List

To add a Tagged News List to your organization Page:

  1. Click on Page from the main menu.
  2. From your Edit Page screen, select a tab in the navigation bar where you want to add your news list. (If you don’t see a navigation bar below your header, you can add navigation or simply add the section to a single page layout.)
  3. Hover over the area on the page where you want to add your section. An Add Section marker will appear, showing you where a new section can be inserted.
  4. Click Add Section to open a dropdown menu.
  5. Select News List in the menu.
  6. In the News List lightbox editor, enter a title for your section. This is an optional field, so you can also click the OFF button to hide the title on your page.
  7. Click on the Source. By default, the source is set to Latest News.
  8. Select Tagged News from the dropdown options.
  9. Click Add a tag…
  10. Enter a keyword and click Enter or Return on your keyboard to add your specific tag. You can enter multiple tags. Click the to remove a tag.
  11. To change the number of articles that appear in the feed, click on the and buttons. You can display up to 30 articles.
  12. Once you’ve finished setting up your section, click Add to close the lightbox. The new section will appear on your Page.

Get your content to appear in Tagged News Lists

You can add relevant tags to your article at any time during the content creation and publishing process. Once released, your content will automatically appear in the search results, Tag Feeds, and Tagged News Lists of any tags you use, allowing people to find related articles around that topic. To learn more about how to add tags, visit Tags.

Keep in mind that while adding tags can increase the chance that your content is discovered, you don’t want irrelevant content showing up in news feeds and search results, and neither do we. That’s why we recommend limiting the number of tags you use to the five most relevant tags.

TIP: Ensure that all members of your team know what keyword(s) you are using in your Tagged News Lists, so that they can accurately tag their content too. For more suggestions on how to establish a tag system within your organization, visit Tagging tips.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I customize my Tagged News List to only display articles that were released from members of my organization?

At this time, Tagged News Lists display articles released from any CORE user that adds the keyword tag. It will pull the same content as the Tag Feed for that keyword. We plan to enhance your customization capabilities in the future, so you can limit the content to your organization only.

Q: Why don’t I see articles in my Tagged News List?

This likely means that no articles have been tagged with your specific keyword. First, click on the to open the Edit News List lightbox and double check the spelling of your tag. Next, navigate to the Released tab of your Inbox and make sure you have at least one article tagged with the keyword. If not, you or a member of your team will need to create new content and tag it appropriately, or consider choosing a more popular keyword for your Tagged News List.


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