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CALL drives Army change through leading the Army Lessons Learned Program (ALLP) and delivering timely and relevant information to resolve gaps, enhance readiness, and inform modernization. To accomplish this, CALL executes the Army Annual Plan collecting, analyzing, disseminating, integrating, and archiving lessons learned from tactical to theater/strategic levels. CALL researches root-cause analysis, defines trends/themes, coordinates with the lessons learned community of interest, and initiates product development. CALL's multimedia-based products are disseminated through a variety of print and electronic formats, with the web-based Joint Lessons Learned Information System (JLLIS) serving as the central repository. As emerging issues are discovered, CALL incorporates those into the Army Lessons Learned Forum, to facilitate continuous development, improvement, and adaptation of material and non-material solutions across the DOTMLPF-P spectrum. CALL modernization, and interoperability activities support sister services, international, and interagency bilateral staff talks, mil-to-mil engagements, and agreed-to-actions. This holistic approach to lessons learned drives Army change and fosters Army readiness.
The Center for Army Lessons Learned leads the Army Lessons Learned Program and delivers timely and relevant information to resolve gaps, enhance readiness, and inform modernization.
The Center for Army Lessons Learned is the Army's daily focal point for adaptive learning based on lessons and best practices from the total force and provides timely and relevant knowledge to the warfighter and our unified action partners utilizing integrated systems and interactive technology in order to simplify winning in a complex world.
This is your opportunity to become an Agent of Change! CALL is offering the opportunity to serve in an Active Duty Corps headquarters in CONUS, SETAF-AF and USARCENT as a Military Analyst (forward) (MAF) (MIL [O4-O6, and E8-E9]). Please review the qualifications and submit an application through the CALL Restricted Site (CAC Required).
To deliver products to the total force, CALL rescinded the requirement that publications must be shipped to a military address. Depending on the shipping location, deliveries may take up to seven days after receiving your emailed shipping notification from ATSC.
Do you have a best practice or story to share with the Army and need assistance getting started? CALL has the resources to get you on the right path to getting published. Your publication could be on the next CALL top-10 list!
Visit our restricted site (CAC Required), Writing for CALL for more information and submission guidelines.
25-900, Lessons Learned for Gap Crossing High MLC Vehicles (Jan 25)
25-02 (706), Leader's Guide to Equipment Fielding (Jan 25)
25-911, Southern Vanguard 24 (Dec 24)
25-932, Embracing Techcraft: Optimal Elements of Army Techcraft Culture (Nov 24)
25-917, Defining Conditions for Success - The Hidden Wargaming Output (Oct 24)
24-908, Airspace as a Weapon (Sept 24)
24-894, Staff Processes in LSCO Pt. 2: Running Estimates (Crawling When We Need to Run) (Sept 24)
24-910, Employing Military Working Dogs in Large-Scale Combat Operations (Aug 24)
24-883, How We Fight: 1st Cavalry Division, Division Air and Missile Defense (Aug 24)
24-854, Religious Support during Large-Scale Combat Operations (Aug 24)
24-1 (779), Win in Europe (Jun 24)
24-844, Civil Affairs Task Force, Conducting Stability Operations (Jun 24)
24-848, Building a Unit Planning Standard Operating Procedure (PSOP) (May 24)
24-852, Staff Processes in LSCO Part 1: Rhythm of the Battle (May 24)
24-850, Preparing Your Organization for the Unknown (May 24)
24-03 (853), MCTP FY23 Key Observations (Mar 24)
24-862, TDF CP Survivability (Feb 24)
24-837, Innovating at the Division Level (Feb 24)
24-815, Saving Soldiers Time (Jan 24)
24-851, Improving Retention (Dec 23)
24-811, Army Operations and the Air Tasking Cycle
24-830, Training for Lethality and Retention in the Army National Guard
24-817, Lessons for Building Cohesive Teams and Readiness during In-Processing
23-07 Military Decision-Making Process
23-693 Shower and Laundry Operations Handbook (Oct 23)
23-696 Mortuary Affairs How-To Guide (Sept 23)
23-08 Leader's Guide to Maintenance and Services
CALL Insider Newsletter 2nd QTR FY 23 (Apr 23)
Company Leadership Audiobook Starter Pack
Platoon Level Training Management (Mar 23)
23-642 Understanding Army Experimentation (Mar 23)
23-793 Out With The Old: Divestiture Lessons From 3ID Modernization (Jun 23)
23-794 Security Force Assistance in the Western Hemisphere (Jun 23)
23-01 (738)_Combining Arms in the Close Fight (Nov 22)
23-02-703 Security Force Assistance Primer (Nov22)
23-05-(730) Guide to the U.S. Embassy (May 23)
23-06-784 Holistic Health and Fitness Handbook (June 23)
23-745_Designing a Culminating Training Exercise (Oct 22)
23-748_Data Enabled Decision Making (Dec 22)
23-758 Staff Facilitation of Commander Decision-Making in LSCO (Apr 23)
23-780 Assessment: The Hardest Part of the Operations Process (Apr 23)
23-781 Team Truscott White Paper (Mar 23)
23-782 Personnel Management in ReARMM (Mar 23)
23-802 Agile Command and Control Wins at the JRTC (Jun 23)
23-804 Religious Support During LSCO (July 23)
22-02 (653)_FY21.2 MCTP Key Observations (Public).pdf
22-04 (619)_Company Leadership First 100 Days (Public).pdf
22-05 (654)_Partner and Allies Guide to the U.S. Combat Training Centers (Public).pdf
22-06 (672) People First Task Force Handbook (Public).pdf
22-643_Counter-small Unmanned Aircraft Systems Catalog (Public).pdf
22-657_Sustainment in Large Scale Combat Operations (Public).pdf
22-663_Suicide Prevention (BDE and BN CDRs Guide) (Public).pdf
22-667_Suicide Prevention (Senior CDRs Guide) (Public).pdf
22-669_Financial Readiness 101 (Public).pdf
22-678_MCTP_NFTF_RDSP in LSCO (Public).pdf
22-679_Lessons from a Combat Operational Stress Control Unit (Public).pdf
22-686_A Year in Jamaica-Leveraging Partnerships Through the SPP (Public).pdf
22-690_Planning for the CAB in LSCO A Guide for DIV G35 and G5 Maneuver Officers (Public).pdf
22-701_The Deep Area Misconceptions and Challenges (Public).pdf
22-716_Southern Vanguard 22 (Public).pdf
22-722_Jungle Warfare Seminar (Public).pdf
22-732_Fusing Data into a Battle Damage Assessment for the Commander (Public).pdf
22-744_Operationalizing the PPL (Public Release).pdf
22-714_Air & Missile Defense (AMD) Catalog (Jul 22) (Public).pdf
22-714_Priority Intelligence Requirements (PIRs) (Jun 22) (Public).pdf
22-721_Creating Shared Understanding, and Minimum Requirements (Jul 22) (Public).pdf
22-726_WFX 22-01 CMO Targeting in LSCO (Aug 22) (Public).pdf
22-729_Army Security Force Assistance Newsletter (Jun 22) (Public).pdf
21-1_FY21.0 MCTP Key Observations (Public).pdf
21-4_Leader Development in Contact (Public).pdf
21-5_Fire Support (Public).pdf
21-6_Preparing for LSCO (Public).pdf
21-07_Hard Lessons (12 Mar) (Public).pdf
21-09_Leadership Guide to Externally Evaluated Full Scale Exercises (2 Feb) (Public).pdf
21-12_NCO Crosswalk (Public).pdf
21-14_Building Cohesive Teams (Public).pdf
21-15_FY21.1 MCTP Key Observations (Public).pdf
21-19_Mastering the Fundamentals (Public).pdf
21-546_How the Army Does Smart (Public).pdf
21-578_Evolution of CA Reporting in a COVID Environment (Public).pdf
21-592_Training in Contested Spaces (Public).pdf
21-607_Deep Operations Catalog (Public).pdf
21-635_Nunca Camino Solo (Public).pdf
21-665_Is Ours a Nation at War (Public).pdf
20-579_Civil Disturbance Operations (May 21) (Public).pdf
21-489_Command Relationships in Defense Support of Civil Authorities (Feb 21) (Public).pdf
21-609_Army Africa Prepares for MADNEO in Africa During Global Coronavirus (Feb 21) (Public).pdf
21-610_Operationalizing Risk Management for Divisions and Corps (Jul 21) (Public).pdf
21-616_Thoughts on PC20 Project Convergence History & Way Forward (Feb 21) (Public).pdf
21-620_Role 2 Set-Up in Garrison Operations for COVID-19 Response (Apr 21) (Public).pdf
21-629_Critical for the Information Collection Fires Rehearsal (May 21) (Public).pdf
21-632_SOFCF Interdependence, Interoperability and Integration (Jun 21) (Public).pdf
21-637_Lessons In Drawing Down a Security Force Assistance Mission (May 21) (Public).pdf
21-646_Army Special Operations Forces in Multi-Domain Operations Catalog (Aug 21) (Public).pdf
21-652_SOF-CF Interoperability in Large-Scale Combat Operations (Jul 21) (Public).pdf
21-655_Nagorno-Karabakh 2020 Conflict Catalog (Aug 21) (Public).pdf
21-658_Sustaining the Fight Tonight in a COVID Environment (Oct 21) (Public).pdf
22-659_Challenges, Considerations, and Recommendations from WFX (Nov 21) (Public).pdf
22-667_Modernization in Army Mobilization (Dec 21) (Public).pdf
A Best Practice to Build Partner Capacity (Jan 21) (Public).pdf
Operationalizing Maintenance through Assembly Area Operations A Battalion (Aug 21) (Public).pdf
Relevant, Readable, and Accessible SOPs A Guide to Updating Battalion TACSOPs (May 21) (Public).pdf
Response Cell Support to a WFX (Mar 21) (Public).pdf
Shift in Allocating UAS can Increase the Sensor to Shooter Lethality (Oct 21) (Public).pdf
The Division Deep Area Command Post A recommended TTP (Apr 21) (Public).pdf
20-01_Corps and Division Planner’s Guide to Reconstitution Operations (Public).pdf
20-02_U.S. Army South Transition to a Multinational Force Headquarters (PANAMAX 18) (Public).pdf
20-05_Commander and Staff Guide to Liaison Function (Public).pdf
20-06_How to Master Wargaming (Public).pdf
20-08_Musicians of Mars IV The Mustangs’ War (Deliberate Attack) (Public).pdf
20-09_Army Combat Fitness Test Version 2 (Public).pdf
20-12_Commander and Staff Guide to Multinational Interoperability (Public).pdf
20-14_Mountain Warfare and Cold Weather Operations Leader’s Book (Public).pdf
20-15_MCPT FY19 Key Observations (14 Apr) (Public).pdf
20-16_Defense of the Cajun Bayou (Public).PDF
20-550_Knowledge Management Case Studies, Volume II (Public).pdf
20-573_USMA COVID-19 Response AAR (Public).pdf
20-575_The Battalion S-1 Section in LSCO (Sep 20) (Public).pdf
20-579_Civil Disturbance Operations (Public).pdf
20-528_Network Operations Joining Membership and Exiting Instructions (Apr 20) (Public).pdf
20-543_Multinational Patient Evacuation and Coordination Cell (Apr 20) (Public).pdf
20-562_Sustaining Division Readiness Through Existing Training Opportunities (May 20) (Public).pdf
20-564_Intelligence After Action Review Trends at the NTC (Oct 20) (Public).pdf
20-572_Analyzing Response to a Global Pandemic (Nov 20) (Public).pdf
20-581_Maintaining an Armored Divisions Momentum through a Wet Gap Crossing (Aug 20) (Public).pdf
French Participation in JWA How to Prepare Our Future Together (Feb 20) (Public).pdf
GTA 19-10-007 Doctrine SmartCard (Jul 20) (Public).pdf
KCTC 20-08, Thunder on the Pen (Oct 20) (Public).pdf
Multinational Noncommissioned Officer Professional Development (Feb 20) (Public).pdf
19-01_Security Cooperation and the State Partnership Program Bulletin (Oct 18) (Public).pdf
19-06_Advising at the Senior Level Handbook (Jan 19) (Public).pdf
19-08_Musicians of Mars III Handbook (Feb 19) (Public).pdf
19-10_Set The Theater Catalog (Mar 19) (Public).pdf
19-18_Commander and Staff Guide to Rehearsals A No-Fail Approach Handbook (Jul 19) (Public).pdf
19-19_Multi-Domain Operations Catalog (Sep 19) (Public).pdf
1-3-5-M-M A Useful Reminder (Jun 19) (Public).pdf
10th Mountain (Light Infantry) the last CJFLCC Iraq (May 19) (Public).pdf
Achieving Unity of Effort - A Case Study in Leadership (Apr 19) (Public).pdf
Army Operational Framework Organizing the Force for Battlefield Success (Dec 19) (Public).pdf
Bloodhound Package (Nov 19) (Public).pdf
BN S1s Guide for Success at the NTC (Nov 19) (Public).pdf
Brigade Maintenance Meeting for Decisive Action (Jun 19) (Public).pdf
Bringing Back the Fire Support Task The Future of the Fire Support Rehearsal (Mar 19) (Public).PDF
Building Partnership Capacity through Train, Advise, and Assist (Jun 19) (Public).pdf
Commanders Guide for Driving Change The Learning Organization Framework (Jan 19) (Public).pdf
Conference of American Armies - Countering Threat Networks (May 19) (Public).pdf
Critical Enablers to Conducting Effective Advise, Assist, Accompany and Enable (Jan 19) (Public).pdf
Early Results Testing the new CASL at NTC Improves Readiness (Dec 19) (Public).PDF
Effective Time Management at the Company-Level (Mar 19) (Public).pdf
Fighting with Afghan Fists Insights from CSM Todd Sims (May 19) (Public).pdf
GTA 07-01-006 Grenadier Guide (Nov 19) (Public).pdf
GTA 11-02-001 Retrans Mission Checklist (Apr 19) (Public).pdf
GTA 30-04-001 Information Collection Rehearsal (Apr 19) (Public).pdf
How the Kosovo Security Force Built a Successful LL Program (Oct 19) (Public).pdf
JFLCC - Synchronization of the Land Domain (Mar 19) (Public).pdf
Knowledge Managers Perspective (Jan 19) (Public).pdf
Lessons in HQs Evolution for Commanders and Staff, Reorganizing a CJTF-OIR HQs (Mar 19) (Public).pdf
Leveraging Interagency at JRTC (Dec 19) (Public).pdf
NATO Standardization Agreements (Apr 19) (Public).pdf
Operationalizing KM in an ASCC (May 19) (Public).pdf
Preparing the Public Affairs Officer for a JRTC Rotation (Jun 19) (Public).pdf
The Engagement is the Mission (Jun 19) (Public).pdf
The Front of Military Education and Security Cooperation (Dec 19) (Public).pdf
The Pareto Principle in Combat Operations (Jun 19) (Public).pdf
The Science of Control Synchronizing Current Operations Cells (Dec 19) (Public).pdf
The Third Offset Strategy and the Army Modernization Priorities (May 19) (Public).pdf
Unit CBRN Readiness Training - A Way (Nov 19) (Public).pdf
Winning in a Denied, Degraded, and Disrupted Space Environment (Feb 19) (Public).pdf
18-04_Mission Command in the Division and Corps Support Area Handbook (Dec 17) (Public).pdf
18-05_Strategic Landpower in Europe Special Study (Dec 17) (Public).pdf
18-06_Leader’s Guide to Digital Liaison Detachment Handbook (Dec 17) (Public).pdf
18-07_U.S. Army Europe Reception, Staging, Onward Movement, and Integration (Dec 17) (Public).pdf
18-08_Defense Institution Building Newsletter (Jan 18) (Public).pdf
18-10_Brigade Sustainment in Decisive Action Operations Newsletter (Feb 18) (Public).pdf
18-14_CTC Trends FY2017 Bulletin (Mar 18) (Public).pdf
18-16_Maneuver Leader's Guide to Stinger Handbook (Apr 18) (Public).pdf
18-21_U.S. Army Ordnance Crucible Combat Repair Team Observations Bulletin (May 18) (Public).pdf
18-23_AWG Travel Awareness Handbook (May 18) (Public).pdf
18-24_The First 100 Days of Platoon Leadership Handbook (May 18) (Public).pdf
18-30_Permanent Executive Secretariat Conference of American Armies Volume III (Jun 18) (Public).pdf
18-37_The Army Combat Fitness Test Handbook (Sep 18) (Public).pdf
Advising at the Ministerial Level in Afghanistan (Sep 18) (Public).pdf
AH-64E Systems Integration, Lessons Learned in Support of 32 CR CALFEX AAR (Aug 18) (Public).PDF
Army Logistics-Over-the-Shore Nautical Horizon 18 (Oct 18) (Public).pdf
BEB Role at the JRTC (Jan 18) (Public).pdf
Building Confidence and Trust in Leaders (Feb 18) (Public).pdf
Camouflage in Medical Operations (Aug 18) (Public).pdf
Challenges of Providing Relevant Advisor Training (Jan 18) (Public).pdf
Class VIII Blood Supply Support to Current Operation for Medical Planners (Aug 18) (Public).pdf
Considerations for Multi-Domain Operation Success (Sep 18) (Public).pdf
Counter Illicit Trafficking Training in Tanzania (Oct 18) (Public).pdf
Deploying a Supply Support Activity to an Immature Operational Area (Apr 18) (Public).pdf
Enabling Capacity Building through English Discussion Groups (Nov 18) (Public).pdf
Filling Operational Capability Gaps in Theater (Sep 18) (Public).pdf
Fixing Your Communications (RSOI) (Jan 18) (Public).pdf
GTA 07-71-001 Combat Skills for Small Unit Leaders (Apr 18) (Public).pdf
Human Resources Ops Branch (Mar 18) (Public).pdf
Hurricane Maria Relief Operations (Jan 18) (Public).pdf
Id Solutions to Complex Problems - How Bright Spots May Change the Army (Jan 18) (Public).pdf
Insights from MG White CG 1AD and CJFLCC-OIR (May 18) (Public).PDF
Intro to GIS (Apr 18) (Public).pdf
KM at Company and BN (Jan 18) (Public).pdf
Lessons We Don't Learn (Aug 18) (Public).pdf
Leveraging Information at the BDE Level (Oct 18) (Public).pdf
Leveraging the Interagency (Jan 18) (Public).pdf
LTG Funk III Corps - CJTF-OIR CG Insights (Mar 18) (Public).pdf
Manning for Ops - Org the BSB for JRTC Rotation (Mar 18) (Public).pdf
Medical Prep and Prevention in the HOA (Apr 18) (Public).pdf
Military Art (Nov 18) (Public).pdf
Multinational Interoperability Tactical-level considerations in Afghanistan (Dec 18) (Public).PDF
OP Spartan Shield 29ID Obs Report (Apr 18) (Public).pdf
Operation Sentinel French Homeland Security Operation (Dec 18) (Public).pdf
PESCAA S-6 Ops (Apr 18) (Public).pdf
Preparing the BEB for the JRTC (Jan 18) (Public).PDF
Questions of MGS Platoon Relationships within SBCT (Aug 18) (Public).pdf
Religious Support Team Actions During MASCAL (Feb 18) (Public).pdf
Response Cell Ops for BDE WFX (Apr 18) (Public).pdf
Saber Guardian 17 ISB Operations (Aug 18) (Public).pdf
Security Cooperation in Iraq - Insights from Brig. Gen. Hinote (Aug 18) (Public).pdf
Senior Advisor Training Building the Ready Bench (May 18) (Public).pdf
Setting the Pacific Theater - Mission Command (Feb 18) (Public).pdf
Setting the Theater in the Pacific (Jan 18) (Public).pdf
Sustainment BDE Staff's Critical Path (Mar 18) (Public).pdf
The Next Arms Race (Aug 18) (Public).pdf
The OPSYNC (Jan 18) (Public).pdf
The Three-Generation Dilemma (Jun 18) (Public).pdf
Theater Army as a CJTF ARCENT in Eager Lion 18 (Aug 18) (Public).pdf
Theater Intelligence Primer (Oct 18) (Public).pdf
17-01_Scouts in Contact, Tactical Vignettes for Cavalry Leaders Handbook (Dec 16) (Public).pdf
17-02_DATE at the JRTC, Volume XIV Newsletter (Dec 16) (Public).pdf
17-03_Theater Security Cooperation The Military Engagement Team Handbook (Jan 17) (Public).pdf
17-13_Tactical Casualty Combat Care Handbook V5 (May 17) (DISTRO A).pdf
17-17_DATE at the JMRC, Volume IV Multinational Interoperability Newsletter (Jun 17) (Public).pdf
17-19_Ten Fundamental Brigade Combat Team Skills Newsletter (Aug 17) (DISTRO A).pdf
17-24U_Mosul Study Group - What the Battle for Mosul Teaches the Force (Sep 17) (Public).pdf
17-28_CTC Trends FY16 Bulletin (Oct 17) (Public).pdf
1 Air Cavalry BDE Deployment to USAREUR AOR ISO Atlantic Resolve (Nov 17) (Public).PDF
1-153 IN Regt. TF Warrior CJTF-HOA PreDeployment Activities (Sep 17) (Public).pdf
Achieving Interoperability in a JIIM Environment (Aug 17) (Public).pdf
AfricanHorizons (Apr 17) (Public).pdf
BCT Army Health System Operations (Aug 17) (Public).pdf
By With and Through Approach - An ASCC Perspective (Oct 17) (Public).pdf
Cavalry Operations at JRTC (Jun 17) (Public).pdf
CJTF-OIR Operations and Targeting Board (Jul 17) (Public).pdf
Combat Engineer Ops as a Service-Based Industry (May 17) (Public).pdf
From FOB artillery to Field Artillery (Jun 17) (Public).pdf
Insights from MG Martin CG 1ID (Oct 17) (Public).pdf
Insights from the Liberation of Musul - Revisiting Counterinsurgency Strategy (Nov 17) (Public).pdf
Intelligence Support to Sustainment (Oct 17) (Public).pdf
Ministerial Advisors (Aug 17) (Public).pdf
Multi-Domain Battle in Pacific Sentry 17-03 (Dec 17) (Public).pdf
OPFOR vs RTU sUAS at the JMRC (Apr 17) (Public).pdf
Refocusing Counterinsurgency (COIN) Centric Fire Support (Sep 17) (Public).pdf
Religious Affairs in the HOA (Sep 17) (Public).pdf
Religious Support Planning in Decisive Action Training Environment (Jun 17) (Public).pdf
Theater Planning Considerations for Displaced Persons in USARPAC AOR (Aug 17) (Public).pdf
Training to Improve Basic Combat Skills (Sep 17) (Public).pdf
U.S. Army Support to the ACOTA Program (Mar 17) (Public).pdf
When Do We ENDEX - Maximizing Home Station Training (Jun 17) (Public).PDF
JRTC 16-04 IIR (Feb 16) (Public).pdf
16-05_101st Airborne Division Operation United Assistance IIR (Nov 15) (Public).pdf
16-08_Decisive Action Training Environment at the JRTC, Volume XI Sustainment (Feb 16) (Public).pdf
16-09_Security Cooperation Lessons and Best Practices Bulletin (Mar 16) (Public).pdf
16-10_ARCENT Transition to CJTF-OIR Lessons and Best Practices (Mar 16) (Public).pdf
16-12_Musicians of Mars II Handbook (Apr 16) (Public).pdf
16-18_Multinational interoperability Reference Guide Handbook (Jul 16) (Public)
16-19_CJTF-HOA Special Study (Jul 16) (Public).pdf
16-20_U.S. Army Medical Contingent to Task Force Forager (Jul 16) (Public).pdf
16-22_Joint Forces Command Operation United Assistance Case Study Handbook (Jul 16) (Public).pdf
16-29_DATE at the JMRC Vol. III Multinational Interoperability (Sep 16) (Public).pdf
16-30_DATE at the NTC Vol IV, Lessons and Best Practices Newsletter (Sep 16) (Public).pdf
15-01_Command Deployment Discipline Handbook (Dec 14) (Public).pdf
15-02_Leaders Guide to Team Building Handbook (Jan 15) (Public).pdf
15-06_MDMP Lessons and Best Practices Handbook (Mar 15) (Public).pdf
15-11_CALL Services Handbook (Jun 15) (Public).pdf
15-12_The Brigade Engineer Battalion - A Leader’s Guide (Jun 15) (Public).pdf
15-14_Combined Joint Task Force Horn of Africa (CJTF-HOA) Observation Report (Aug 15) (Public).pdf
15-15_Unified Action Partners’ Quick Reference Guide Handbook (Sep 15) (Public).pdf
15-16_Operation United Assistance Lessons and Best Practices Bulletin (Sep 15) (Public).pdf
Audiobooks offer an immersive and convenient way to enjoy our publications, allowing you to listen while on the go or during daily activities. Audiobooks bring concepts to life and provide a unique audio experience. Explore our audiobook collection and let the power of storytelling accompany you wherever you are.
23-07 (594), Military Decision-Making Process (MDMP): Organizing and Conducting Planning
23-06, Holistic Health and Fitness (H2F)
18-24, The First 100 Days of Platoon Leadership
22-04, The First 100 Days of Company Leadership
21-14, Building Cohesive Teams
19-18, Commander and Staff Guide to Rehearsals
The Center for Army Lessons Learned (CALL) no longer offers a formal Army Lessons Learned Course (ALLC). Organizations subject to Accreditation Standards will complete the Joint Lessons Learned Program course (P-US1181) on Joint Knowledge Online for a formal certificate. Additionally, organizations will review the Army Lessons Learned Course (ALLC) program of instruction slides to satisfy training and accreditation requirements per AR 11-33, chapters 4 and 5.
BLUF: No change to any TRADOC or CAC CAO Lessons Learned Accreditation requirements. Organization Lesson Managers and JLLIS Administrators must complete the JKO Lessons Learned Training and be appointed in writing by their Commander or Director. (See AR 11-33 and DA Pam 11-33 for training requirements and memorandum format).
Army Regulation 11-33, Army Lessons Learned Program, is the authoritative source for a commander or director to appoint an Organization Lesson Manager (OLM) and Joint Lessons Learned Information System (JLLIS) administrator. Department of the Army Pamphlet 11-33 is the authoritative source on how to establish and maintain a lessons learned program. Commanders or directors will certify their OLM and JLLIS administrator or other lessons learned personnel by appointment memorandum format found in DA Pam 11-33, paragraph B-3.
Army organizations can contact Mr. Steve Humes at or Mr. “Hike” Welling at for assistance with their lessons learned program or registering for the quarterly lessons learned forum.
Request for Information
Information about CALL
Center for Army Lessons Learned
10 Meade Ave. Building 50
Ft. Leavenworth, KS 66027