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U.S. Army South Exercise Southern Vanguard 23 Security Force Assistance in the Western Hemisphere

By Analyst Paul K. (Keith) Warman, Contributor and CPT Micah R. NeidorflerJune 5, 2023

(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

23-794 Security Force Assistance U.S in the Western Hemisphere

The U.S. Army South (USARSOUTH) SOUTHERN VANGUARD series of exercises is built to enhance relationships, promote mutual military readiness, and to increase interoperability between the United States and Western Hemisphere forces.

This annual exercise is a cornerstone for USARSOUTH to establish the foundation for lasting integrated deterrence with select partner nations across the U.S. Southern Command (USSOUTHCOM) area of responsibility (AOR).

This year's rotation was conducted with the Colombian Army at Tolemaida Military Base, Colombia. Although executed at the tactical level, the exercise is proving to have an operational impact at the Army-to-Army level.

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23-794 Security Force Assistance in the Western Hemisphere

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