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Fighting the Enemy, Not the Plan: The Target Refinement Board and Agile Targeting in a Multidomain Environment

By MG Christopher Beck, LTC Rich Farnell, CW5 Abel Almanza and MAJ Chad LorenzSeptember 20, 2023

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23-828_Target Refinement

This article outlines key lessons learned during Warfighter Exercise 23-04 as III Armored Corps (IIIAC) experimented with and ultimately implemented Targeting Refinement Boards (TRBs). Recognized as a best practice by Mission Command Training Program (MCTP) Senior Mentors, the TRB provided the mechanism to recognize changes in the operating environment (OE) and quickly adjust Army and Joint capabilities to improve targeting accuracy. In short, the TRB enabled IIIAC to execute convergence and set conditions for the subordinate division’s success within the 24-hour Joint Air Tasking Order (ATO) cycle.

Through the implementation of the TRB, IIIAC learned to adjust joint fires to create effects during the current operation (CUOP). The TRB mechanism drove timely and efficient updates to target priorities in the Targeting Working Groups (TWGs) and Targeting Decision Boards (TDBs), enhancing the overall effectiveness of the targeting process and ensuring the achievement of IIIAC commander’s objectives. Finally, the TRB enabled IIIAC to prioritize and allocate resources efficiently and timely, enabling sustained battlefield momentum.

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23-828_Target Refinement

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