Meet 'Desert Rogue' Soldier Thacker

By 1st Lt. Manuel Macias,2ABCT Public AffairsSeptember 20, 2012

Marnce Faces Marne Places
(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

FORT STEWART, Ga. - In this week's Marne Faces Marne Places, you will meet a 'Desert Rogue' Soldier, Pfc. Joseph Thacker, who is deployed in Afghanistan with the 1st Battalion, 64th Armor Battalion, 2nd Armor Brigade Combat Team, Third Infantry Division.

As a gunner for the 3rd Platoon, 1/64 Armor Regt., Pfc. Thacker mans the .50 Caliber gun turrets on the armored vehicles and is directly responsible for the safety of the convoy while on mission. Before every mission, his job is to perform a function check to ensure the weapon is working properly. During a mission, his job is to continuously scan the surrounding area to ensure the safety of his fellow Soldiers. Once the mission is complete, he quickly breaks the weapon system down and cleans it, so it is ready for the next mission. When there is free time, Pfc. Thacker will go to the gym or relax by watching action movies or playing the harmonica. He has also been trying to learn Pashtu, the language spoken in the Kandahar region, by asking the interpreters to teach him key words and phrases that he may need while on mission.

He also enjoys working out with free weights and running. He has improved his physical performance since he's been in Afghanistan and is determined to keep improving it. His current personal goal is to run in the New Orleans Mardi Gras Marathon next year.

When asked what he is looking forward to when he returns to the United States, he said he is looking forward to being able to eat fast food again, particularly, Burger King and hanging out with his Family and friends.