The Army Equipping Strategy- Lines of Operation

By G-8 for STAND-TO!January 14, 2010

The Army Equipping Strategy- Three Lines of Operation

What is it'

The Army's Equipping Strategy describes the Army plan to achieve equipment balance across the force while engaged in persistent conflict. The Strategy encompasses three major lines of operation. The first is Army Force Generation Model (ARFORGEN) based equipping: As units move through the Army Force Generation (ARFORGEN) cycle-Reset, Train/Ready, and Available-their mission changes, as do their equipment requirements. The other two lines of operation are Managing Friction and Building Enduring Readiness.

What has the Army done'

ARFORGEN-Based Equipping is the main effort. ARFORGEN divides the process into three phases or force pools: Reset, Train/Ready and Available. What this means is that Soldiers in each force pool have different missions and different equipment requirements. For instance, in Reset, the mission is to restore the equipment and in Train/Ready, a Soldier's mission is to train and get ready to deploy. The missions are different and in turn have different equipment requirements.

The second line of operation addresses Friction. Friction is caused by having a significant percentage of Army equipment unavailable because it is either in transit or in reset. Friction is unavoidable, but it can be minimized and managed. The Army manages Friction by procuring enough equipment to meet ARFORGEN needs and compensating for high usage rates and combat losses, knowing where equipment is at all times, controlling the equipment it has in sets, ensuring equipment accountability, and managing the Reset process and life-cycle management better to improve sustainment and return equipment to Soldiers.

Building Enduring Readiness is the third line of operation. To build enduring readiness, the Army must continually adjust equipping goals and guidance. This allows the Army to bring resources into alignment with ARFORGEN-Based Equipping. To transform the Institutional Army, the Army must focus on management policies and structure. The Army must continuously examine new and existing requirements, review requirements based on unit missions-not just unit design, update old policies and procedures that do not support an ARFORGEN Army, update reporting procedures to provide a more accurate picture of a unit's readiness status-all while maintaining the ability to "surge" forces rapidly when necessary.

Why is this important to the Army'

The Army Equipping Strategy provides an affordable means to ensure Soldiers operating within ARFORGEN have the right equipment amounts, types, and modernization to meet their mission requirements-whether in combat, training for combat, operating as part of the generating force, or conducting homeland defense and Defense Support to Civil Authorities missions.


<a href="" target="_blank"> Army Equipping Strategy</a>

<a href="" target="_blank"> STAND-TO! Edition, Sept. 4, 2009:The Army Equipping Strategy- Equipping an ARFORGEN-Based Army</a>