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1st Armored Division, Fort Bliss hosts first FORSCOM SHARP Program Training and Improvement Forum

By Maj. Jessica Rovero, 1st Armored DivisionMarch 11, 2023

1st Armored Division, Fort Bliss hosted first FORSCOM SHARP Program Training and Improvement Forum
1 / 4 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Bill Mottley, Sexual Harassment/Assault Response Program manager, U.S. Army Forces Command G1, addresses SHARP professionals during the first FORSCOM SHARP Program Training and Improvement Forum March 7, 2023, at the Fort Bliss Centennial Banquet and Conference Center. The SHARP PTIF brought together SHARP professionals from 11 installations to focus on a variety of topics that included refreshing the team’s advocacy skills, dissecting data to enhance case management, leveraging technology to assess compliance and sharing promising practices. (Photo Credit: Staff Sgt. Justin Smith) VIEW ORIGINAL
1st Armored Division, Fort Bliss hosted first FORSCOM SHARP Program Training and Improvement Forum
2 / 4 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Brig. Richard Bell, deputy commanding general of maneuver, 1st Armored Division, delivered opening remarks during the first U.S. Army Forces Command Sexual Harassment/Assault Prevention Program Training and Improvement Forum March 7, 2023, at the Fort Bliss Centennial Banquet and Conference Center. He highlighted the importance of the SHARP program and those who run it.

“This program is unique, and I can say that as someone from outside your Army looking in,” Bell said. “It is working, and it is valued. The proof that people who implement it at all levels, you, are truly remarkable. Consistently you walk the fine balance of empathy and policy, of heart and head, and you work tirelessly to make our working environment better for all of us.” (Photo Credit: Staff Sgt. Justin Smith)
1st Armored Division, Fort Bliss hosted first FORSCOM SHARP Program Training and Improvement Forum
3 / 4 Show Caption + Hide Caption – A Sexual Harassment/Assault Prevention Program professional addresses the team during the first U.S. Army Forces Command SHARP Program Training and Improvement Forum March 7, 2023, at the Fort Bliss Centennial Banquet and Conference Center. The forum brought together SHARP professionals from 11 installations to discuss topics that included refreshing the team’s advocacy skills, dissecting data to enhance case management, leveraging technology to assess compliance and sharing promising practices. (Photo Credit: Staff Sgt. Justin Smith) VIEW ORIGINAL
1st Armored Division, Fort Bliss hosted first FORSCOM SHARP Program Training and Improvement Forum
4 / 4 Show Caption + Hide Caption – U.S. Army Forces Command Sexual Harassment/Assault Response Prevention Program professionals from 11 installations came together at the Fort Bliss Centennial Banquet and Conference Center for the first FORSCOM SHARP Program Training and Improvement Forum March 7-9, 2023. During the forum, they focused on a variety of topics that included refreshing the team’s advocacy skills, dissecting data to enhance case management, leveraging technology to assess compliance and sharing promising practices. (Photo Credit: Staff Sgt. Justin Smith) VIEW ORIGINAL

FORT BLISS, Texas — The 1st Armored Division and Fort Bliss hosted the first U.S. Army Forces Command Sexual Harassment and Assault Prevention Program Training and Improvement Forum March 7-9.

The event, held at the Fort Bliss Centennial Banquet and Conference Center, brought together SHARP professionals from across FORSCOM.

“The 1st Armored Division and Fort Bliss are proud to be the host of the first annual FORSCOM SHARP Program Training and Improvement Forum,” said David Reilly, 1st AD and Fort Bliss SHARP Program manager. “This PTIF was the first opportunity for SHARP professionals across the largest command in the Army to come together and reinforce the need for exceptional victim advocacy. We are here to enable FORSCOM to Lead the fight in the prevention and eradication of sexual harassment and sexual assault across the Army.”

The forum opened with remarks by Brig. Richard Bell, deputy commanding general of maneuver, 1st AD, during which, he highlighted the importance of the SHARP Program and those who run it.

“This program is unique, and I can say that as someone from outside your Army looking in,” Bell said. “It is working, and it is valued. The proof that people who implement it at all levels, you, are truly remarkable. Consistently you walk the fine balance of empathy and policy, of heart and head, and you work tirelessly to make our working environment better for all of us.”

According to Reilly, the SHARP Program is currently undergoing a transformation designed to increase the overall effectiveness of the program and care of victims.

Bill Mottley, the SHARP Program manager, FORSCOM G1, led several of the forum’s discussions over the three days. He highlighted that the mission of the SHARP program is to reduce incidents, increase reporting, and improve Soldier care.

“Taking care of people will help us achieve our mission,” Mottley said. “The SHARP Program Training and Improvement Forum brought professionals together from across FORSCOM’s 11 installations to get back to the basics of taking care of people.”

The forum’s schedule focused on a variety of topics that included refreshing the team’s advocacy skills, dissecting data to enhance case management, leveraging technology to assess compliance and sharing promising practices. Overall, the forum provided an opportunity to strengthen the bonds between the SHARP professionals.

“The PTIF ensures we have the ‘SHARPest’ professionals available to help those hurt by sexual violence,” Mottley said.

At the completion of the forum Reilly felt the team met the desired outcome.

“This forum has reinforced the foundations of our program,” Reilly said. “All attendees contributed best practices from their individual installations, which will be used to develop a stronger SHARP program across the command.”