FORT HOOD, Texas - From 9-13 June, Advisors from 3rd Squadron and 6th Battalion, 3rd SFAB trained together and learned team tactical skills during unit training at Fort Hood, Texas. This training is another way the two units continue to work together to come a more cohesive lethal advising team.
"The whole idea behind this training is that our SFAB teams, not just the Logistics Advisor Teams (LAT) or Combat Advisor Teams, but our combined elements feel comfortable moving tactically and shooting live rounds around each other," said Maj. Richard "Todd" Stanford. "That way if something goes wrong they can take-out any threat and I think we have accomplished that with our training events."
Members of 6th Bn. LATs and C Troop, 3rd Sqdn. CATs conducted integrated training designed to improve their movement out of a key leader engagement meeting with an active security threat. The teams had to successfully exit an unfamiliar building while clearing it of any threats.
"The Soldiers were integrated with our Combat Advisor Teams in a live-fire scenario where they had to be under fire while evaluating and moving casualties appropriately in a safe manner," said Stanford, commander, Troop C, 3rd Sqdn., 3rd SFAB. "The teams worked well together, throughout the whole training process and the 6th Battalion Soldiers have been highly motivated and that motivation is contagious."
The two units worked on the basic tactical movement fundamentals at the shoot-house and then the LATs got familiar working as a team on their own. Then they transferred over to the assault course where they conducted a live-fire execution lane. Conducting the live-fire training helped the logistics Advisors better understand how they could be more effective with their combat Advisor counterparts.
"We are an enabler and we worked together with them to become more tactical and kinetic as a team," said Capt. Sean Screen, Operations Officer, 6th Bn., 3rd SFAB. "It allows us to show our logistics teams how to 'close the gap' as a team."
There was a 4 day train-up to this training event where both units conducted dry-run rehearsals that included everything they would be doing during the week.
"I think one of the unique things about 3rd Squadron is that they recognized they need training in the logistics area and we need training in the tactical areas and because of this training we have built a trusting relationship with them," said Screen. "I think that builds more trust between the two units and it would be great to integrate all tactical focused units with their enablers like this throughout the Army."
This teamwork based training is important for SFABs as they prepare for any future deployments and allows them to complete their advising mission while providing more tactically trained teams who are able to successfully operate securely.
All of 3rd SFABs hard work is paying off as they prepare for their future Joint Readiness Training Center training rotation at Fort Polk, Louisiana.
"Our Advisors have been working very hard for the past 90-plus days, from individual training to collective training, along with our brigade exercises. Our LATs are going to enable the CATs when we deploy. The 1st and 2nd battalions and 3rd squadron will have strong support from our units," said Command Sgt. Maj. Maria Levitre, 6th Bn., 3rd SFAB. "It is excellent training and I have no doubt that our Soldiers will do great things at JRTC and we will be more than ready to deploy anywhere in the world."
For more information and details about joining, visit the SFAB Recruiting and Retention Team website at or contact them at one of the following: Officers (910) 570-5159 and Enlisted (910) 570-9975/5131 or email them at
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