This was not just another year for the Logistics Modernization Program (LMP).
This year, the LMP completed Increment 2, the largest and most comprehensive implementation since LMP's first deployment in 2003. With Full Deployment Decision in March, Full Fielding in May, and declaration of Full Deployment in September, the LMP Product Management Office (PMO) delivered shop floor automation and other mission-critical functionality in support of the Army Materiel Command (AMC) mission. With Increment 2, the LMP user base increased 43 percent to 30,000, and it was delivered on time and on budget, an exceptional accomplishment given its size and scope.
The LMP PMO, in partnership with Communications-Electronics Command and the prime vendor, also executed one of the largest Transition of Services efforts in Army history, becoming the first of the Army Enterprise Resource Planning programs to move sustainment of the system from the prime vendor to the Government. As an added bonus, the team completed the effort in June, three months ahead of schedule.
The LMP PMO delivered these large-scale efforts while maintaining system availability at 99.9 percent, continuing to manage migration of system infrastructure to Defense Information Systems Agency, and working to maximize the use of the LMP Total Package Fielding solution throughout Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics and Technology.
The LMP continues to equip, sustain, integrate, and enable Soldiers -- anytime, anywhere -- and 2016 was an incredible year as the LMP expanded its reach and enhanced its capabilities to support AMC and Army readiness the world over.
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