Pegasus 6 9-11 Message

By U.S. ArmySeptember 11, 2014

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(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

Members of Combined Joint Task Force-1, Troopers and Families of the 1st Cavalry Division and Brave Rifles of the 3rd Cavalry Regiment and Railgunners of the 41st Fires Brigade:

September 11 marks a solemn occasion for our United States of America and all of the nations who lost citizens during the attacks on this country 13 years ago.

Prior to that fateful day in 2001, our military was a peacetime force. Our nation felt secure, and all of us, regardless of our role, lived our lives and worked to enjoy the blessings that our forefathers had worked so hard to create in our country.

Most of us remember where we were on that Tuesday when the first reports of planes hitting the World Trade Center were broadcast on television. Most of us were mesmerized by the continuing reports, first from New York and the World Trade Center, then the Pentagon, and then finally the story of the heroic efforts of ordinary Americans on Flight 93 over Pennsylvania, whose decisive actions and self-sacrifice prevented further bloodshed in our nation's capital. Despite this devastation, we saw the best of America, as neighbors helped each other, people volunteered to serve their country or fellow man in whatever manner they could. This inspiration led many of you to join the military, knowing the risks involved during a time of war, in an effort to protect your country and the freedoms we enjoy every day as Americans.

The 1st Cavalry Division deployed to both Afghanistan and Iraq to support Operations Enduring Freedom, Iraqi Freedom, New Dawn and in time Resolute Support. Our Troopers have represented the very best of what America has to offer, making myriad sacrifices on behalf of liberty and our way of life. This combat service has added to the important legacy of this great Division, and it is an honor that we all share as members of the First Team.

Now, 13 years after that attack on our homeland and our way of life, we see a strong, resilient nation with people willing to fight for freedom and protect the country that has given so much to each and every one of us. That day transformed our military instantly, from one serving and training in a time of peace to one that would be placed in harm's way to defeat the enemies of freedom. We have done a tremendous job, in many locations around the world to reduce the influence of those who attacked us, and will continue to work tirelessly to ensure they cannot attack us and our way of life again.

All of you, regardless of your service, your duty position, or your age, have volunteered to serve your nation during this time of war.

Thank you for all of your contributions, be safe and continue to Live the Legend!