Women's History Month

By Sgt. Ashley BellMarch 12, 2013

Women's History Month
(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

KANDAHAR AIRFIELD, Afghanistan - Major Tamisha R. Norris, Third Infantry Division, is currently serving a tour of duty at Regional Command-South, Kandahar Airfield, Afghanistan, as an information operations (IO) planner. Norris, an Orlando, Fla., native, arrived in theatre in August 2012.

"The last time I deployed to Afghanistan was 2005," said Norris. "During that time I was a signal platoon leader; and the only female in my platoon."

Her previous deployment was in a different region of the country.

"We were assigned to Herat providing secure and unclassified internet and phone services to the Regional Command-West headquarters. This time I am serving in Kandahar supporting Regional Command-South headquarters; and this is my first IO assignment. Additionally, the last time I was in Afghanistan, I was promoted to captain in Kandahar. It is interesting to return to Kandahar as a major."

Her mission during this tour is to plan and synchronize the use of RC-South information-related capabilities to include public affairs, military information support operations, soldier leader engagements, technical operations, human terrain analysis teams, and Atmospheric Program-Afghanistan Teams in support of Combined Joint Task Force-3 and Afghan National Security Forces operations.

"I am honored to serve as a third generation Army officer and represent my country, the Army, and my family in foreign countries," said Norris. "I truly enjoy serving and working with the greatest America has to offer. Additionally, I love to travel and my experiences serving with Coalition Forces is phenomenal."

As we begin to celebrate Women's History Month, which highlights the contributions of women to history, society and culture; Norris had a few words of encouragement for women currently serving their country or those looking to serve.

"To those currently serving, I'm so honored to serve with you and for you. We change military history every day. Your presence ignites change; and your actions and character will determine whether the change will be for the better of the Armed Forces. Serve honorably; live the Army values and maintain a spirit of excellence in everything you do. May God continue to bless you and your family," said Norris.

"To those considering joining the Armed Forces, know that your commitment and dedication to serving others is priceless. The military is an excellent opportunity and rewarding challenge. Your decision will be life-changing; seek mentorship and remember your experiences will result in a better you."

When Norris returns home she said she is looking forward to seeing her soon-to-be born niece/nephew, who will be the first grandchild in her family. She will miss the birth due to the deployment.