First Army Division East Labor Day Safety Message

By U.S. ArmySeptember 1, 2011

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(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

Labor Day weekend marks a time when we, as Americans, take a moment to celebrate the contributions that American workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country. Labor Day is also the unofficial end of summer and the beginning of the new school year. This weekend, many Americans will host one last summer party, leave on one more summer vacation trip, or simply enjoy some well-deserved time away from work.

Division East personnel are encouraged to enjoy this weekend, but safety MUST be a large part of your plans.

We are still losing Soldiers to motorcycle mishaps. We offer mentorship programs across the division. Every motorcycle rider needs to be involved in this program to ensure they know how to ride safely.

For those who aren't motorcycle riders, stay alert when you drive. The roads will be crowded this weekend. Watch out for your fellow motorists, whether they are on four wheels or two.

If your plans involve drinking alcohol, do so responsibly. Designate a driver, call a taxi, or call a friend. But do NOT drive while intoxicated.

Summer is about over and the temperatures aren't as bad as they were in July. That doesn't mean we can rest when it comes to heat-related injuries. If you plan on being outdoors over the weekend, eat right and stay hydrated.

Finally, we need to watch out for our battle buddies. The Department of the Army lost more than 30 military and civilian members in July to suicide. If you think someone has a problem, talk to them. The signs may not always be obvious.

Enjoy the weekend. Reenergize your spirits. Celebrate the holiday, and come back to work safely.