WASHINGTON (October 3, 2017) -- The newest civilian aide to the secretary of the Army (CASA) was invested during a ceremony at Ellington Field Joint Reserve Base in Houston, Texas, on Sept. 30, 2017.
Mr. Anthony J. DeToto, Sr. was selected by acting Secretary of the Army Ryan D. McCarthy to represent Texas (East).
"I am honored and humbled by this appointment," DeToto said. "This is a wonderful opportunity to reaffirm a commitment I made more than 25 years ago to provide a lifetime of service to our nation when graduating from West Point."
CASAs are a vital part of the Army, promoting good relations with the public and advising the secretary about regional issues.
"I am honored to bring Anthony into the CASA program," McCarthy said. "As the percentage of the U.S. population having served in the military has decreased, it becomes more vital to keep our connection to our communities. As a former Army officer and a pillar of the Houston community, Anthony will do great things for our Army family. I can't think of a better person to serve in this area. I thank him for his willingness to step forward to take on this very important position."
Each state, the District of Columbia and the five U.S. territories have one or more CASAs who provide vital Army links to the people whom they serve. CASAs are usually business or civic leaders who possess a keen interest in the welfare of the Army and their communities.
Mr. DeToto commanded two platoons in Germany and a combat-engineer company in Kuwait while serving in the Army in the 1990s. As he transitioned into his post-active-duty military career, he began service as a military academy liaison officer and has assumed advisory roles in veteran-service organizations like the Folded Flag Foundation,1836Veterans.com and Combined Arms. For the past ten years, DeToto has served families as a founding shareholder at Sentinel Trust Company in Houston, Texas, where he resides with his wife Sandy and his sons Joe and Jack.
Each CASA serves a two-year term without compensation, and terms may be extended to a total of 10 years of service. The secretary may recognize a civilian aide as a CASA emeritus after 10 years of distinguished service.
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