3rd Infantry Division remembers fallen on Memorial Day

By Sgt. William BegleyMay 27, 2014

3rd Infantry Division remembers fallen on Memorial Day
(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

SAVANNAH, Ga. - The 3rd Infantry Division command team, band, and color guard were all on hand to support the local Savannah community May 26 during a Memorial Day ceremony held at Bonaventure Cemetery honoring veterans who made the ultimate sacrifice.

Local American Legion Post 184 from Thunderbolt hosted this year's event which featured Maj. Gen. Mike Murray, 3rd ID commanding general, as the keynote speaker.

"I'd like to take a few minutes and recognize our younger generation," said Murray. "I grew up in a family where I was forced to come to these ceremonies when I was young, so it took a few years to understand the importance of Memorial Day. I attribute that to my mother and father making me come to these ceremonies and recognize the contributions of our veterans."

Murray then talked about the history of Memorial Day.

"The Dogface Soldiers of the entire 3rd ID are today represented by the quintet, the color guard, and the 3rd ID firing party ... always proud to participate in community events," said Murray. "Especially ones like this that recognizes the sacrifice of over 1.3 million Americans who have given their lives in defense of this nation."

Also taking part in the ceremony was Command Sgt. Maj. Christopher Gilpin, 3rd ID command sergeant major who laid a wreath at the base of the flagpole honoring the fallen veterans. Gilpin was assisted by veteran of the year Bob Cutler.

Before he concluded, Murray emphasized the need to remember our past.

"I encourage every veteran here today to share your stories with our younger generation," said Murray. "Your legacy is very important to us."