Text section


The Text section is the primary means of adding text to your Page. You can use Text sections to add headings, links, lists, quotes and preformatted text.

Add a Text section

  1. Click on Page from the main menu.
  2. From your Edit Page screen, select a tab in the navigation bar where you want to add your text section. (If you don’t see a navigation bar below your header, you can add navigation or simply add the section to a single page layout.)
  3. Hover over the area on the page where you want to add your section. An Add Section marker will appear, showing you where a new section can be inserted.
  4. Click Add Section to open a dropdown menu.
  5. Select Text in the menu.
  6. In the Text lightbox editor, you can customize several options.
  7. Section Title
    Add an optional title for the section. If this field is left blank, then no title will appear above the section.
    Add Text
    To add text, click Enter text here… and begin typing. Press Enter to create a new paragraph.
    Format Text
    Use your mouse to highlight text. Then, use the icons in the WYSIWYG Text Toolbar to reformat your text. To learn about the text toolbar and your formatting options, visit Formatting Text.
  8. Once you’ve finished setting up your section, click Add to close the lightbox. The new section will appear on your Page.

Tips for adding text

When adding text to your site, follow these best practices:

  • We recommend entering text directly in CORE to avoid formatting issues.
  • If you're pasting text from another source, paste it as plain text. This action removes formatting that can interfere with how your text displays. For preparing text outside of CORE, consider using a plain text editor such as Notepad for Windows or TextEdit for Mac. For more tips, visit Tips for formatting text.
  • Use keyboard shortcuts to quickly formatting text.


Learn how to move and delete a content section.

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