Garrison Workers Sharpen Communication Skills

By Skip Vaughn, Redstone Rocket EditorMay 5, 2008

Final Advice
(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

This was a time to relax, to savor the completion of 20 weeks of training in management communications.

Thirty-two members of the Garrison received graduation certificates April 22 for finishing 20 weeks of instruction in the Model-Netics management program. They were evenly split among the 10th and 11th classes since 2006.

"Basically we have trained pretty much half the Garrison," instructor Kathy Watkins said. She and the other instructor, Donnie George, are senior management consultants in the Garrison's Plans Analysis and Integration Office.

The students met two hours a week for the 20 weeks from October through April.

"To strengthen communication," Watkins said of the training goal. "It creates a common language, management language. And it brings positive cultural change."

Another class is expected to begin in late summer. Garrison workers interested in more information should call Wendy Norris, customer support specialist in the plans analysis and integration office, at 842-9930.

"All of you have displayed just tremendous stick-to-itiveness and I compliment you on that," George told the graduates during their awards luncheon at the Officers and Civilians Club.

Bobby Taylor, a safety specialist in the Garrison Safety Office, was among those receiving a completion certificate.

"I thought it was great," Taylor said of the training. "Things I took from it are probably problem solving, (and) communication skills. I thought it was good. The instructors were fantastic."