Army Secretary addresses Soldiers at AUSA annual meeting

By Dennis Ryan, Fort Meyer PentagramOctober 13, 2006

Army Secretary addresses Soldiers at AUSA annual meeting
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Army Secretary addresses Soldiers at AUSA annual meeting
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WASHINGTON (Army News Service, Oct. 11, 2006) - Soldiers' minds, hearts, characters and sense of purpose must all be strong, Secretary of the Army Francis J. Harvey said Monday at the Association of the U.S. Army annual meeting as a video of Soldiers training and fighting played in the background.

"Soldiers must be strong for themselves," the secretary said. "There is only one place to find this strength. You are Army strong."

The new advertising campaign slogan will replace "the Army of One" Nov. 11. The "Army Strong" campaign is part of the secretary's efforts to sustain the all-volunteer force against tough competition form the other services and colleges.

The theme of this year's AUSA meeting is "Boots of the Ground" and the 19th secretary of the Army told a large crowd at the Washington Convention Center how his service has boots on the ground in 70 countries.

The speech was also a chance for Harvey to update active-duty Soldiers and retirees on the state of Army transformation. He told how the Army has transformed during active combat from a cold-war, division-heavy organization to 35 modular brigades.

Harvey said terrorist attacks on the United States date back to the Beirut bombings in 1983 - not just to 9/11.

"We are indeed fighting a long war," he said. "It is a war we must win. It is an asymmetric war."

The Army must be "ready and relevant" for warfare in the 21st century, Harvey said. The brigade based modular force will become the future combat system.

A video portrayed a unit using sensors and unmanned vehicles and devices. A Soldier was shown throwing a small surveillance robot through a window, while little drone helicopters scanned the area outside the building under attack for threats. The robot righted itself and proceeded up stairs to scout for enemy activity. This information was instantly relayed to the attack force waiting outside the building. When the enemy was identified the assault force stormed the building.

A small group of Soldiers were able to defeat a much larger enemy force by using real time intelligence to coordinate artillery and air attacks.

Such high tech systems will require "first-class Soldiers and leaders" able to engage in "full-spectrum warfare," Harvey said. Soldiers and civilians who support the warfighter will also have to be of similar quality.

Harvey also touted the Lean Six Sigma business-management tool as an example of transformation in the Army's business culture. LSS are ensuring efficient use of resources and improving Soldiers' equipment.