Report on easements related to coastal storm risk management projects

By Lauren LeuckMay 17, 2024

The Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works released a memorandum to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers this week which contains the Report to Congress on Easements Related to Water Resources Development Projects as required by Section 8235 of the Water Resources Development Act of 2022. The Report includes a review of the existing statutory, regulatory, and policy requirements and procedures related to the use of easements provided by non-Federal interests/sponsors in relation to the construction of flood risk management, hurricane and storm damage risk reduction (HSDRR) also known as Coastal Storm Risk Management, and ecosystem restoration projects. The data that USACE Districts provided for the Report generally confirmed the consistent use of the Perpetual Beach Storm Damage Reduction Easement standard estates for HSDRR projects, except for anomalies found within the State of Florida. More information can be found here.