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FY 21.2 Mission Command Training in Large-Scale Combat Operations Mission Command Training Program (MCTP) Key Observations

By Center for Army Lessons LearnedJanuary 6, 2022

(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL


Since 1987, the Mission Command Training Program (MCTP) has provided world-class collective training opportunities for U.S. Army corps, divisions, Service component commands, and functional/multifunctional brigades across the operating force. For the past six years, MCTP has focused on preparing Army forces to fight and win during large-scale combat operations (LSCO) against a freethinking, peer-threat opposing force.

The remainder of fiscal year 2021 (FY21) challenged Army leaders to train in a COVID-19 restrictive environment. In the latter half of FY2l, MCTP oversaw the execution of three more warfighter exercises. One of these included Warfighter Exercise 21-4, which was the largest multinational interoperability exercise in the history of MCTP. Warfighter Exercise 21-4 challenged interoperability systems, as the mission-partnered environment supported a U.S. Army corps, Army divisions, and North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) partners from the 3rd United Kingdom and 3rd French Army divisions.

The information in this publication is a snapshot of MCTP observations from Army training in a LSCO environment. These observations were written by a collaborative group of experienced officers, noncommissioned officers, and chief warrant officers working in conjunction with highly qualified expert senior mentors (HQE-SMs). MCTP would like to express an Army-wide appreciation to the following HQE-SMs who continue to drive change and develop leaders by sharing their experiences and insights: LTG (R) Jeffrey Buchanan, LTG (R) Claude Christianson, LTG (R) David Hogg, LTG (R) Michael Lundy, LTG (R) John Thomson, LTG (R) Michael Tucker, LTG (R) David Valcourt, LTG (R) Gary Volesky, MG (R) Jeffery Colt, MG (R) Edward Dorman, MG (R) John Gronski, MG (R) Richard Longo, MG (R) Robert Walters, MG (R) Scott Zobrist, BG (R) Paul Laughlin, BG (R) Douglas McBride, BG (R) Mark Odom, BG (R) Burdett Thompson, BG (R) William Turner, and BG (R) Louis Weber.

In an effort to increase accessibility of observations and best practices, MCTP will continue to publish MCTP observations in cargo, pocket-sized books for easier reference. As always, this publication is intended to better prepare Army formations with enhanced training proficiency to fight and decisively win during LSCO. Winning Matters!

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