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One System Remote Video Terminal (OSRVT)

By PEO AviationSeptember 25, 2020

(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

The One System Remote Video Terminal (OSRVT) system is a self-contained tablet, transceiver, and antenna that provides the Soldier in the field with full motion video and situational awareness gained through the use of telemetry data received from multiple manned and unmanned platforms. These platforms include Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) such as: the Gray Eagle, Shadow, Raven, Puma, Predator, and Reaper, and manned platforms including Apache, Fixed Wing, and Litening/Sniper Pods. The OSRVT combines real-time payload imagery and metadata to provide the user with instant geographical relationships to points of interest within the area of operation.

OSRVT provides troops-on-the-ground with moving maps with military symbology, real-time full-motion video with 10+ hours of video recording capability and revolutionary expeditionary improvements, including the ability to directly control the payload of Gray Eagle and Shadow UAS. It uses Type I Encryption/Advanced Encryption Standard and includes the ability to gather picture files with embedded metadata. The OSRVT features a Mobile Directional Antenna System, which is a Tri-Band extended range antenna with a range of up to 50km. The team has fielded more than 3,242 OSRVT systems to date.

Download the One System Remote Video Terminal (OSRVT) Fact Sheet [PDF - 601 KB]