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Advising at the Point of Need

By Maj. Jonathan Camire, 2nd Security Force Assistance BrigadeOctober 29, 2019

Advising at the Point of Need
1 / 4 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Command Sgt. Maj. Jamal Zamari with 1st Brigade, 1/111st Capital Division, Afghan National Army (center), and 1st Sgt. Christian Panquerne (left) with 1st Company, Task Force 250, 2nd Security Force Assistance Brigade, discuss the importance of resou... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL
Advising at the Point of Need
2 / 4 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Advisors of Team 2211, 2nd Security Force Assistance Brigade, conducting medical training during a training scenario in New Kabul Compound, Kabul, Afghanistan, Sept. 16, 2019. The Advisors conduct weekly training scenarios to ensure all members of th... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL
Advising at the Point of Need
3 / 4 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Advisors of Team 2211, 2nd Security Force Assistance Brigade conducting medical training during a training scenario in New Kabul Compound, Kabul, Afghanistan, Sept. 16, 2019. The Advisors conduct weekly training scenarios to ensure all members of the... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL
Advising at the Point of Need
4 / 4 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Command Sgt. Maj. Jamal Zamari with 1st Brigade, 1/111st Capital Division, Afghan National Army, and 1st Sgt. Christian Panquerne with 1st Company, Task Force 250, 2nd Security Force Assistance Brigade, observe Advisors of Team 2211 as they conduct m... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

KABUL, Afghanistan -- On Sept. 16, at New Kabul Compound (NKC), Advisors from 2nd Security Force Assistance Brigade attached to Task Force 250, 2nd SFAB, conducted a training exercise with their Afghan security force partners.

The training exercise consisted of a full dress rehearsal of Advisor Teams' standard operating procedures (SOPs) and tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) for reacting to an insider attack.

"The goal of the training was to build a situation that allowed teams to rehearse TTPs and SOPs for their specific positions on the team," said Capt. Loren Wampler, Team Leader with Team 2113, 2nd Security Force Assistance Brigade, who developed the training scenario.

The training evaluated the Advisor Team's ability to secure the area, establish a strong defensive area, treat a casualty, send a situation report (SITREP), and send a 9-line Medical Evacuation (MEDEVAC) request. External evaluators observed the Advisors throughout the scenarios and shared successful TTPs in order to better refine best practices.

"We have to be prepared for anything to happen at any time," said Sgt. Arianna Nie, Logistics Advisor for Team 2211, 2nd Security Force Assistance Brigade. "These training scenarios allow evaluators to identify vulnerabilities within our Advisor Teams and make adjustments to our TTPs."

Sgt. Nie advises an Afghan National Army (ANA) Supply Commander and the Afghan National Police (ANP) stationed at Kabul City Gate 8. Sgt. Nie has conducted approximately 45 advising missions focused on improving the ANA and ANP supply systems.

During Team 2211's training scenario, Advisors cleared rooms and provided simulated treatment to wounded Soldiers.

"Everyone on the team must understand everyone else's role," said Capt. Jonathan Flancher, Team Leader for Team 2211, 2nd Security Force Assistance Brigade. "We've focused on skill level one training across the different specialties, paying particular attention to medical and evacuation training."

Training scenarios have included evacuating injured Advisors through stairwells into an armored vehicle for evacuation and close quarters training involving target engagements with Ultimate Training Munitions (UTM) rounds, stated Staff Sgt. Daniel Palma, Medical Advisor for Team 2211, 2nd Security Force Assistance Brigade. UTM rounds are plastic projectiles designed to provide realistic training to Soldiers without risk of causing injuries.

ANA Command Sgt. Maj. Jamal Zamari, of 1st Brigade, 1/111 Capital Division, observed the Advisors' training.

1st Sgt. Christian M. Panquerne, Company First Sergeant for 1st Co., Task Force 250, 2nd SFAB explained "One of ANA Command Sgt. Maj. Zamari's top priorities for his brigade is training." 1st Sgt. Panquerne, Command Sgt. Maj. Zamri's Advisor for the past six months, continued "This event allowed Command Sgt. Maj. Zamari to observe our training to reinforce our discussions on properly resourcing, planning, and executing training with an emphasis on medical aid and After Action Reviews."

Task Force 250 Advisors have executed multiple advisory missions to train the ANA Soldiers at the 1st Brigade, 1/111th Capital Division, ANA headquarters, stated Panquerne.

Advisors of Task Force 250 will continue to Advise, Assist, Support, and Liaise with their foreign security force partners until their redeployment this winter at which point 3rd SFAB will carry the torch and continue to support their foreign security force partners.