2nd Signal gets new leadership

By Erin Gavle, U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden Public AffairsJuly 8, 2016

2nd Signal gets new leadership
(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

WIESBADEN, Germany - "It seems like I just stood up here and said 'This is awesome.'" Col. Ed F. Buck Jr. said from the podium set up on the basketball court of the Wiesbaden Fitness Center. "And here I am, 24 months later, and I can still say 'This. Is. Awesome.'"

Buck is referring to his time leading the 2nd Signal Brigade, which came to an official end in a Change of Command ceremony on June 30th, when command of the brigade was assumed by Col. C. Jeff Worthington.

According to Buck, 2nd Signal, known as the "Brigade of Excellence," is the best brigade in the U.S. Army to command. He joked that he was jealous that someone else was taking over, but told Worthington, "You are the right guy, with the right skill set at the right time," and he looks forward to seeing what Worthington will do in the future.

In addition to major 2nd Signal accomplishments, like running a successful exercise with British allies and passing every major inspection, Buck noted how invaluable the small things all signal brigades do are to the Army community. He explained that every VTC, call and email sent and received by soldiers was possible because in 2nd Signal, "We make it happen."

According to Col. Jimmy L. Hall Jr., the 5th Signal Command Commander, and the ceremony's Officiating Officer, the event was a tribute to Buck's time well spent in command. "You're leaving 2nd Signal better than you found it. You've been a [key player] in accomplishing General Hodges' vision of a Strong Europe."

To Worthington, Hall extended a warm greeting. "Welcome to our Signal family. We offer you our hands and our hearts," he said. "I guarantee your role will not be insignificant."

As the new commander, Worthington expressed his gratitude for Buck's prior leadership. "Thank you for leaving the brigade in such good shape. I look forward to working with them in the next few years."

He assured 2nd Signal that he was prepared to lead them in the right direction. "I am here to serve you, your families and those we support."