402nd AFSB plays pivotal role in equipping Iraqi security forces

By Mr. Gayland Putnam (AMC)August 20, 2010

ROC drill paves way to the future in Iraq
Maj. Darcy Schnack, support operations officer, 2nd Battalion, 402nd Army Field Support Brigade, briefs the battalion's mission during the United States Equipment Transfer to Iraq rehearsal of concept drill hosted July 8 by the 402nd at Taji National... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

TAJI NATIONAL MAINTAINENCE DEPOT, Iraq - More than 50 personnel from 10 organizations gathered here July 8 for a United States Equipment Transfer to Iraq (USETTI) rehearsal of concept drill hosted by the 402nd Army Field Support Brigade.

The ROC drill, also beamed to remote locations via video-conferencing, was conducted to discuss equipment transfer processes and streamline coordination among the many key players involved in the USETTI mission.

An element of Army Sustainment Command, the 402nd AFSB synchronizes all facets of the Materiel Enterprise while delivering effective logistics solutions.

United States Forces - Iraq directs the USETTI Program within the Iraq Theater of Operations by transferring equipment deemed excess Defense articles to the Government of Iraq in order to facilitate the Responsible Drawdown of Forces, while enabling the Iraqi security forces to reach their minimum essential capability.

The USETTI Program concept of operations was briefed by Josh Mater, deputy plans officer, 402nd AFSB. Other topics included the transfer of non-expendable equipment as well as expendable/durable items, and sister-service coordination.

Also discussed were equipment transfer authorities such as Foreign Excess Personal Property; Section 516 of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961; and Section 1234 of the National Defense Acquisition Act.

"The USETTI mission is truly unique because it involves so many entities like the Department of State, the DoD, USF-I, and others. That's why coordination is so important," Mater said. "The purpose and emphasis of today's meeting was to go over the equipment transfer and accountability processes for each type of equipment that is going to be transferred to the Government of Iraq. We also wanted to ensure that everyone involved understands the salient details that go into each one of these processes."

Mater went on to explain the 402nd AFSB's role in the USETTI mission.

"The 402nd is really the nexus for this entire mission," he said. "Regardless of where the equipment is originating from, virtually all of it touches our operations here at some point."

Building 500, operated by 2nd Battalion, 402nd AFSB, at Taji National Maintenance Depot, is the focal point of the USETTI operation. It is here that vehicles and other equipment such as computers and military gear are processed for turnover to the Government of Iraq. More than 52,000 pieces of rolling and non-rolling stock will be handled by the facility in support of the USETTI mission.

A huge undertaking with international implications, USETTI reaches from the highest-levels of government, right down into the weeds.

"I am responsible for the external operations of the battalion," said Maj. Darcy Schnack, support operations officer, 2nd Battalion, 402nd AFSB. "There is an aspect of USETTI that concentrates on internal operations, and involves our S3 (Plans and Operations), and the 2nd Battalion Theater Property Book handles the accountability aspect. As the support operations officer, I kind of roll it all up. There is a lot of involvement from many players from 2nd Battalion."

According to Schnack, the ROC Drill was a valuable forum.

"We've had many meetings, and the mission has really grown," she said. "We're now getting to execution phase, so it was useful bringing all of the players together today to lay-out the common operation picture of how we'll do business. Of course, there are still areas we need to resolve, but this provided the opportunity to bring them to light and discuss the way ahead. It is important for us to help the Iraqis improve their operating capabilities, and that is why we this ROC drill was held."

Mater summed-up the event on a positive note.

"We're making good progress. These organizations are really coming together. Overall it was a very productive session."