Fort Bragg Transportation Division wins Deployment Excellence Award

By Sharilyn Wells/ParaglideJuly 16, 2010

FORT BRAGG, N.C. - Fort Bragg's garrison commander, Col. Stephen Sicinski was all smiles after being presented the Deployment Excellence Award by the Directorate of Logistics, Transportation Division, Friday. Even though the division only won runner up, Sicinski and Gerald Jensen, chief of Unit Movement Branch, are confident enough transportation can win this year.

"What you guys did for Haiti this year alone, is enough to show that you guys deserve the number one award," Sicinski said. "You guys are very impressive as a group of professionals."

To be eligible for competition, Jensen compiled the Transportation Division's numerous accomplishments, to include deploying 42,300 personnel and moving thousands of pieces of equipment by rail, airplane, truck. He also compiled standard operating procedures and plans that provided a picture of Fort Bragg's deployment capabilities showing the complex operations, innovation and future planning of the Transportation Division.

"Winning the DEA reflects on our ability to take care of the need of our Soldiers and equipment," added Jensen.

With this award to prove their success, the Transportation Division isn't just sitting back. The team members agree that they need to sustain and need to improve on what achievements that have been set.

"I fully expect to be number one this year and maybe the next year because you guys can deliver the goods," Sicinski said confidently.