AMC Winter Holiday Safety Message

By U.S. ArmyDecember 16, 2015

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(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

The winter holiday season, with all its wonderful sights, sounds, and family gatherings, has arrived. As you prepare to enjoy cherished moments with your friends and family, I ask each of you to keep SAFETY in all of your plans.

Throughout December and during the winter months, we are busy with holiday shopping, traveling to visit friends and family, and attending holiday gatherings. Each of these activities shares a common risk--they all involve travel. Although we routinely accept travel risks as a part of everyday life, the risks can become high during holiday activities. Roadways are usually more congested and they may be icy or wet, so expect delays and plan your trips accordingly as this will reduce unnecessary stress. Prepare an emergency kit to help you in the event of inclement weather. Start your trip well rested, and plan to take periodic breaks if traveling long distances. Check the weather to see if snow chains are needed during your travel. Drive sensibly, yet defensively. Use your seat belts and insist your passengers use them.

Drinking and driving can be a very serious problem during the holidays. If your holiday plans include indulging in alcoholic beverages, designate a safe driver or arrange an alternate safe means of transportation PRIOR to drinking.

Practice safety as you decorate for the holidays. Fires caused by strings of lights, frayed cords, and candles can be prevented. Follow the manufacturer's instructions on the use of holiday lights and extension cords. Practice ladder safety such as; inspect your ladder before use and always maintain a 3-points (two hands and a foot, or two feet and a hand) contact with the ladder. Don't leave burning candles unattended -- ever -- and be attentive to wood-burning fireplaces, space heaters, and stoves.

Be proactive for slips and trips on ice. Winter brings colder weather and ice may form on your doorways, driveways, and sidewalks near your home. Having salt available to place on your walkway and taking smaller steps can help reduce the chances of a fall and injury.

Most important, please enjoy this holiday season and special time of year. My family and I wish you and your family a SAFE and delightful winter holiday season, and all the very best in the New Year! AMC SAFE IS ARMY STRONG!


General, USA
