About DAMO-SO:

Mission. The Strategic Operations Directorate serves as the HQDA G-3-5/7 lead for operationalizing Information Advantage by synchronizing and integrating Multi-Domain Operations (MDO) to the Warfighter through prioritized resourcing, innovative planning, and forward-thinking governance, enabling Decision Dominance at speed and scale in competition and conflict.

Led by Director BG Jake Kwon, Senior Advisor Cyber and Strategic Operations Samantha Rodrigues, and Sergeant Major Russell Blackwell, DAMO-SO is organized into 6 divisions focused on Information Operations, Cyber/Electromagnetic Warfare, Space, Mission Command, Enterprise Systems and Resourcing.

Vision. DAMO-SO champions Warfighter transformation for the Army, delivering fully integrated Army Decision Dominance from Space to Squad in competition and conflict in a converged Combined and Joint All Domain Operating Environment.

  • BG Jake S. Kwon
    Director, DAMO-SO
    BG Jake S. Kwon
  • Vacant
    Deputy Director, DAMO-SO
  • Dr. Samantha A. Rodrigues
    Senior Advisor Cyber & Strategic Operations
    Dr. Samantha A. Rodrigues
  • SGM Scott Slater
    Senior Enlisted Advisor
    SGM Scott Slater


  • Mission: DAMO-SOI serves as the primary advisor to the HQDA G-3/5/7 and is the Army Staff (ARSTAF) lead for implementation, resourcing, policy integration, and governance of Information Advantage (IA) including, Information Operations (IO), Publicly Available Information (PAI), Operations Security (OPSEC), Deception Activities, and Mis/Dis-Information (M/D). Sets conditions for the MDO Capable Army 2030 and the MDO Ready Army 2040 in support of Joint Operations and provides support to HQDA G-3/5/7 COOP and crisis action events as required.​

    DIV Chief: COL Derek Schmeck

  • Mission: DAMO-SOC serves as the lead DCS G-3/5/7 integrator and ARSTAF proponent for cyberspace operations and electromagnetic warfare, setting conditions for an MDO Capable Army in 2028 in order to inform an MDO-Ready Army 2035 as part of a Joint Force.

    DIV Chief: COL Mike DeRosier

  • Mission: DAMO-SOS is responsible for coordinating Department of the Army activities that support and implement the Defense Space Strategy, National Strategy for Space, and Space Policy Directives 2-7. Develops, integrates, and articulates Space policies, strategies, plans, concepts and capability analysis. Leads Army participation in National Security Space Enterprise events and decision support processes. ​

    DIV Chief: COL Pete Atkinson

  • Mission: DAMO-SOM (MCSE) prioritizes, synchronizes, and integrates Army-wide command and control strategies, plans, architectures, and capabilities.

    DIV Chief: COL Osvaldo Ortiz

  • Mission: DAMO-SOE modernizes business systems and synchronizes Architecture and Data ISO of the Army’s Deploy to Redeploy and Retrograde of Materiel (D2RR) activities through Business Processes Re-engineering to enable senior leader decision making and transition the United States Army from the Industrial Age to the Information/ Cognitive era; ISO Information Advantage and Warfighting Transformation. ​

    DIV Chief: Ms. Lori Mongold

  • Mission: DAMO-SOR serves as DAMO-SO’s focal point for synchronizing all phases of Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Execution for the Directorate. SOR is the G-3/5/7’s manager of the Network Portfolio; providing strategic oversight of future year resources in Information Technology, Cyber, Network Operations/ Infrastructure and Electronic Warfare to ensure Army forces are resourced and trained to deploy and fight in a multi-domain information environment on a unified network.​

    DIV Chief: Mr. Stephen Molseed