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Community reflects on Cavazos Connector

By Darren Cinatl, Fort Cavazos Public AffairsMarch 14, 2024

Staff gets into the Cavazos Connector during the ribbon cutting ceremony March 2. (U.S. Army photo by Darren Cinatl, Fort Cavazos Public Affairs)
Staff gets into the Cavazos Connector during the ribbon cutting ceremony March 2. (U.S. Army photo by Darren Cinatl, Fort Cavazos Public Affairs) (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

FORT CAVAZOS, Texas — It has been nearly two weeks since the launch of the Cavazos Connector on March 2 here. The fare-free service became fully operational after the formal ribbon cutting ceremony, employing a 28-stop circulator route and a door-to-door micro-transit service made up of five zones.

Riders from across the community have been giving vital feedback to the Hill Country Transit District and Fort Cavazos leadership to ensure that the program continues to adapt and best serve the Department of Defense ID card holders it provides services to.

When asked about how the program has impacted those who have used it since the launch, many Cavazos Connector riders focused on the service’s ability to provide flexibility and convenience to them and their families.

“It is extremely vital to me, given my family only has one vehicle in our household,” said Pfc. Jeremiah Davenport, 1st Cavalry Division Sustainment Brigade. “I hope other bases adopt a similar program as this really helps both single Soldiers and those who have families in a situation like mine.”

The Cavazos Connector's newest shuttle prominently displays the new Cavazos Connector graphic before the ribbon cutting ceremony March 2. (U.S. Army photo by Darren Cinatl, Fort Cavazos Public Affairs)
The Cavazos Connector's newest shuttle prominently displays the new Cavazos Connector graphic before the ribbon cutting ceremony March 2. (U.S. Army photo by Darren Cinatl, Fort Cavazos Public Affairs) (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

The micro-transit system consists of five zones which function similarly to popular rideshare applications and allows for riders to be picked up within their housing areas or from their barracks. This service will then transfer the rider to the circulator route to give fast and convenient access to key points of interest on Fort Cavazos or bring them to their destination in a micro-transit zone. These two systems combined put ease of access and timely connections at the fingertips of those who call the Great Place home. Users can get real time updates via the program’s application or a call the dispatch center to book their travel.

The Fort Cavazos Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers program had many of its members ride the service to get their feedback on what it means for the community.

“The Cavazos Connector is such a unique system for Soldiers. I’ve ridden the Cavazos Connector to and from BOSS meetings and events,” said Spc. Ethan Spaniel, 2nd Battalion, 12th Cavalry Regiment. “I’m really saving money on fuel with the free transportation that’s now provided on post.”

Staff of the Hill Country Transit District celebrate the Cavazos Connector grand opening on March 2. (U.S. Army photo by Darren Cinatl, Fort Cavazos Public Affairs)
Staff of the Hill Country Transit District celebrate the Cavazos Connector grand opening on March 2. (U.S. Army photo by Darren Cinatl, Fort Cavazos Public Affairs) (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

The Cavazos Connector will continue to have additions to the program and new developments to better connect Fort Cavazos to the surrounding communities of Killeen, Belton, Copperas Cove, Harker Heights and Temple.

For the most updated information on the program, follow Fort Cavazos Garrison social media and visit the Fort Cavazos webpage at