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403rd Army Field Support Brigade Personality Spotlight: Maino Nakasone – Logistics Readiness Center-Okinawa

By 403rd AFSB Public AffairsMay 22, 2023

403rd Army Field Support Brigade Personality Spotlight: Maino Nakasone – Logistics Readiness Center-Okinawa
Maino Nakasone, Logistics Readiness Center-Okinawa (Photo Credit: Courtesy photo) VIEW ORIGINAL

Maino Nakasone, Cargo Shipment Clerk, works at the Transportation Division's Cargo Shipment/Army Air Clearance Authority (AACA) as a liaison with the 733rd Air Mobility Squadron, Kadena Air Base, Japan, and is responsible for reviewing and validating all outbound Army cargo requests, as the AACA determines what cargo needs to be expedited through the Defense Transportation System. Nakasone continually balances customer service and efficiency with saving Army funds.


Okinawa, Japan

How long have you been working for the U.S. Army:

I have worked for the U.S. Army for 5 years and 9 months.

What other positions have you held with the U.S. Military:

I served as a Household Goods Shipment Inspector for 403rd AFSB, Transportation Division, LRC-Okinawa for 3 years.

How long have you been in this position?

It's been 2 years and 9 months.

Tell us about your job and what you do:

As the Cargo Shipment Clerk in my current role, I serve as the sole point of contact for U.S. Army shippers on Okinawa and the Kadena AMC Airlift Terminal. I make sure that clients' documentation required for movement and cargo are properly marked and labeled for shipping. Being in this position allows me to ensure that the Air Force can clearly see any Army cargo that needs to be airlifted. There could be a shipping delay when assets arrive at an aerial port but are not authorized for airlift due to not being cleared prior to arrival.

What other duties are you responsible for?

Other duties entail tracking or tracing cargo shipments; researching data/records using the appropriate computer system(s) to track the location and to find any additional information that may be requested by the customer(s). Other responsibilities are reviewing air cargo manifests, reviewing/validating cargo documentation, reporting cargo traffic analysis and monitoring bills of lading for pick-up and onward movement of cargo by the AMC terminal for Army consignees, to include airlift of personal property shipments arriving or departing Okinawa, Japan

What are some of your accomplishments while at LRC-Okinawa?

During my time, I have been able to accomplish and receive a certificate of completion for attending the Hazardous Material Familiarization/Safety in Transportation Course online. Learning about general awareness/familiarization and safety requirements for HAZMAT is very important within my position in regards to the movement of hazardous cargo.

Another accomplishment was being able to be a part of assisting coordination for pick-up and drop-off of cargo by appointments with the AMC Cargo Terminal. Having appointments means less congestion in the warehouse terminal which makes for a safer work environment. Every effort is made to meet customers’ requests as quickly and as much as possible without delaying Army cargo from movement and I will continue to do my best to provide quality customer service.

What is the best thing about working at LRC-Okinawa?

For me the best part about working at LRC-Okinawa is undoubtedly the people. Where I work I’m surrounded by experts in all categories - active duty personnel from all sister services, U.S. civilians, and local national employees who are willing to help each other and work towards achieving the 403rd AFSB’s common goal of Maintaining the Warrior!

What do you like to do in your free time?

In my free time, I enjoy exploring Okinawa and traveling to different places.

Do you have a special skill or talent you would like to share (what is something people might not know about you)?

I enjoy sampling international cuisine and taking walking food tours. I enjoy sleeping a lot as well.